How to Prevent and Treat Razor Burn on Neck

It is more common for men to suffer from razor because of their sensitive faces being shaved.It is most common for women too, especially in their bikini region or under arms. That irritated rash that is sometimes accompanied by bumps can cause you much irritation and needs to be treated.

Mostly razor burn is caused by improper shaving and results in a bit of sensitivity to a mild rash to painful bumps.  Since prevention is batter then cure, here are some tips that make you check.

Preventing Razor Bumps

  • Take a hot bath prior to shaving.
  • Massage with shaving gel on the affected area of your face.
  • Run the razor with the grain of your beard.
  • Use light strokes as you shave your beard.
  • Subsequently, rinse all the gel from your face after shaving, and apply a moisturizing after shave.

How to Prevent Razor Burn on Neck?

How to Prevent and Treat Razor Burn on Neck

1 Start With A Clean Razor

Obviously, you don’t shave with a corroded razor. And surely start with clean skin. Above that you shouldn’t keep your razor in the shower; the humidity breeds rust and in turn attracts  bacteria. You should try to replace your razor as often as possible, ensuring that it glides across your skin evenly. Also, keeping your razor clean helps to make it last longer. Rinse it with hot water after every shave.

2 Shave With The Grain

Throughout my life I thought I was hypothetical to shave in the opposite direction of hair growth. I don’t know who started this rumor, but it just makes the most sense, doesn’t it? Well, in order to prevent razor burn, you’re going to have to suppress your instincts & shave with the grain. Even though it will help you achieve the closest shave, shaving against the grain causes irritation.

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3 Use A Shaving Gel

While it’s easy to reach for the adjacent bar of soap or just shave with simple water like you don’t have a care in the world, it’s not advisable. Using a moisturizing shaving gel/foam or even shaving oil is the way to go. Not only does it feel better, it really does help prevent razor burn.

4 Avoid Shaving Too Efficiently

The enticement to shave & shave & shave over an area is sometimes overwhelming. As with shaving against the grain, it just seems more efficient. Try to keep the strokes to a minimum, which should be easy enough to accomplish if your razor is sharp. Also avoid pressing the razor too hard into your skin.

5 Use Hot And Cold Water

Take a bath with hot water before shaving your leg hair. After completion of shaving, rinse the shaved area with cold water to prevent razor burn. The cold water ensures that your skin is pleasant and tight & prevents any ingrown hairs from forming. It also rules out any bumps that are caused by heat.

How to Treat Razor Burn on Neck?

1 Don’t Irritate The Area

It’s pretty obvious that you shouldn’t apply any irritating products on your freshly shaved skin. Have you ever put perfume or deodorant on right after shaving? To avoid such kinds of products after shaving, you can shave at night time. Wearing a tight clothes also irritate your skin.

2 Hydrate And Placate

The most recommended way of dealing with razor burn is to apply aloe Vera to the affected area. Alternatively, you can use coconut oil on the affected area to hydrate & ease inflammation. There are tons of aftershave creams on the market, but a normal glycerin based moisturizer should be used to get quick releif.

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Here are 4 Best Remedies that helps reduce Razor Bumps

1 Aloe Vera

aloe vera for stretch marks

If you have an Aloe Vera plant at home, then cut off the tip of a leaf & squeeze the gel inside directly onto the skin to get rid of razor burn. You can also buy Aloe Vera gel, but be careful to choose a brand that contains no artificial colors or fragrances. Choose a shave cream that contains Aloe Vera it provides the soothing benefits like our own bevel shave cream.

2 Hot Compress

You can make a hot compress by soaking cotton wool in hot water & pressing it gently against your skin.

3 Tea Tree Oil

It is a natural anti-bacterial agent. Its oil is very strong, so always dilute it with a little water before applying it to your skin.

4 Prevention Is Better Then Cure

The best way to get rid of razor bumps is to shave in a good manner. Use a correct shaving cream. After shave use oil to prevent irritation as well as the correct razor shaving to get the cleanest shave without cutting into your skin.

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