How to Remove 20 Pounds of Toxic Waste from Your Colon

Colon is the major organ of our body which has to be healthy always. Colon is also called large intestine, which absorbs nutrients from the food and fluids that we take and eliminates waste from our body.

Colon is also responsible for producing bowel, if your colon is toxic then your body will not be able to absorb nutrients properly.

There are many reasons as to why colon wont work properly, the primary reason is consuming dairy products which are not good for health. They form mucus which accumulates the walls of the colon and causes absorption of fewer nutrients to our body.

The secondary reason is when the inner ecosystem lacks the beneficial bacteria and foods prepared improperly from lack of soaking or overcooking ,causes poor digestion and makes us weak.

The third reason is overeating, this damages the colon and it is important to take sufficient food for ease in digestion.

The last reason is lack of sleep and stress, stress make the body to become tight and contracted. Lesser sleep can lower adrenal function which is essential to provide energy required for bowel movements.

Symptoms of toxic in colon

  • Headache
  • Bad breath
  • Skin allergy
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Fever
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Muscle weakness and fatigue

Here are many ways to remove toxic from your colon

Maple syrup

Maple syrup is made of sugary circulating fluid of maple trees which helps in removing impurities and toxins from your body.

Required ingredients

  • 5 glasses of water
  • One cup of organic lemon juice
  • Required amount of maple syrup
  • One teaspoon of cayenne pepper
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Mix the above ingredients thoroughly and drink it 3-4 times a day for cleaning toxins from your colon.

Essential oils

These oils are good for health and are safe to use in number of ways. Use 3-10 drops orally twice or thrice in a day.

Required ingredients

1 lemon juice

10 drops of lemon and mint oil

1 lit of filtered water.

Mix all the ingredients given above and sip 3 times a day for 14 days to see the good results.

Drinking water

How to Remove 20 Pounds of Toxic Waste from Your Colon

As we know we need more water to be hydrated, drinking more water helps the colon to flush out all harmful toxins and waste from your body naturally. Taking irregular water leads to dehydration of the body.


Vegetable juice

  • Vegetable juice contains number of amino acids, nutrients, enzymes, vitamins, minerals and sugar that helps in improving and maintaining good health and bowler movements.

Drinking vegetable juice several times helps in proper functioning of colon.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is rich in nutrients and it has detoxification properties  which are being used as a natural treatment for colon cleansing and removing toxins. This also helps to keep away from all the bowel related problems.If you want to improve your health it is important to cleanse your colon regularly.

How to use aloe Vera

The simplest way to use aloe Vera is to inject it with water into the colon by using enaema.

The other way is take the liquid of aloe Vera with the water and drink regularly for proper functioning of colon.

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Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer and anti-oxidant properties and one of the detoxifying hub. Detoxification enhances the body’s natural cleaning process and to built defense against illness and diseases.

How to use it

Add small amount of ginger in every food you take regularly and the better way to take ginger is to make ginger tea.

 Fiber rich foods

The fiber rich food helps in ease bowler moments and also removes the toxins from the colon. Some of the foods are beans, nuts, oats.

Lemon juice

Lemon is very rich in vitamin c and anti-oxidants,it helps in removal of toxins and makes the digestion smooth.

Take lemon juice 3 times a day to keep healthy.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper helps in increasing digestive function and reduces bloating. It increases the blood circulation and removes excess toxins and waste from the colon.

It can be taken by mixing it in the water or it can be added to the food you take regularly.

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