5 Simple Summer Face Packs

Summer is a great time to go on an occasion with family and friends. At the same we sweat a lot and most often forget to keep ourselves properly hydrated. Summer time actually becomes a hard time to maintain our skin and hair for most of us.

Going for facial every time, is not good for your skin health. So, you can make your skin look tempting, fresh and wonderful homemade face packs. These packs can be made easily at home and keeps your skin nourished and hydrated.

Here are 5 summer simple face packs, you must try to protect your skin from humidity and pollution.

5 Simple Summer Face Packs

  1. Lemon And Honey Face Pack

This is one of the best face packs you would ever try at your home. Lemon and honey face make you feel rejunivated. This pack particularly helps you ward of greasy skin.

To make this pack, mix a table spoon of lemon juice with a table spoon of honey in a bowl and add one egg white.Keep it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes then wash it with fresh cool water.

  1. Banana Face Mask

Banana is great not just for skin, but for maintaining overall health as well. It’s rich in powerful anti oxidants, photo chemicals and a good moisturiser. This fruit will smoothen rough and ageing skin as well as nourishes the skin.

This fruit is powerfully packed with many nutrients which make it a perfect natural face mask.

Mash half banana and add a table spoon of honey and a table spoon of sour cream and mix it well. Apply it evenly on your skin and leave it on for 10-15 minutes then wash it with lukewarm water.

This face mask will make your skin much smoother and hydrated.

  1. Tomato Pulp Face Mask

Everyone knows health benefits of tomato, but do you know that it also helps you for maintaining your skin health and make you look gorgeous than before.

It is a great ingredient for a face mask. The astringent properties in tomato will reduce skin ageing, free radicals caused by ultraviolent rays and protects your skin from sun damage.

Extract pulp from a fresh tomato and add few drops of honey in it. Mix it well and apply it on your face and wash it after 15-20 minutes with cold water.

  1. Orange Juice And Aloe Vera Face Mask

5 Simple Summer Face Packs

This natural mix of orange juice and aloe Vera has the capability to hydrate pores of the skin and make it soft and smooth. The antioxidants and vitamins in these ingredients slow down the method of cell ageing and diminish wrinkles and fine lines on your face.

To prepare this face pack, take 3 table spoons of fresh orange juice and add one table spoon of aloe Vera gel then mix it well. Apply this paste as pack on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.

After the pack is dried just splash some cold water on your face. Vitamin C in orange juice gives your skin a fresh radiant glow and aloe Vera adds nourishment to your face to look bright.

  1. Mint And Rose Water Face Pack

Menthol content in mint gives an instant cooling sensation when it is applied on the skin and rose water relieves itching and skin burning because of its antiseptic properties.

Crush a handful of fresh mint leaves and add 4 table spoons of rose water and mix it well. Apply this pack and leave it for 20 minutes, then wash your face using cold water.

These are some of the best and simple face masks for summer. Try these and make your skin look fresh and hydrated.


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