Simple Ways in Which Dates Help Control Diabetes

Dieticians consider ‘dates’ as one of the many superfoods that should be included in your diet. They are loaded with essential nutrients and are rich in natural sugars such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose. They consist of insoluble fibers, copper, magnesium, selenium in a highly rich amount and also have magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and calcium in moderate concentration.

For people who need to watch their blood sugar levels on a daily basis, sweet and high-carbohydrate foods can be a big problem, especially for those with diabetes.

Diabetes is indeed the highest growing disease in recent times. Completely abstaining yourself from sugar isn’t the right thing to do. However, diabetics are advised to moderate the intake. So what’s the most viable option? Of course, dates!

Here are some super beneficial features of dates:

1. Helps in fighting fatigue



Diabetics are advised to have control over their carbohydrate intake, especially during the day time. Although, the abatement of carbs may lead to low energy levels. Dates contain natural sugars and are a good source of Carbohydrates as well. So, a diabetic should keep a small pack of dates with them at all times. This would quickly replenish their blood sugar levels if they become hyperg lycemic.

2. Increases insulin production


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Dates are free of fats and cholesterol. They provide various vitamins and minerals to the body such as zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium etc.

Zinc helps in improving insulin levels while magnesium speeds up the regulation of blood sugar.

Dates are fat- and cholesterol-free. The vitamins and minerals present in dates, such as zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium nourish the body. Vitamins A and B are also present in the form of beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin, niacin, B6, and folate.

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3. Improves digestion


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Fiber contributes to the smooth functioning of the digestive system. A soluble fiber called beta-D-glucan is present in dates that help in reducing the absorption of cholesterol by cells in the body. A serving of 100 grams contains 8 grams of dietary fiber.

4. Maintains blood sugar levels


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Highly glycemic foods rapidly increase blood sugar levels. Dates consist of a high amount of sugar and fiber. Resulting in the reduction of insulin release. So, dates fall somewhere in the low-to-medium GI category.

The glycemic index varies with the type of date a person consumes. If usually between 35.5 to 49.7. According to Harvard Health Publications, the GI index of dried dates is 42. They have a glycemic load of 18 which is a little high so eating in moderation is the way to go.

5. Strengthens your vision


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The risk of blindness is lowered down due to the presence of Vitamin A. Also, it also improves the vision of diabetic patients and prevents macular degeneration.

6. Boosts metabolism


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Dates contain vitamin B3 and B6. Since high blood sugar levels act as a trigger to neuropathy, it is highly recommended for diabetic patients to eat dates. It also helps in boosting the metabolism.


Diabetics should consume dates is moderation leading to 3 dates per day.

Fruit servings of a maximum of 15 grams of Carbohydrates are optimum for diabetics.

Dates are a perfect snack for diabetics. They are rich in antioxidants, more than in comparison to broccoli, oranges, grapes etc. The GI index is proportional to the fiber content of dates. Higher the fiber, lower the GI.

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Final word –

Diabetics must consult their doctors before including dates in their diets. It is highly recommended to have dates but in moderation. Eating dates should be avoided in the evening and at night, especially for people who have diabetes.

simplw ways to in which help to control daibetes

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