9 Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore

Having headache or stomach pain is very common and it can be cured with simple medication. But if it lasts more than a day then you need to check out on your health by reaching out to doctor.

As, women we often tend to neglect all types of aches in our body until it goes down to hit our health completely. But it’s crucial for all women to take care of their body so they can tune to any problem easily.

Because even the small symptoms like headaches, nausea, vomiting will also lead you to face some serious health issues like cancer, depression and many more. Knowing when new symptoms occur in your body and taking immediate action by reaching out to your physician might help you from preventing .

The below 9 symptoms should never be ignored by women, when they hit you hard.

9 Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore

1. Extreme Fatigue

Exhaustion is one symptom that women face after a hectic day at home or at work, but if it is regular it shouldn’t be ignored. Because extreme fatigue can lead to face many serious issues like depression, diarrhea, thyroid conditions, diabetes, heart failure and even cancer.

If you find yourself in exhausted state even after taking required amount of rest, exercise and healthy diet then immediately make an appointment with your doctor.

2. Heart Palpitations

If you have heart palpitations more than 15 minutes accompanied with shortness of breath, loss of consciousness,  dizziness and weakness, This condition is generally called as atrial fibrillation of heart. Heart palpitations also from excessive amount of caffeine or insufficient oxygen in the blood or hyperthyroidism could also be responsible. Consult with your doctor if you suffer from any of these symptoms.

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3. Painful Sex

If sex hurts, then pay attention that your body needs to tell you something. This could be because of vaginal infection, changes in your hormones or a condition called endometriosis. So if you find that intercourse is quite uncomfortable or painful then schedule an appointment with your physician.

4. Severe Headache

9 Symptoms Women Should Never Ignore

Women do have occasional headache with hectic stress in the workplace and screaming of kids in home but persistent headaches are a sigh of women’s health problem.

Because headaches are also linked with infection in the brain, it’s also possible to be a symptom of stroke or a tumor. If you can’t kick your headache with medications, then try to reach out to your doctor.

5. Shortness Of Breath

Never ignore shortness of breath by assuming it might be because of weight gain or so. This assumption might lead you to face heart diseases or even an impending heart attack. Plan a checkup with your doctor if you find it difficult to breathe most often.

6. Chest Pain

Don’t take it lightly if you feel pain or pressure in your chest. Although chest pain is not always a sign of heart attack but it could be warning that you have coronary disease. If you experience any pressure or pain in your chest then immediately seek medical attention.

7. Tummy Troubles

Tummy ache is not a big deal now and then, but constant discomfort of stomach and bloating is a matter of concern. This tummy pain can relate to many problems like gastrointestinal problems, stomach ulcer or it could be a symptom of appendicitis. If you can’t find solution for your abdominal pain then consult your doctor and about the symptoms to him.

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8. Irregular Vaginal Bleeding

Irregular vaginal bleeding especially when it is accompanied with pain, is linked with uterine cancer or cervical cancer. If you are undergoing through heavy bleeding or occurring of periods more often every three weeks, then it’s time to visit doctor for proper checkup.

9. Persistent Leg Pain By Clotting Of Blood

Swelling or pain in one leg might lead to have a blood clot inside a vein known as Deep Vein Thrombosis. You should immediately seek medical attention, because without medical treatment, clot could migrate your lungs and possibly even be fatal.


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