How to Lower Creatinine Level Naturally

Creatinine is the breakdown by-product of a protein substance called creatine. Both creatine and creatinine helps in muscle contractions. As creatinine is a waste by-product it is eliminated by the kidneys. This constant elimination help in maintaining normal and low creatinine levels in the body. The creatinine levels can be checked by performing a blood test or urine test.

Normal range of creatininein human body are 0.9-1.3 mg/dl in adult males , 0.6-1.1 mg/dl in adult females 0.5-1.0 mg/dl in children. The level of creatinine in human body can be studied by performing a blood test or urine test.

As kidneys are responsible for elimination of creatinine from body, if the filtration part of kidney i.e; glomerulus is damaged or is not working efficiently elimination of creatinine through kidneys is not done efficiently this causes increase in level of creatinine .peoplesuffering with chronic kidney disorder,renal infections, low blood pressure, diabetes,auto immune disorders, infection like syphilis, hepatitis B and C will show higher creatinine levels in blood.

Higher creatinine levels are an indication of improper kidney functioning.

Signs and symptoms that shows possible elevation in  creatinine levels are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Cramps
  • Weakness
  • Change in urination frequency and colour of urine
  • Swelling
  • High blood pressure

Here are few tips to help you lower creatinine levels.

How to reduce creatinine levels naturally:

In order to reduce the levels of creatinine in the body and maintain optimal levels the excess creatinine is to be eliminated from the body. People often undergo a treatment called dialysis to achieve this.

Dialysis is medical procedure to eliminate waste from body and is often recommended when the kidneys no longer function efficiently.

Few tips to reduce creatinine levels naturally are:

  • Reduce protein intake:

Red meat has muscle tissue which containcreatine. This creatine when absorbed by body breakdown to creatinine.

Therefore less consumption of red meat is advised to reduce the levels of creatin in body.

  • Avoid consumption of creatine supplements:

Creatine supplements are often consumed by atheletes to generate energy to enhance muscular contraction, it is advisable only to be consumed for a period of 3-6 months.

AS we know creatinis the parent compound of creatinine, therefore consumption of creatin supplements also elevate the levels of creatinine.

  • Indulge in less strenuous activities:

When we exercise, muscles are strained and require energy which is obtained by breakdown of creatine.

Excessive exercise leads to more creatin buildup inturn increasing the levels of creatinine.

So avoid exercise or any strenuous activity to maintain your creatinine level in optimal range.

  • Increase your fluid intake:

Drinking atleast 6-8 glasses of water reduce creatinine level in body by increased diuresis.

  • Get enough sleep:

When we sleep, our body’s metabolic rate is reduced this help in reducing the creatinine levels.

  • Using alpha lipoic acid:

Alpha lipoicacid reduce protein levels in body and hence they simultaneously help in reducing the creatinine levels.

                Apart from these consuming supplements containing substances that improve diuresis and kidney function also help in attaining optimal creatinine levels.

Also Read: Home Remedies: How to Reduce Sugar Level

Lowering Creatinine Levels in Body Through Diet:

  • Increased dietary fiber intake :

Consumption of food containing high fiber content helps you to reduce the creatinine levels in the body.

You can include cucumber, onion, garlic, leafy vegetables, apples, food rich in omega3 in your diet to reduce creatinine levels.

  • Reduce sodium intake in diet:

Excessive sodium causes fluid retention in body this ma lead excessive absorption of many products that are to be eliminated via urine.

Creatinine is one such example.

Hence reducing the intake of sodium in diet is advisory to reduce the absorption and level of creatinine in body.

  • Consume lot of water and avoid de hydration:

creatinine levels can rise due to dehydration and hence drinking lot water and maintaining hydration levels is very important.

  • Reduce potassium intake:

Increased potassium levels in blood lead to hyperkalemia, which cause several kidney disorders. Consuming food rich in potassium lead to elevated creatinine levels as potassium reduces the eliminating function of kidneys.

Herbal Remedies to Reduce Creatinine Level:

There are many remedies to reduce creatinine levels in body. Though there efficiency and success rate may vary from person to person. Various chineseherbs are known to be effectively supporting and improving kidney function  that help in reducing creatinine levels in body. These herbs have natural enzymes and are gentle with fewer sideeffects and more medicational effects there by  help in preventing excessive creatinine absorption thereby help in maintaining optimal creatinine range.

Apart from showing many positive effects on renal functioning chinese herbs also help in improvising various other body function without any major side effects and optrimize overall wellness.

Here are few herbal remedies that help you to reduce creatinine.

  • Drinking herbal tea:
Herbal Tea

Herbal teas made from herbs like chamomile, nettle leaf, dandelion root show diuretic action hence help in reducing creatinine levels.

  • Ginseng:

Ginseng improves the renal circulation inducing diuretic action by increasing volume of urine and reduce as much creatinine as possible.

  • Poly gonum root:

Poly gonum is a Chinese herb, which help to improve kidney’s ability to detoxify and flush out toxins from the body. Creatinine being a toxin is also flushed out. Apart from reducing creatinine level, poly gonum also helps to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol in body.

  • Epimeduim leaf:

Helps to improve kidney strength functioning and its ability to filter out waste.

  • Astragalus root:

It has a mild diuretic compound asparginewhich increase the kidney output. It helps to increase the rate at which toxins and creatinine are removed from the body.

It also improves digestion,and body metabolism.

  • Cinnamon:

This is a kidney friendly herb, it induces diuretic action and effectively flush out all the waste and toxic material from the body, improve the filteration ability of kidneys.

Apart from this it also helps to reduce blood sugar levels thereby preventing any further renal damage from being caused.

  • Dandelion root:

It is a natural diuretic which helps in effectively eliminating creatinine from kidneys and reduce creatinine levels in the body. It also reduces edema and any swelling caused due to accumulation of fluid in the body.



Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat

Sore throat is a very common but extremely annoying condition. It can make your day worse if it is accompanied by inflammation and pain. Factors like a draught of cold air, environmental changes, cold foods and drinks, and certain infections etc. can cause soreness of throat. Some people find apple cider vinegar for sore throat very helpful. Is it?

That’s what we are trying to discuss in this article. Despite the insufficient scientific proofs, ACV does have good anecdotal evidence of being handy against sore throat. It can improve the condition, especially if caused by a bacterial infection.

You can use diluted ACV alone or with water to improve sore throat. But there are some other effective remedies you can use with ACV to get a more potent response. Before jumping on those ACV recipes for sore throat, let’s talk about some of its possible causes and why ACV can help you to get over this annoying condition.

What are the Causes of a Sore Throat?

There is a wide range of sore throat causes, including:

Bacterial Infection:

Infection from the Streptococcus bacteria is very common and can be characterized by sore throat among other common conditions.

Viral Infections:

  • Common Cold
  • Chickenpox
  • Influenza
  • Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
  • Croup
  • Measles

Some other possible causes of sore throat:

  • Dryness in the air: Prolonged dryness in the air can make your throat scratchy and rough.
  • Nasal Congestion: Chronic nasal congestion is also a common cause, and forces you to breath more from your mouth than nasal passage.
  • Allergies: Allergies to dust, pollens, dander, and moulds can also cause soreness of throat. Sore throat due to allergy is usually accompanied by irritation and inflammation of throat along with postnasal drip.
  • Irritants: Outdoor and indoor pollutants like smoke, cigarette, chemicals etc. can also be responsible for chronic soreness of throat. Irritation is sometimes induced by tobacco chewing, consumption of alcohol and eating very spicy foods etc.
  • Muscle Strain: People who work at announcement desks, call centres etc. are prone to strain to the throat muscles due to continuous and loud talking or yelling.
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): It is a disorder of digestive system characterized by backing up of stomach acids to the oesophagus. It can cause sudden irritation to throat muscles and can be one of the rare causes of sore throat. GERD is usually accompanied by other symptoms like heartburn, regurgitation of stomach contents, hoarseness and sensation of a lump in the throat etc.
  • HIV Infection: A sore throat, especially when accompanied by other flu symptoms, can be an early sign of HIV infection.

Chronic and recurring sore throat is a common phenomenon in HIV-positive people, because people with HIV infection have compromised immune system, and can easily get affected by even minor infections.

  • Tumours: Cancerous tumours of larynx or throat can also cause sore throat. Other signs of cancerous growth are difficulty swallowing, lump in the neck, pain while speaking of eating, painful and noisy breathing and bloody phlegm etc.

Also Read: Apple Cider Vinegar for Toenail Fungus

Why Apple Cider Vinegar is a Good Option?

Despite a lack of scientific data for apple cider vinegar for sore throat, various studies suggest that ACV can improve the condition, especially if caused by bacterial or viral infections. ACV produces a slightly acidic environment in your body and makes the survival difficult for most types of bacteria and viruses, and can be a natural treatment for sore throat. Here are some proven benefits of using ACV for sore throat.

  • ACV is acidic in nature and can stop the growth of bacteria and viruses by balancing the pH level of throat tissues.
  • Thanks to its antibacterial properties, ACV can fight against certain bacteria and germs.
  • ACV is a very good natural expectorant and can thin the phlegm in your throat and nasal passage, and help you feel better.
  • Prebiotic content of ACV, known as inulin, can improve your immunity and can help your body stronger to fight against infections.
How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Sore Throat?

1. Diluted Apple Cider Vinegar

Thanks to the antibacterial and acidic properties, diluted apple cider vinegar for sore throat can be very helpful in healing sore throat even without other home ingredients

What do You need?

  • One tbsp diluted apple cider vinegar
  • One warm glass water

Steps to Follow

  • Add ACV to water and mix for a few seconds
  • Gargle with the solution several times a day to feel better.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar with Saltwater

Salt (sodium chloride) is also known for its strong antimicrobial properties and can increase the effectiveness of ACV to fight with a sore throat.

What do you need?

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp salt
  • One warm glass water

Steps to follow:

  • Add ACV and salt to the water and mix well.
  • Use the solution to gargle multiple times daily to cure sore throat fast.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar and Lemon

Hot water and lemon can be one answer to many health problems, including viral infections. Lemon is one of the greatest sources of vitamins B complex and C, iron, magnesium, calcium and potassium. Regular use of lemon juice can also strengthen your immune system and can keep viral infections at bay. And lemon with apple cider vinegar can eliminate soreness of throat within a few days.

What do You need?

  • One tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp of lemon juice
  • One warm glass water
  • Honey (Optional)

Steps to Follow:

  • Add apple cider vinegar and lemon to warm water and sip very slowly.
  • You can add one tbsp honey as a taste enhancer as well.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar with Baking Soda

Baking soda is getting very popular as a second-line of treatment for numerous infections and can be a great home remedy for sore throat, especially if used with ACV. Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda works as a ubiquitous buffer in your body and reduces the pH gradient across the membranes of bacteria, and hence, controls the infection.

You Will Need:

  • One tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp of baking soda
  • One glass warm water

What You Have to Do?

  • Add both ingredients in water, mix well, and use for a gargle in the morning.
  • Repeat it every day for a week to see the difference.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey

Thanks to its amazing antibacterial properties, honey is known as a very potent healer, and can be the answer if you are asking “how to get a sore throat fast overnight”. Yes, that’s how quick honey can work, especially when used with ACV.

ACV is packed with expectorant properties, and on the other hand, the anti-inflammatory nature of honey can provide very quick relief from a sore throat.

Ingredients You Need:

  • Two tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • Two tbsp honey
  • One glass warm water

What you should do:

  • Add ACV and honey to water and mix well.
  • Drink the solution once daily to improve your throat condition.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon

Cinnamon is commonly used for soreness and infection of the throat. It is packed with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and can speed up the recovery from sore throat if used with apple cider vinegar.

You Will Need:

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp cinnamon powder
  • One tbsp honey
  • One tbsp lemon juice
  • One cup of warm water

What You Should Do:

  • Add all ingredients to one glass warm water and mix well.
  • Drink the solution slowly or gargle with it.
  • Repeat this thrice a day to cure sore throat fast.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar and Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin as the active component and can be very effective, especially against the inflammation of the throat. On the other hand, ACV can break down the irritating phlegm and also decongest your nasal passage.

Ingredients You Need:

  • One tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • One tbsp cayenne pepper
  • Three tbsp of honey
  • One glass warm water

Steps You Need to Follow

  • Mix these ingredients in a glass of warm water.
  • Gargle with this solution three to four times a day to get relief from soreness.
  • You can also take small sips in between to get even better results.

Apple cider vinegar for sore throat is, without a doubt very effective, and you can fight seasonal throat infection with diluted ACV mixed with one of these remedies packed with anti-inflammatory and healing properties. In case, if you have a sore throat for a long time, you should not rely on these home remedies and get proper treatment from a licensed practitioner. If you have anything to suggest, or anything to share with us, you can reach to us through the comment section. We will be very happy to reply.


The Surprising Benefits of Hot Water and Lemon,relevant%20to%20wound%20repair%20too.

Top 10 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

No doubt that coconut oil has many hair and skin benefits, however, there are many health benefits from coconut oil. Coconut oil has many nutrients, which contribute to higher energy levels and a stronger metabolism. Some basic health benefits of coconut oil are heart-healthy and oral health benefits.

Coconut oil is tasteless and colorless and is available in refined and unrefined coconut oil. In both ways, coconut oil is beneficial for both health and beauty purposes.

Coconut oil also has many skin-deep uses, such as:

  • a natural skin moisturizer
  • a condition for your hair
  • use an ingredient in home-based soap scrub and lotion recipes

What are the benefits of coconut oil?

According to a study, coconut oil offers some major health benefits, both internally and externally.

1. A Boost In Good Cholesterol

According to a study, coconut oil has the components to reduce the bad cholesterol components level and give a boost to the good cholesterol components level.

2. Good For Blood Sugar And Diabetes

Coconut oil has the potential to lower the level of obesity in the body as well as battles insulin resistance – issues that often lead to type two diabetes.

Also Read: 9 Amazing Benefits Of Using Coconut Oil For Tanning

3. Helps Fight Back Against Alzheimer’s Disease

The components found in coconut oil help the mending brain in Alzheimer patients. Moreover, the components in coconut oil improve the cognitive function in the human body. 

4. Helps In Stopping Heart Disease And High Blood Pressure

Many people may not know but coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which boosts good cholesterol to keep off heart disease, and lowers high cholesterol levels. One of the major coconut oil benefits is that it turns bad cholesterol into good cholesterol.

5. Aids In Liver Health

The special components of coconut oil also guard against any damage to the liver as well as aids in curing urinary region infection. Coconut oil has a specific value that can be directly processed by the liver into ketones.

6. Boosts Energy

Unrefined coconut oil hikes energy and stamina in the body by improving liver health, which improves the energy level in the body. However, before adding the coconut oil in your diet, consult the doctor to know your consumption level.

7. Aids With Digestion

Coconut oil used for improving food digestion as well as eliminates toxic bacteria, which increases poor digestion and stomach inflammation. Moreover, an adequate amount of coconut oil consumption helps in preventing stomach ulcers.

Also Read: How To Make Coconut Oil Deodorant

8. Treat Wounds And Burns

As good as coconut oil for hair, it is also good for the skin. Coconut oil is widely used for the treatment of wounds, burns, and dermatitis. Moreover, coconut oil also acts as a sunscreen, moisturizer, as well as reduce inflammation under the skin and promote better healing.

9. Acts As An Anti-Aging Components

When applied appropriately coconut oil has the potential to decrease fine lines and wrinkles by keeping your connective tissues strong and flexible.

10. Helps In Weight Loss

Coconut oil acts as a fat and calorie burner, which results in weight loss, especially when you use unrefined coconut oil. According to a study, some components in coconut oil reduce a body’s resting heart rate and aids in burning fat.

Also Read: Benefits Of Coconut Oil As a Supplement

How to Improve Your Health by Taking Care of Your Teeth

Oral health is much more than only “oral health”. If you think that oral health only covers teeth, gums, tongue, and the upper throat, etc., you are living with a myth. It is much more than your mouth. Your oral health is directly or indirectly linked with almost every vital organ of your body. If you are not maintaining good oral hygiene, or you’re ignoring your oral problems, you may suffer from some serious illness.

Taking care of your oral health will also ensure better physical and mental health. Your mouth is the entrance of the whole of your health, and if it is healthy, there are high chances that your physical and mental health is also okay.

Here are some tips on how to improve your health by taking care of your teeth.

How to Improve Your Health by Taking Care of Your Teeth

 Brush your teeth, thoroughly, at least twice a day:

Although, morning is usually the most preferred time for brushing. But you should brush your teeth after every meal. If you can’t do that, brush them at least twice a day. Brush your teeth thoroughly ensuring that each tooth is covered.

Toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles are best for people of almost all ages. If you can get toothpaste with fluoride, that’s even better, as fluoride strengthens the teeth enamel and reduces the risk of tooth decay.

Floss your teeth at least once daily:

Tiny food particles may remain between the teeth even after brushing and can make your teeth and gums unhealthy. You should floss your teeth at least once daily to avoid such problems.

Related: How to Naturally Remove Plaque and Tartar from Teeth

 Reduce the intake of acidic drinks:

Acidic drinks are extremely harmful for your health. Regular intake of them can cause a lot of health problems, including tooth decay, swelling and sensitivity of gums, cracked or broken teeth, and periodontitis etc. In severe cases, the teeth may even get “eaten” down to the gums. So, if you are taking high amount of acidic drinks, start limiting them to ensure good oral health.

Limit Sugary Foods:

A high intake of sugary foods is harmful to your health in a lot of ways. They can cause dental plaque which changes sugars into acids. Speedy conversion of sugars into acids can cause mild to severe problems including acidity, heartburn, injuries to the internal intestinal walls, etc.

So, if you want to ensure good oral health, limit your sugar intake.

Protect your teeth from injury:

Injury to your teeth can be extremely dangerous in a lot of ways. It can be responsible for some other health issues as well. So, protect your teeth in the best possible way, especially when you playing a sport. Wearing a full-face helmet or mouthguard can be helpful.

Your teeth are only for chewing foods:

Always remember that your teeth are only for chewing food items. If you use them for removing bottle tops, cracking nuts, or opening packaging, you may have chipped or broken teeth.

Related: How To Control Wisdom Tooth Pain With Home Remedies

Don’t throw out the knocked-out tooth:

If you suffer from an injury, and your tooth is knocked out, try to keep it safely. If possible, try to place the it back in your mouth while seeking immediate medical attention. If keeping it back in mouth is not possible, wrap the tooth properly in plastic and take it while going to your dentist.

Go for a regular dental check-up:

Try to visit your dentist regularly, even if you don’t have dental problems. It will help you to take care of your teeth in a more professional manner.

Taking care of your oral health is very important in every aspect. As we have already discussed, oral health is interlinked with your overall physical and mental health. If you feel even a minor problem to your oral cavity, don’t ignore it and get proper medical attention.

Related: Best Home Remedies For Receding Gums

10 Health Benefits of Having Houseplants

We all know that plants are good for our health as well as for the environment. But how much the houseplants are good for the atmosphere inside your home? And how they can make your home a happy and healthy place?

Here are the ten health benefits of backing that you should have a few houseplants in your home.

10 Health Benefits of Having Houseplants__1573709321_202.133.55.162

 1. Plants reduce stress:

According to numerous researches, plants inside your home can help you to reduce stress. The greenery around you will give you a sense of calmness. Plants can also play an essential role in maintaining healthy blood pressure. They make you feel better, relaxed, and ultimately healthy.

 2. They keep the air clean and healthy:

The air around you is usually unhealthy due to pollutants and tiny toxic substances. Plants have that amazing ability to collecting tiny dust particles. As we all know, plants reduce the amount of carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into oxygen.

Humidity from the plants also improves the air quality inside your home. Houseplants like Epipremnum and Spathiphyllum are the great air-purifiers.

Also Read : 5 Plants that can help you take care of your bone health

 3. Houseplants can improve the blocked nose:

Having plants around you can reduce the chances of colds and stuffy nose by about 30%! Foliage found in the houseplants increases the humidity and gets rid of dust particles, which are usually responsible for triggering sneezing, and ultimately cold.

 4. Plants keep the common allergies at bay!

The presence of houseplants can reduce the chances of having allergies to some extent. If you have children in your home, having houseplants become even more important. Children in a green environment are at a lower risk of developing common allergies.

 5. Plants improve the acoustics in the house:

You might be surprised to know that plants can even absorb the background noise and can improve the acoustics in your home. If you are moving to a new house or office, it is worth considering having a beautiful collection of houseplants. It can make your home or workplace a quieter, calming, and comfortable place.

6. Plants can get rid of cigarette smoke:

That cigarette smoke is annoying for almost all of us! If you are also frustrated with that uncomfortable and unhealthy smell, you can think about having a few houseplants. Plants can filter the toxins of cigarette smoking.

Do you have a regular smoker at home? Try and ask to quit the smoking, if you can’t do that, have the spathiphyllum, the peace lily plant at your home. At least, you can reduce the adverse effects of passive smoking to some extent!

Also Read: Benefits Of Curry Leaves For Hair, Skin And Health

7. Plants help you to sleep comfortably:

Are you concerned about your disturbed sleep pattern? Are you suffering from those annoying sleepless nights? Air-purifying plants can make your bedroom’s climate better and comfortable. Thanks to their oxygen-generating capacity, extraordinary beauty, and soothing power, plants can help to sleep better.

 8. They improve your focus:

A healthy environment, clean air, and a better space of mind can surely enhance your focus. And having a greener living space can give you all that! You should have some plants inside your home, especially if your home is also your workplace.

Having a green, natural backdrop around you can have amazing restorative effects. So, if you’re struggling with your focus during studies or work, considering having some houseplants can be a great idea.

 9. Plants reduce the risk of headaches:

Formaldehyde is a gas used for the production of carpets and leather products, and sometimes it can be present in your indoor environment. In addition to formaldehyde, benzene and trichloroethylene are also responsible for causing headaches. According to some researches, plants can remove these gasses and can easily counter headaches.

 10. Plants can lift your mood:

Having depression or feeling low has been a ubiquitous part of today’s modern life. If you are also suffering from depressing, sudden mood swings, unnecessary anger, etc., you can have plants inside your home.

Plants make you feel better by ensuring a better mental state, providing positive energy and a sense of happiness and calmness. In short, the plant can lift your mood very easily.

Also Read: How to Treat Brown Spots on Fiddle Leaf Fig Leaves

Health Benefits Of Ginger Tea Recipe

Ginger tea is considered a beneficial plant that contains unlimited medicinal properties. Frequent consumption of the ginger decreases inflammation, increases digestion and improves the immunity power of a person. Many oils such as gingerol, zingerone, and shogaol comprise ginger aroma and flavor.

Ginger is a powerful source of anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic. It functions effectively in the case of reducing asthma, decreasing pain and enhancing immunity power. People prefer ginger tea for improved cardiovascular health maintenance and serve as a power source to fight against antibodies.


Health benefits of ginger tea recipe

  1. When an individual consumes a ginger tea, it helps them to preserve their hydration level. It is the fact that more fluid present in the kidney then it expels more amount of toxin through urine. A right urine volume assists in the get rid of kidney stones that affect the health of a person. The kidney stones get dissolved, eliminating the need for consuming other drugs for kidney stones.
  1. Ginger tea makes a person urinate more times in a day that naturally leads to the removal of toxins in urine as well as prevent the stones formed in the kidney. Ginger tea comprises of citrate that helps to eliminate the stone formation in the kidney.
  1. Additionally, lemon juice or orange juice added to the ginger tea to obtain the increased health benefits. Ginger tea reduces alanine aminotransferase and inflammatory cytokines when ginger tea consumed for 12 weeks. It improves the functionality of the liver by enhancing the metabolism.

Also Read: How To Dissolve Kidney Stones Naturally Without Surgery

  1. The ginger contains a compound called 6 – gingerol that serves as an anti-cancer agent. It is used to restrain the propagation of cancer cells. Ginger comprises anti-carcinogenic, which is an exceptional supplement that helps to preserve the youthfulness and eliminate the occurrence of a tumor in the human body.
  1. It also avoids angiogenesis in tumors. Scientific communities view ginger as a supreme controller of cancer growth cells. Ginger possesses a proven record to the battle against cancer than the chemotherapeutic drugs. It destroys only the cells that cause cancer and leaves the healthy cells, whereas in the case of chemotherapy it destroys both the cancer cells and healthy cells.
  1. The hepatoprotective property of the ginger assists the kidney to function properly. It eliminates the toxins that are present in the liver. Ginger is an anti-inflammatory compound that avoids liver cancer. Consumption of ginger tea reduces the occurrence of stroke in individuals. It decreases the presence of cholesterol levels in the human body.
  1. If you consume ginger tea, then your body provided with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and other supplements that maintain the fitness of the body. Ginger tea possesses a warming effect that enhances the blood circulation to various parts of the body.

Thus, it offers a clear understanding that the consumption of ginger tea offers unlimited health benefits never gained from other sources. Perfect health fitness achieved by ginger tea throughout the life period undoubtedly.

Benefits Of Curry Leaves For Hair, Skin And Health

Curry leaves are one of the most well known ingredient used in many recipes to increase the flavor of it. When it comes to wonderfully flavorful medicinal plants, only few can compete with these aromatic leaves. These leaves are native from India and Sri Lanka and used as seasonal in several Indian dishes and are indispensable in south Indian cuisines.

Curry leaves are also called as ‘kadi patha’ especially in southern part of India. These are powerfully packed with certain vitamins, nutrients, phytochemicals, carbohydrates, anti oxidant properties that benefits your hair,skin and health.

Do you know why most of the Indian women have very long, black and strong hair? Because they include these curry leaves in their regular diet. Curry leaves are also used in beauty treatment and are a good source for skin care too. It is proven that curry leaves have the capability to prevent all types of skin diseases including acne.

Let’s see those amazing benefits of curry leaves for hair, skin and health:

Benefits Of Curry Leaves For Hair

Hair problems have become very common these days due to our bad lifestyle, unhealthy food habits, environmental factors and other health conditions. But curry leaves are effective in treating all hair conditions. Some of the benefits of curry leaves for hair are shown below:

1. Promotes hair Growth


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Curry leaves are rich in vitamin B which is essential for strengthening your roots and for promoting smooth growth of hair.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of curry leaves and a cup of yogurt.
  • Blend these two ingredients until you get a smooth paste. Spread this paste all over your scalp and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with cold water. Repeat this process regularly to see positive results.
  • Alternatively, take handful of curry leaves and blend them to make a paste.
  • Now add this paste to a cup of coconut oil and boil it until the oil becomes black.
  • Apply this oil regularly to strengthen the roots and to promote natural growth.

2. Repairs Damaged Roots

Young man serious hair loss problem for health care shampoo and beauty product concept
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The roots of your hair easily gets damaged due to various factors like chemical products, pollution etc, curry leaves are effective in repairing the damaged roots of your hair.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of curry leaves and blend them to make a paste.
  • Spread this paste on your scalp thoroughly and wash it off with cold water after 15 minutes.
  • Repeat it regularly to repair your damaged roots.

3. Prevents Premature Graying Of Hair


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Curry leaves works perfect for preventing premature graying of hair and nourishes it by conditioning.

What You Need To Do

  • You just need to mix handful of curry leaves in your regular hair oil by making them into paste.
  • It is important to wash the curry leaves and completely dry them, before you soak them in oil.
  • Apply this oil on your scalp and wash it off after few minutes.

4. It Rejuvenates The Hair Follicles

Hair follicles play a major role in maintaining strong and healthy hair. If proper amount of nutrients and vitamins are not provided, then hair follicles lead to various kinds of hair damage. Curry leaves are excellent source of nutrients and vitamins that will strengthen your hair follicles within no time.

Benefits Of Curry Leaves For Skin

1. Curry Leaves Can Heal Wounds And Burns:






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Curry leaves contain alkaloids which are effective in healing wounds and burns. The antiseptic properties in curry leave helps in reducing inflamed and itchy skin easily.

What You need To Do

  • Apply curry leave paste on the affected area to get instant relief.

2. Prevents Wrinkles


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Wrinkles and fine lines are early ageing signs. Curry leaves are the best natural solution to prevent wrinkles and get back your youth looking skin.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of curry leaves and blend them by adding a cup of yogurt.
  • Spread this paste on your skin and leave it for 10 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

3. Cleanses Your Skin:


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Curry leaves are effective in getting rid of dead skin cells and remove dirt, grime and acne easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful of curry leaves and blend them to make a smooth paste by adding little amount of water.
  • Add one teaspoon of turmeric to this paste and apply it on your skin and gently massage.
  • Clean your skin with cold water after 15-20 minutes with cold water. Repeat it regularly until you see positive results.

Benefits Of Curry Leaves For Health

Benefits of curry leaves for health include:

1. Prevents Gastrointestinal Problems


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According to ayurvedic methodology, it is recommended to take curry leaves as a medicine for gastrointestinal problems. Because curry leaves posses laxative properties which helps to get rid of indigestion and gas problems easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Take handful or bunch of curry leaves and make juice out of it. Drink this juice whenever you have upset stomach.
  • Alternatively, make paste from curry leaves and add 3-4 table spoons of buttermilk. Consume this paste every morning on an empty stomach.

2. Fights Against Cancer:

The chemical constituents called phenols present in curry leaves fights against cancer cells in the body and protect healthy cells.

According to a study in Japan, it has show the evidence of cancer fighting properties because of the components known as carbozole alkaloids that are extracted from curry leaves.

3. Lowers Cholesterol Levels:

Due to its wonderful and powerful properties, curry leaves help to lower the cholesterol levels by preventing the formation of LDL cholesterol and increasing HDL cholesterol in the body.

4. Controls Blood Sugar Levels




Curry Leaves are loaded with anti diabetic properties that help to control your diabetes. It also contains anti hyperglycemic properties which plays major role in controlling blood sugar levels in the body.

What You Need to Do

  • Drinking mixture of curry leaves and buttermilk with little amount of salt added in it is a great idea to prevent diabetes in your life.

5. Reduces Congestion In Nose And Chest


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Curry leaves are one of the effective home remedy to get rid of congestion in nose and chest. Curry leaves contain vitamin C, vitamin A, and other components like kaemferol decongestive agent and anti inflammatory and anti oxidative properties that will help to loosen up your nose and release the congested mucus.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of curry leaf powder with one table spoon of honey.
  • Consume this mixture twice in a day to get relief.

benefits of curry leaves for hair skin and health

7 Easy Food Swap for Good Health

Are you trying to stay fit and eat healthy, but eating healthy is a tough part, Right ? Avoiding habituated foods like fried foods, sugars, sweets, pizzas and many more would be difficult.

But sometimes a small change in your regular diet will help you in all the ways you want to be. As we have tons of unhealthy foods out there, today we can even have more healthy choices than even before which tastes good.

However, it is a common belief that changing to new health diet doesn’t need to be about calorie restriction or hunger. Rather, it’s about deciding smart switches of your existing diet.

Just one smart swap may pave the way to be healthier and happier. Implement the below 7 food swaps and get ready to watch number of benefits through it.

7 Easy Food Swaps for a Healthier Diet:

  1. Swap Butter for Alternative Oils:

Butter contains saturated fats, which increases the levels of bad cholesterol in our body. So, it’s better to swap butter for alternative oils because it contains unsaturated fats and maintains your health.If you are swapping butter with alternative oils like sunflower oil and olive oil, you’re also swapping saturated to unsaturated fats.

  1. Swap Salt for Herbs and Spices:

If intake of salt exceeds more than 6 grams in a day it means it increases blood pressure levels and lead to life threatening heart problems.

Swap salt for herbs and spices, we have many spices and herbs which helps us in protecting our health. Like garlic helps in boosting our immune system, coriander helps to maintain healthy and strong bones, mint helps to get rid of bowel and digestive problems, ginger will calm the symptoms of joint pains and arthritis.

  1. Swap potato for Sweet Potato:

Compared to potato, sweet potato has many benefits. Consumption of potato may lead to increase in blood sugar levels, even though they are high in fiber only when the skin is left on potato. Once it is roasted or baked it doesn’t have any fibers in it.

Sweet potato is rich in Vitamin A, B6 and C as well as calcium. These have the capability to reduce spikes in your blood sugar levels. It doesn’t lose it fibers and nutrients even when it is baked or cooked.

  1. Swap Refined Grains For Whole Grains:

Consuming only refined grains don’t help you in any way. So it’s better to swap with whole grains, whole grains are a rich source of magnesium and selenium which helps in supporting your bone health and immune system. Half of the grains you eat should be 100 percent whole grains only.

  1. Swap Red Meat for Sea Food:

Swapping red meat for sea food means you are decreasing the level of bad cholesterol in your body and protecting yourself from number of heart diseases.Additionally adding sea food like salmon, trout which contains omega 3 fatty acids to your diet may lower the risk of heart diseases.

  1. Swap Ice-cream for Frozen Banana:

7 Easy Food Swap for Good Health

Frozen bananas are rich in potassium, which helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. We are not recommending to quitting ice-cream, but replace it with these bananas which will give you more health benefits compared to ice cream.

  1. Swap Sandwiches for Avocado:

Sandwiches are made up of lot of butter and margarine which contains lots of saturated fats in it. We all need some fats to absorb the nutrients in our body for functioning of all parts, but it is better to take sources of unsaturated fats.

Avocado are rich in unsaturated fats which doesn’t raise your cholesterol level. Simply spread this on your sandwich for tasty nutritious way to bind the whole thing together.