Tennis Ball Tricks That Can Relieve Back, Neck And Knee Pain in Seconds

Many people experience skilled tightness after composing a long essay or in a bad posture for long time in front of the system.

This is known as myofascial discomfort. The myofascial syndrome is generally a discomfort that happens after repeated contraction of muscles, which puts pressure on sensitive joints.

Tennis ball helps you to get rid of these pains within seconds.Tennis ball stretches and relaxes the muscles, there by soothing the pain because of its elasticity nature.

This article will help you to show some of the muscles trigger points in  body and how tennis ball can quickly reverse pain in these areas.

Sore Back

Back pain generally occurs due to bad sleeping position or improper sitting position.

Follow The Exercise

Lie on the floor and place two tennis balls between ribs and tailbone.

Shift your pelvis from one side to the other and allow ball to cross over your lower back.

Do not put pressure near spine, slow down the movement in stiffer areas of your back.

Repeat this for 5 minutes while breathing deeply.

Cramped Knees

While working out, there is a chance to stretch the auricular capsule of  knee. However you can fix it by doing a small exercise with tennis ball.

Follow The Exercise

You just need to sit on chair and then bend your knees and place the ball at the back of the knee.

Do 10 repetitions and then relax for 10 minutes.

Strained Neck

Neck pain occurs due to tightening of erector and sub occipital muscles. These muscles need to be relaxed after being inactive for some time.

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Follow The Exercise

Lie down on floor by facing your head upwards ,take two tennis balls and place them under the skull.

Move your head up and down allowing the balls to roll down till your neck.

After one minute change the position of pivot from one side to other.

Now, centre your head on one side and nod, then again repeat with other side.

Uncomfortable Shoulders

This happens when you lift heavy objects or if you are in same posture for long period.

This exercise will help you to get relief from stiffness as well as pain in shoulders. Even it also reduces the tenderness in shoulders.

Follow The Exercise

You need to lie on the floor by facing your head upwards.

Place the balls under your shoulders and roll them.

Do this for 3-4 minutes.

Painful Hip

Tennis Ball Trick That Can Relieve Back, Neck Or Knee Pain In Seconds (1)

If you sit for longer hours or if you wear uncomfortable shoes for long hours,it causes pain in smaller and larger muscles which supports pelvis.

Follow The Exercise

Lie down on the floor and place the ball between the floor and right hip and make circles of about 12 times, then change the sides and repeat the same.

Tight Chest

Tight chest is a result of extensive cooking, sitting for long hours or using your phone for longer hours. Whatever may be the reason it results in leading to many serious issues such as difficulty in breathing and it also affects nervous system.

Follow The Exercise

Stand in front of door or wall corner and place tennis ball below the collarbone. Take a deep breath for one minute and put pressure of the ball.

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Move along the upper chest part to shift the clavicle up and down then from one side to other.

Move your arm and neck after doing this for minute, which helps to incorporate other muscular mobility and continue on both sides for another minute.

Aching Hands

Writing for longer hours is a great deal of tension in muscles of your fingers, palms which causes aches.

Follow The Exercise

Place your hand on the top of the ball and place another ball above it to apply some pressure.

Move the balls horizontally in all directions of your palm.

Remain in same position for 3 minutes and repeat this with other hand.

Bad Posture

Wrong posture of the body can certainly harm the muscles of your spine and cause difficulty in breathing.

Follow The Exercise

You need to lie on floor and place two balls on either side of your upper back.

Place your hands behind your head and lift your head off the floor.

Bring your chin towards the chest and lift your hip then take three deep breaths.

Breathe deeply by rolling the balls up and down on your back for 3-4 minutes.

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