These Tips Can Help You Reduce up to 34 Inches of Belly without Exercise

Sticking to a conventional diet and exercise plan can be difficult, but there are several tips that can help you mindlessly to eat few calories.

There are many effective ways to reduce your weight, as well as to prevent weight gain in future. From drinking water to turning up the music.

Follow the tips below for better results

Tips to reduce Belly Fat with Diet

  • Little changes in diet may go a long way. switch whole milk for skimmed milk, swap your ice cream, sodas for lime water and buttermilk.
  • Eat food in regular intervals and keep a gap of two hours between your last meal and sleeping.
  • You can minimize your water retention by avoiding sodium intake and increase your fiber intake by consuming more whole grain products.
  • If you want to reduce your stomach, don’t skip breakfast because when you skip meals your body metabolism slows down which forces the body to break down muscle tissues for energy and conserve fat.
  • Avoid junk food, chips and cookies at any cost.

Tips to Reduce Belly Fat with your Lifestyle

Your lifestyle often determines your health, so maintain healthy lifestyle:

First thing that you should keep in mind is that proper sleep goes  long way ensuring that your waistline stays under check.

It is important to sleep for 7-8 hours for optimal weight management. This is not only useful for temporary weight loss but also helps in your future too.

People who have full night’s sleep tend to feel less hungry throughout the day.

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Stress is a big thing which causes fat to collect around your tummy and makes it difficult to reduce tummy. When you take too much stress, your body secretes hormones cortisol which leads to fat-build up.

These Tips Can Help You Reduce up to 34 Inches of Belly without Exercise

This fat build up happens around the organs in the abdominal cavity, staying stress free helps you in reducing tummy fat quickly.

Avoid sitting at one place for a long duration.

Many people feel enthusiastic while starting a new exercise at the beginning but lose interest in the mid way. So instead of stopping those activities, inculcate those activities as a way of life.

Some of the tips without diet and exercise

Many of us don’t have time to exercise daily instead we can lose tummy weight by following these simple tips:

Store unhealthy food out of sight

Storing unhealthy foods may increase carvings and hunger when you see them; this is linked to weight gain.

Store unhealthy foods out of sight such as high on cupboards, this may help to not catch your eye when you’re hungry.

Eat fiber rich foods

Fiber intake helps in reducing weight loss and increases fullness of your tummy.

Viscous fiber is one of the richest foods in fiber which is found in plants. Examples of rich fiber foods are beans, sprouts, oranges, flax seeds.

Chew thoroughly

Chewing your food thoroughly will make to eat more slowly, which results in decreasing intake of food and increased fullness in smaller portions.

Fast eaters may gain weight easily compared to slow eaters which is founded in recent studies.

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Eat plenty of protein

Proteins help in increasing the fullness and reducing the feeling of hunger and help you to eat fewer calories.

Increasing protein intake from 15% to 20% helps to eat 441 fewer calories per day and lose 11 pounds in 12 weeks.

Reduce the intake of sugars

Sugary beverages have been associated with an increased rate of several diseases. And it’s very easy to take sugary drinks instead of taking solid food items.

Avoiding these beverages completely will help you enormously in long term health benefits.

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