Top 10 Worst Fake Foods You Should Stop Eating Immediately

Eating healthy food is quite important to maintain a healthy body. Because it gives us vital nutrients and proteins which help us in many ways like maintaining our mental health, gives us stronger immunity and excellent digestion among other things.

But, there are some other foods which are unknowingly included in our regular diet and make us unhealthy, even leads us to face many problems.

Here are top 10 worst and fake foods you should immediately stop eating them.

1. Fruit Drinks

You might feel good while taking these drinks at your work or on vacation. But these drinks are loaded with sugars which are not good for your health. Instead of taking these fruit drinks switch to organic and fresh fruits for healthy juice.

2. Fat Free Yogurt

You might feel, it is fat free so it must be healthy to burn our fat easily. But you are absolutely wrong, this yogurt is mixed with certain chemicals and preservatives and so much more sugar, it actually hurts more than before. Replace this fat free yogurt with original and pure yogurt. Or try plain yogurt with some other fruits.

3. Flavored Milk

Many people are addicted to have a glass of milk before starting their day. I know it’s hard for the people to change the habit, but all these flavored milk was packed in sugars and preservatives which are very bad for your health. Don’t cut almond, soy and milk products completely, but limit the intake of these products in your regular diet.

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4. Energy Bars

You might think these energy bars will give you instant energy to work harder but these are one of the worst foods that you would never take. These bars are loaded with heavy sweeteners, white flour and high fructose corn syrup.

Always look for bars which consists of less than 15 grams of sugar and little saturated fats.

5. Reduce Fat Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is absolutely fantastic and fabulous and everyone loves to have it in their breakfast. Even though nut butter is filled with healthy fats and proteins that provide enough energy and fullness which help you to feel full until you take your next meal.

However, whatever fat is reduced it just adds oils and even more sugar to keep it yummy.

6. Margarine And Butter

Top 10 Worst Fake Foods You Should Stop Eating immediately

Margarine is basically very good and healthy for your body especially for your heart. But when it is combined with butter it becomes the worst food you would never have, well butter is loaded with Trans fat and margarine is loaded with saturated fat, this combination is going to be very bad for your health. It’s better to avoid these two ingredients to maintain a healthy mind and body.

7. Frozen Meals

Many people prefer to have frozen meals, because this is very easy to begin as well as to end and it also helps to lose weight. But most of the people are not aware that, these meals are loaded with hydrogenated oils which in turn produce Tran’s fat in some amount.

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Try to avoid these unhealthy meals in your regular diet, so that you can keep yourself healthy.

8. Fast Food

We all eat fast foods and processed food even though if they are bad for our health. But you need to avoid it completely in your regular diet. Because, it consists of Tran’s fat in high amounts and they may use other additives to make it more tastier.

Increasing Tran’s fat in your body may lead to severe conditions which may be hard to handle.

9. Microwave Popcorn

The pop corn which was made in microwave consists of high number of saturated fats which are very harmful for our health. One serving of pop corn contains 5 grams of Tran’s fat which means more than double of your daily allowance. The big thing to remember is that we cannot resist ourselves to only one serving f popcorn while watching Movie.

10. White Bread

Most of the people don’t get time to do breakfast in the morning, so they prefer to have a white bread with pea nut butter, right? But this white bread is made with white flour and then synthetic vitamins are added to make it beneficial for the people.

The grains contain fiber and complex carbohydrates, but the process it went through makes it a carbohydrate sugar product. Try to replace it with some other healthy product which contains low amount of saturated fats.


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