Use This Simple Trick To Detect Fake Honey

Honey is one of the gift of nature which have the capability to treat many skin and health issues within no time. This is used from ancient days in medicinal field as well. It is also considered as one of the healthiest foods ever with its rich source of nutrients, minerals and proteins.

According to a research, more than 75% honey is loaded with number of chemical products and are subjected to process called ultra filtration. This process will remove the pollen of honey which provides lots of benefits to our body.

There are many chances, that you may buying fake honey. But here is the best way and a simple trick to detect fake honey.

How To Test Purity Of Honey

Fortunately, there are several ways to check whether the honey is fake or original. This is a simple way that can be done easily by sitting in your home. You might get surprised after seeing these tricks to check the purity of honey.

Here are simple 3 tricks to know the purity of honey:

Test 1

Flame Test To Know Purity Of Honey

This is a simple trick to check the purity of honey using flame.

  • Take a dry match stick and hold it in your hand.
  • Now dip this match stick in a table spoon of honey, which you bought from the general store.
  • Just strike the stick to the match, just as you would light it normally. If honey is pure, then it would light it with ease and the flame will keep burning off the honey.
  • If the honey is not pure, then the light will not come, because of moisture in it as impurity.
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This is one among many other tricks to check the purity of honey. As you  have learned how to check the pureness of honey, go just grab the bottle in your home and check whether it is real or fake

Test 2

Honey With Water

  • Mix a table spoon of honey in a glass of warm water and see what happens.
  • Fake honey easily dissolves in water and pure honey just settle down at the base of your glass.

Test 3

Use This Simple Trick To Detect Fake Honey

Honey With Iodine

  • Take a glass of warm water and mix little amount of iodine and a spoon of honey.
  • If the honey is fake, then it results in blue color that means it contains huge amount of cornstarch and it’s very cheap.

Tips To Buy Pure Honey

  • Read the label carefully before you buy the product. Pure honey doesn’t contain fructose, corn syrup or commercial glucose in it.
  • Honey at KFC and MC Donald’s do not contain pollen.
  • Do not purchase honey sold in pharmacies because they also do not contain pollen.
  • Even the honey winne the pooh also lacks in pollen

So, to enjoy the maximum benefits of honey, make sure to buy pure and organic honey which contains pollen that are beneficial for your health.


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