Types Of Dandruff And Ways To Stop Them

Even though dandruff is harmless, it makes us feel annoyed and embarrassed having it on our scalp and often falls on our shoulders. Dandruff is one of the most common problem faces by almost every age group of people. It starts slowly on your head and spreads throughout your hair and it can spread to other people too.

Dealing dandruff would be quite difficult, but if left untreated then it leads to major hair fall and also produce constant itching everywhere. To prevent this condition completely, first of all you need to know about the causes and types of dandruff flakes.

Many people have wrong conception, that only dry scalp people will have this problem, but it is not always true. Even excessive oil secretion on your scalp will also lead to cause of dandruff.

Anyways whatever may be the cause it always results in heavy hair loss.

Different Types Of Dandruff Flakes

1. Dandruff Related To Dry Scalp

Dandruff can easily develop on people who have dry skin. Especially more in winter season and even hair products containing high amount of sulphur also leads to the cause of dandruff on dry skin. Even people with curly hair are more prone to this condition compared with other hair types.

2. Dandruff Related To Oily Scalp

Excessive secretion of sebum oil in your scalp also leads to cause dandruff. This happens when excess sebum mixes with dirt on your scalp and this results in dandruff. It is also caused with improper or irregular shampooing, pregnancy and even stress will also cause dandruff.

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3. Fungal Dandruff

Fungal dandruff is caused by fungal infections on your scalp such as malasezia globossa. The fungal infections generally spread rapidly when your scalp has excessive oil secretion or PH imbalance. This condition is highly contagious and can spread easily by sharing combs, towels or hats with the infected individual.

4. Disease Related Dandruff

Some skin diseases like psoriasis will often lead to the cause of dandruff on your scalp. This condition generally causes excessive production of skin cells and leads to scaly skin. If they combine with dirt and excess oil on the scalp, it often results in forming dandruff.

5. Dandruff Caused By Product Buildup On Your Scalp

Types Of Dandruff And Ways To Stop Them

If you are addicted to use number of hair products on a regular basis, then it’s time to stop using all chemical products and replace them with natural ones. These chemical products often build up dirt on your scalp and causes dandruff easily.

Natural Home Remedies To Treat Dandruff

Instead of using expensive products to treat dandruff, here are best and effective natural remedies to treat this condition without taking off a single penny from your pocket.

  • Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix a table spoon of apple cider vinegar with little amount of water and massage your scalp with this solution before going for hair wash. This can knock off dandruff very effectively.
  • Lime Juice: You just need to rinse your hair with lime juice mixed with water while washing your hair. This can do wonders.
  • Fullers Earth: Apply fuller’s earth mixed with lemon juice on your scalp once in a week. The ultimate results of this remedy will surprise you.
  • Baking Soda: Mix 3 table spoons of baking soda with 3 table spoons of lemon juice in a bowl of apple cider vinegar. Apply this paste on your scalp and wash it after 10 minutes.
  • Tea Tree Oil: Add few drops of tea tree oil with little amount of coconut oil and massage your scalp with this mixture. You can leave it overnight and wash it off with herbal shampoo in the morning.
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Tips To Prevent Dandruff

  • Follow healthy diet which include number of essential nutrients and vitamins.
  • Brush and wash your hair twice in a week
  • Avoid all chemical filled products to your hair.
  • Don’t use heat blower for your hair, let it dry naturally.

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