7 Ways To Treat Fever Naturally

Fever is a natural response to illness or infections. Many people don’t know that occurrence of fever is actually good for our immune system to fight against infections.

In reality, fever is good response of our body and to know that body has capability to fight against infections. Though it is a good thing even without medications it can easily disappear after few days.

You may experience headache, dehydration, sweating, weakness, shivering and loss of appetite as symptoms when you suffer with fever.

However we have many medications to treat this condition easily, but instead of medications you can also try these simple 7 ways to get rid of fever naturally.

According to chow Johnson, a pediatrician and assistant professor at Loyola University in health system and Loyola University Strich School of medicine fever can actually help your child to recover more quickly especially when he/she fights against illness.

Dr. Jannice Sullivan said that “the main aim is not to treat fever and there is no reason to make it disappear especially when your child is well, playful and staying hydrated. But, it is very important to seek immediate medical attention for some type of fever if it persists more than 3 days in infants and children and especially if fever is more than 104degrees”.

How To Treat Fever Naturally?

Check out some home remedies to treat this normal condition and increase your comfort levels during fever.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an old remedy used by our grandparents. Even now, it is best ingredient to treat fever as well as many other health issues.

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Dilute apple cider vinegar by adding few drops of carrier oil in it, then soak a couple of washcloths in it and place them on your forehead and tummy.

Alternatively, you can also add one cup of diluted apple cider vinegar in your warm bath or you can wrap a cloth which is soaked in this solution to the soles of patient feet.

  1. Warm Bath

Cold bath can discomfort and make you feel awkward if you are suffering with fever, but a warm bath will help you release temperature from your body.

Depending on your comfort you can have bath warm or extra warm will be helpful, especially when a cup of any essential oil added in it.

  1. Garlic

7 Ways To Treat Fever Naturally

Due to its antiviral and antibacterial properties, garlic has ability to reduce not only fever but also many skin infections.

To reduce fever, you can give your child soups with garlic or you can massage the feet of the child with garlic and olive oil before going to bed for few days.

  1. Use Some Herbals

Herbals are known to treat many infections and  are essential for proper functioning of your immune system. Use some Herbals such as yarrow, Fever-few, elderberry or bone-set to make an infusion. Give it to feverish child to drink it or make it into a smoothie pop.

  1. Gelatin

Gelatin is a wonderful component that helps in improving your digestive system, sleep and support immune system. Gelatin is derived from several animals with several methods and can be used for several purposes.It can treat fever easily as its soothing and easy digestible source of nourishment.

  1. Calcium

One small study on the patients who were suffering from dengue fever, was found that supplementation of calcium and vitamin D reduce the duration of overall symptoms of illness.Try to include calcium rich foods in patient’s diet to reduce the illness easily, even supplements is also a better choice.

  1. Bone Broth

This is followed by our grandparents and even our great grandparents. Even several researchers have concluded that chicken soup contain number of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial in medicinal activity.

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Even nourishing broth also plays a major role in healing our body and it also supports healthy immune function by stimulating white blood cells to fight against unwanted microbes.


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