How To Control Wisdom Tooth Pain With Home Remedies

Wisdom tooth pain is probably the worst thing that has to be faced by everyone at least once in our life time. These tooth usually appear after 17 years of age and before 25 years. But for some people it may even come after 25 years. These are the last and the most posterior teeth amongst all.

The reason why it pains so much is that, they are the last ones to come so there might not be enough space for them to fit in their place, as a result they tend to push or get stuck with other teeth. This is known as impacted wisdom tooth that causes swelling, irritation and severe pain.

This pain mostly develops sudden without any prior warning and may even hamper your day to day activities. In most cases extracting the tooth can only give you relief from the pain but in some cases certain home remedies can also give you relief from pain and swelling.

Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain

  1. Salt


This is one of the easiest and effective home remedy that can reduce the inflammation and fights infectio

  • Take a glass of warm water and mix a teaspoon of salt in it. Now swish this water in your mouth for 3-4 times in a day. This way the germs will stay away and lowers your pain.
  • You can even apply salt directly on the affected area and leave it for few minutes. Both the remedies can be followed daily until you get relief.
  1. Clove


Clove is one of the best remedy used to treat all types of tooth ache including wisdom tooth pain. It has got anti septic and analgesic properties which can numb the pain. Apart from this it is antibacterial in nature that prevents infection.

  • Take few drops of clove oil and using a cotton ball apply it on the effected wisdom tooth as well as the surrounding area. If you wish you can dilute it with olive oil. Apply it 2-3 times in a day.
  • Another remedy is to place a clove near the wisdom tooth and close your mouth, let it remain for 4-5 minutes and then remove it.
  1. Peppermint


Peppermint is another age old remedy that is effective in treating wisdom tooth pain by eliminating the bacteria causing infection.

  • Apply some peppermint oil on the affected area with the help of cotton ball or your finger. Let it remain for few minutes and then rinse with water.
  1. Asafetida


Asafetida is also known is hing, which is a powerful ayurvedic remedy to treat tooth pain. It is antiseptic, anti inflammatory and anti bacterial in nature.

  • Take small amount of asafetida and rub it on the aching tooth, this will give you quick relief from the pain.
  1. Wheat grass


This is another natural remedy that can treat your aching wisdom tooth

  • Take few wheat grass shoots and chew it slowly, do not swallow it, spit it after chewing.
  • Alternately you can extract wheat grass juice and swish it in your mouth, then rinse with normal water.

Additional Tips

  • You can apply ice pack on the cheek above the tooth where you are having pain. This will numb the pain for sometime.
  • Try chewing sugar free gum slowly for some time, this will stimulate saliva and fights infection.
  • Floss after every meal.
  • Oil pulling can also help in reducing the pain.
  • Lower the intake of sugar and sugar based products.

How To Control Wisdom Tooth Pain With Home Remedies





See also  Oral Hygiene - Ayurvedic Way

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