7 Yoga Poses For Toned Arms

Everyone in this world wants to have a perfect physique, even without following diet, right? Everyone strives to look beautiful or handsome compared with someone else. However, as we know a healthy diet and regular exercise will help us to maintain perfect shape of our body.

Apart from exercise, even yoga and meditation also have numerous benefits in maintaining perfect shape of your body.

Do you want to get rid of arm flab and build toned and lean muscles which give you strength and stamina? Then here we go with wonderful 7 yoga poses to improve your arms and gives you perfect shape.

Yoga will make your mind stay in peace and calm in every situation. The perfect yoga practice will strengthen your arms and give stability to your wrists.

Yoga Poses For Tones Arms:

1. Downward Facing Dog

It is also known as anchoring pose which helps to stretch your entire body. It is also great for toned arms because it strengthens your arms, shoulders and back.

How To Do

Start on all your four with your hands shoulder width apart and knees hip width apart.

Now walk your hands away from your shoulder, tuck your toes and then lift your hip and back.

Stretch your hamstrings as you send your heels towards the mat. Now, keep your arms straight and rotate your outer upper arms to make broaden your upper back. Press your legs back by drawing your rib cage in and take deep breath.

2. Push Up (Chaturanga Dandasana)

This asana is very easy to do and this will help you to tighten your muscles and tone your arms.

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How To Do

Start from plank, bend your elbow at 90 degrees and keep your front ribs in and extend your gaze. Keep your elbows in and lower your shoulders in line with your elbows. Lift your shoulders by keeping your gaze extended, the tips of the upper back should draw down by keeping your upper back broad.

3. Knee To Tricep

How To Do

Get started in high plank and pull your knee to tricep and hold that position for one second and return back to high plank.

You can also hold your knee to your tricep for 10 seconds and repeat from other side.

4. One Side Plank

7 Yoga Poses For Toned Arms

When it is done regularly, it will strengthen the shoulder griddle and stabilize wrist and elbow joints.

How To Do

Start with high plank, by stalking right foot direction on top and roll the outer edge of your left foot.

Press the left palm and distribute the weight equally between arm and leg as you lift your right hip by placing right hand towards sky.

Repeat this with other side by holding that position for 10 seconds.

5. Upward Facing Dog

How To Do

Start with high plank by placing your head straight, lower the hip down and open the chest forward.

Hold this position for 5 seconds and repeat it again for more than 5 times.

6. Locust Pose

Locust pose helps to improve flexibility of the back and strengthens shoulders and arms.

How To Do

Start with four, face your mat by keeping your legs straight and raise the right leg up without twisting your leg.

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Hold this position for few seconds and breathe.

Now lift both legs up, by keeping the knees straight as high as possible, then hold on this position for few seconds and return back to plank.

Breathing process while doing this asana will help to bring the legs down and take the arms out underneath and rest.

7. Dolphin Pose

This pose will help to increase flexibility in arms and back while building and toning lean muscles.

How To Do

Keep face on your mat and place your elbows directly parallel to your shoulders. Now keep your elbows shoulders width apart and walk with your toes towards elbows.

Keep your gaze forward slightly and relax your neck.


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