Bronchitis In Children: Home Remedies To Ease Its Symptoms

If you see your child has serious cough, don’t neglect it because sometimes bronchitis could be the reason. With cold and flu season away its possible your child may come with condition called bronchitis.

It is an infection of an inflammation of the large breathing tubes called airways or bronchi. The lining of bronchial tubes is extremely fragile and secrets pathogen fighting mucus which helps safeguards your child’s respiratory system by warding off the threat of infections.

This is generally caused by virus responsible for your cold, flu or sinus infection breaks through the respiratory defenses and spreads to the bronchi.

Acute Bronchitis

Acute bronchitis is one of the most common bronchitis seen in children. It is usually caused by virus and it lasts for two to three weeks. This condition generally ensures in the wake of a common cold episode or some other respiratory tract infections.

Symptoms Of Acute Bronchitis

Symptoms can vary, but some of the most common symptoms include:

  • Runny nose
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle aches
  • Cough
  • Low grade fever
  • Feeling tired
  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath

Here are some effective remedies to prevent and manage bronchitis in children.

Home Remedies For Bronchitis

Salt Water Gargle


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Gargling salt water can provide quick relief to your child and gives relief from symptoms such as cough and sore throat.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one glass of warm water and mix ½ teaspoon of salt in it.
  • Make your child to gargle with the solution and remind him to split it out after gargling.
  • Make sure let him/her do this several times in a day to get complete relief.



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Due to its powerful properties such as anti inflammatory and anti bacterial garlic is effective in preventing the inflammation of lining caused by bronchi and to get relief in children.

What You Need To Do

  • Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and chop them in to small pieces.
  • Place them in a pot and add one glass of milk in it.
  • Boil this mixture for few minutes and allow your child to drink this mixture.
  • Give this mixture every day before going to bed to your child.



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Ginger is considered as one of the best remedy to treat bronchitis. It has anti inflammatory and immune boosting properties that reduce the symptoms of bronchitis and irritation and inflammation caused to bronchi tubes.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of honey with one teaspoon of ginger and give your child to eat every day.
  • You can also make him to drink ginger tea on regular basis to enjoy its benefits.


turmeric-powder-and-turmeric-root (1)

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The active component called cur cumin in turmeric is effective in reducing the symptoms of bronchitis and minimize the swelling of bronchi tubes.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one cup of warm milk and mix one teaspoon of turmeric powder in it. Give it to your child to drink it twice in a day.
  • You can also opt for cur cumin supplement that helps the child to get rid of symptoms and condition completely on regular basis.



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Honey is one of the best remedy to reduce the symptoms of bronchitis like cough, flu sue to its anti bacterial, anti inflammatory properties.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one table spoon of honey with one table spoon of lemon juice and give your child to eat for every few hours to get relief from the symptoms.
  • You can also allow your child to eat table spoon of buckwheat honey for every couple of hours.

Lot Of Rest


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Generally, bronchitis is a lung infection that put lot of effort to do something as basic as breathing, it can really take it out to your child.

Due to constant exertion of chest, your child may feel constant tiredness and incapable to do anything else.

Proper rest and sleep is absolutely important for children being affected with this condition. So, let your child get plenty of sleep to improve the recovery process.

Prevention Tips For Bronchitis In Children

  • Don’t allow your child to mingle with children who have cold, flu and other viral infections.
  • Restrict him not to share his food and drinking glasses with other children.
  • Always make sure to wash his/her hands before eating or touching food.
  • Try to keep your home clean
  • Don’t forget to wash, bed sheets, carpets, toys and other usable things by your children frequently.
  • Limit your child from the exposure of air irritants, such as dust, chemical fumes and other pollutants.

When To Consult our Doctor

Make sure to visit your Doctor, if your child’s wet cough doesn’t clear even after 2-3 weeks. When it comes to child health it’s always best to be on safer side and seek professional help before it turns in to serious condition.


Bronchitis in children- home remedies to ease its symptoms

Chronic Bronchitis Treatment at Home


Bronchitis occurs when the lungs air passage becomes inflamed as a result of infection or irritation. This inflammation causes the thin mucus lining which protects the lungs from leakage of fluids which leads to coughing.

Chronic bronchitis can be defined as the cough that lasts more than three months at a time or for at least two years or a cough that never goes away.

Causes of chronic bronchitis


Tobacco contains number of chemicals which are highly toxic and can wreck havoc on the lungs.

Air pollution

The people who live in heavily polluted areas or work in those environment where they are regularly exposed to dust may lead to chronic bronchitis.

Weekend immune system

Old  agepeople often have weak immune system and the body cannot fight with the infection which leads to bronchitis.

Bacterial and viral infections

The viruses which are ready to increase the cough and cold may lead to bronchitis.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis

Chronic Bronchitis Treatment at Home

  • Fever
  • Chest congestion
  • Wheezing
  • Chills
  • Body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Shortness of breath.
  • White or colored mucus
  • Tiredness
  • diarrhea

Natural remedies for chronic bronchitis

Stay hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps in being hydrated and also helps to thin the mucus in bronchial tubes. It reduces your cough and makes it easier to breathe. Drink more than 2 liters of water every day.

Get some rest

Adequate sleep for a person helps in good functioning of immune system and recovers from infection. Sleep helps the body to repair damage tissue and in producing new tissues and new hormones in the body.

Rest is forgotten ticket for healing; experts recommend adults to have 7 to 8 hours a sleep per a day.

Honey and lemon water

Honey contains anti-oxidants and anti-septic properties which also help in healing the bronchitis. Honey soothes irritated mucus membranes and when it is added with the lemon it gives strength to cure bronchitis in limited days.

Spicy food

Spicy food like red chili contains capsaicin which helps in thinning of mucus layer .Cayenne pepper is also used in preparing spicy food which also helps in ease of blood flow and enhancing the effectiveness of other treatments.


Hot water helps in relaxing muscles which may cause tense from coughing. Inhaling steam helps in break up of mucus so you can expel it easily. The easiest way to inhale steam is under bath or shower, makes your bath tub as hotter as you can bear and take a long breath to relieve from cough.

Salt water

Gargling salt water several times a day helps in removing of excess mucus and washes it away. It doesn’t kill any viruses or it is not an anti-microbial if you have any bacterial infection.

But it helps in reducing the pain in the throat, and do not swallow the water completely you need to sip small amounts of water and gargle at the back of your throat and spit out. Then you have to rinse your mouth with plain water.


Turmeric helps in reducing irritation and boosts the immune system. It has anti-septic and anti-oxidant properties. It also cures many diseases such as

  • Stomach issues
  • Bleeding or blood disorders
  • Iron deficiency
  • Hormone sensitive conditions

Add turmeric in salads and foods you take and adding a pinch of turmeric in tea also helps in reducing many deficiencies including bronchitis.


Garlic helps in effectively inhibited the growth of infectious bronchitis virus, as garlic have many healing properties. If you don’t like to take garlic directly take it with a cup of tea or as a capsule.

Always take it in small amounts so that it does not affect your stomach and it is good to avoid garlic if you have blood disorders.


Ginger helps in reducing respiratory infections and ginger can be taken in many ways as follows:

  • Use it in tea
  • Add it in raw foods
  • Take it as a capsule

Over eating of anything may cause defects in body. So be careful of your health.

Mustard oil

Massage of mustard oil helps in congestion of lungs and provides relief against a stiff chest. People who are suffering from bronchitis should avoid curd and other cool products which may affect in increasing cold and cough.

Tomato soup

Tomato soup is rich in vitamin C helps in reducing excessive formation of mucus during bronchitis. Drink tomato soup 2-3 times a day.

Giloi juice

Giloi helps in providing relief to the inflamed bronchial lining. It soothes the mucus which effects the lining on the throat. Drink one glass of giloi juice everyday in the morning and evening.

Use a humidifier

Humidifiers are used for moisturizing the room and keeping it warm. A humidifier can loosen mucus and helps in proper breathing and relieve wheezing with the limited flow of air. Use it everywhere in the house which helps in proper breathing while you are suffering with bronchitis.

Quit smoking

Smoking is the main cause for increasing bronchitis in your body, smoking will leads to damaging of bronchial tubes and break downs the body defense against infection.A person who is ready to quit smoking is less likely to get acute bronchitis in future.

Pursed lip- breathing

People with chronic bronchitis will try harder to breathe, so the technique called pursed lip- breathing helps you to breathe slowly and to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide. It keeps your air ways open longer so that your lungs may get rid of trapped air and reduce the work of breathing.

N- acetylcysteine

N-acetylcysteine helps in reducing the frequency of coughing attacks and improves the functioning of lungs. It also helps in thinning bronchial mucus and sudden occurrence of bronchitis.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint contains anti-microbial properties which helps in relieve from bronchitis symptoms . Drinking peppermint oil daily helps in unclog the sinuses and ease your soar throat.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus contains cineole which helps in reducing shortening of breath and exacerbations. It is an active reducer of air way inflammation and improves in proper functioning of lungs.