How to Get Rid of Eggshell Nails?

Healthy and attractive nails are not about defining your personality. They also reflect how healthy or unhealthy you are from inside.

You may have various problems related to nails, and having eggshell nails is among the most common ones.

Also known as “hapalonychia,” it is a condition that makes your nails look white and brittle – just like an eggshell.

Various underlying health conditions like hormonal imbalances, traumas, and many different, prolonged diseases can be responsible for the condition. Among all these factors, malnutrition is one of the primary causes of weak and brittle nails.

The nail matrix is an important aspect and is responsible for the proper development of a nail plate that lounges on the dermis and epidermis layers of your fingers.

The length, size, and thickness of the nail matrix determine your nails’ length and width. As a result, both layers are attached to the bones, muscles, and lymph vessels.

Therefore, any abnormality related to the nail matrix’s functioning usually results in various nail problems, including eggshell nails.

If you are also worried about your brittle, weak nails, we are here with some simple tricks to improve your nails’ shape and appearance again. Before that, let’s try to know some apparent causes of the eggshell nail.

Causes of Eggshell Nails

We are yet to find the exact cause of weak and brittle nails. However, factors like prolonged diseases, nutritional deficiencies, continuous mental stress, overuse of certain medications, etc., can play contributory factors.


Stress and overuse of pharmaceutical drugs, in particular, may affect the nail matrix and nail beds adversely and may force the development of weaker, thin, and brittle nails.

Nutrition from foods, especially essential fatty acids, vitamins B7, B12, C, ensure healthy nail production, development, and nourishment.

And, when you don’t get proper nutrition from your diet, either due to ignorance, unavailability of foods, or certain health conditions, you may start noticing some obvious changes in your nails.

Signs and Symptoms of Eggshell Nails

Although you may not notice specific symptoms in the early stages, there are high chances of the appearance of eggshell nail symptoms in later stages – especially if not given proper attention.

Noticeable whitish, thinner, and more flexible nails are the prominent signs of eggshell nail disorder. The flexibility of such nails increases so much so that they can easily curve over the finger edges.

How to Treat Eggshell Nails?

Your nails are a bit tough – undoubtedly tougher than your skin. But they’re not separated from your skin (LOL 😄).

So, you must have to ensure you are using only skin-friendly, if not all-natural remedies to cure brittle, softer, and weaker nails. Here are some of the most practicable tips and tricks to improve your nails’ appearance and strength.

  1. Add Biotin Supplement to Your Diet

Also known as vitamin B-7 and vitamin H, biotin is among the essential B vitamins. Your body is unable to store biotin as it is water-soluble. So, you have to ensure proper consumption of biotin through your diet.

Why? Because biotin plays a vital role in strengthening and shaping your hairs and nails, it can help you overcome brittle nails.

In addition, it can also improve the functioning of your nervous system. You can get dietary biotin from cooked eggs, legumes, and sardines, etc.

Otherwise, a biotin supplement from a renowned brand can be a decent option. Always ask your health expert before taking a biotin supplement to know whether it’s safe for you or not.

  • Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is always very important for your health, including your nail health. You may develop eggshell nails if you don’t give proper attention to hydration for a very long time.

So, ensure drinking three to five liters of water daily to keep yourself hydrated.

  • Avoid Unwanted Water Exposure

Spending extra time in water can also make your nails brittle, soft, and weaker. If you have a water-related job, or you are a housewife, you would want to wear a pair of gloves to insulate your hands from water.

Of course, it’s not possible to avoid water altogether, but being mindful can help a lot.

  • Keep a Close Eye on Your Diet

Your diet plays a decisive role in maintaining your health. Instead of eating just “anything,” keep a check on what you eat throughout the day. Add fruits, vegetables, juices, and soups, etc., to your diet.

Avoid oily, fatty, and fast foods as much as you can. As we said earlier, having brittle nails is an indication of your bad health and is not a condition itself. Hence, your aim must be to eat healthily and nutritiously.

These days, checking the ingredients and nutritional values of food items is very easy. There are numerous mobile applications, smartwatches, and other gadgets that can help you know what you’re eating.

  • Don’t Use “Random” Products for Your Nails

Many nail polishes and other products are formulated with harmful chemicals, which can cause your nails to become softer, brittle, and more flexible.

In addition, these products can cause some skin-related problems too. You must avoid nail polishes or other nail products containing acetone since it may cause significant damage to your nails.

Instead, always shop for non-toxic, high-quality nail polishes, and soaks. In fact, avoid using even nail polish remover containing acetone.

  • Avoid Overuse of Nail Polish

If you have eggshell nails, you would want to take a break from nail polishes. We are not saying you should stop using them completely, but taking a break will give your nails some healing time.

Nail polishes make your nails look beautiful and attractive, but overuse can make your nails weaker and softer – even if you regularly use non-toxic polishes.

If you are in love with nail polishes, wear them for a week or so, and remove them with an acetone-free nail polish remover. And then, give your nails a week of polish-free time.

  • Don’t Use Acrylic Nails or Gels

People having problems related to nail growth tend to go for options like acrylic nails and gels. However, frequent use of these alternatives can cause peeling and weakening of nails.

In short, they can cause brittle nails, primarily if used regularly.

Wearing acrylic nails can be very tempting, but you are disrupting your actual nails’ health if you look at long-term scenarios.

Exposure to sunlight can be a massive risk factor, especially if you wear gel polish quite often. Excessive use of these artificial nails and exposure to UV rays continuously for months can even be a rare cause of skin cancer.

So, it doesn’t matter how tempting it is, avoid acrylic nails or gels to protect your nails. Alternatively, opt for proper nail treatment from a professional dermatologist.

  • Keep Your Nails Short

Yes, keeping the nails long can be very tempting to make them look attractive. But that’s not a long-term option. In fact, long nails are more prone to eggshell nails.

It doesn’t matter how tempting it is to keep your nails long; we suggest you keep them shorter to maintain your nails’ health.

  • Don’t Use Your Nails to Do Strange Things

Don’t use your nails to open the soda can or to scratch a hard surface. Your nails are not for those strange things! Using your nails as multipurpose tools can cause breakage, chipping and make them softer and more brittle with time.

So, only use the right can opener when you go to buy a soda can next time.

  1. Apply a Gentle Lotion on Your Nails

Giving some extra attention to your nails after removing the polish can help you to avoid brittle nails. Ensure regular application of a gentle moisturizer, especially after washing your hands or removing the nail polish.

  1. Avoid Touching Certain Products with Your Nails

If you regularly use hand sanitizer, or you work at a healthcare facility, avoid touching medicated creams, lotions, etc., with your fingers.

Regular exposure to such products can also harm your nails to an extent. Instead, try wearing gloves (surgical ones) if possible.

  1. Use Cleaning Products with a Bit of Caution

Whenever you clean your house or office or are in the kitchen washing utensils, ensure wearing a pair of rubber gloves to cushion your fingers.

Most of the cleaning products and wipes are manufactured using chemicals that can be harmful to your fingers and can cause eggshell nails over time.

Rubber gloves are easily and affordably available and can be proved quite effective to protect your hands from cleaning products.

  1. Check the Components of Your Shampoo and Conditioner

If you are using a conditioner or shampoo, especially for dry hair, you would want to check the ingredients used for their formulation.

Specific shampoo and conditioners also contain chemicals that can cause weakening and brittleness of your nails. It’s not only about your nails.

It would help if you used chemical-free, gentle conditioners, and shampoos even for your hair’s and scalp’s health.

  1. Try Lemon Juice and Olive Oil Soak

Olive oil and lemon juice are two of the most traditional ingredients of a lot of skincare products because both natural ingredients are packed with numerous skin benefits and can effectively improve brittle nails.

How? Olive oil is very effective at penetrating your skin as well as the nail cuticles. It can strengthen and repair the damaged nails from inside. On the other hand, lemon juice can improve the peeling and damaged nails.

Lemon juice can also remove those ugly-looking yellow layers from the nail’s surface and gives them a more natural and glowing look.

  1. Beer Soak May Help Too

Beer is no longer considered as a celebration drink only. It is also used as an essential ingredient in various home remedies for both skin and hair.

Fruit beer, in particular, can be a very good natural treatment to improve eggshell nails symptoms.

Beer contains various nail-friendly minerals like phosphorus, biotin, potassium, and selenium – all of which can play pivotal roles in keeping your skin healthy and strong.

You can get the best out of beer by combining it with a few drops of olive oil, as we have already discussed the nail-friendly abilities of olive oil.

  • Heat one-fourth cup of olive oil to warm it up slightly.
  • Now, add ½ cup of beer and ¾ cup of diluted apple cider vinegar.
  • Soak your fingertips in the mixture for about ten minutes.
  • Repeat this practice twice a week to see your nails improving.
  1. Add Coconut Oil Massage to Your Nailcare Regime

Virgin coconut oil is a single solution for various skin and hair problems. Whether we talk about repairing damaged hair or moisturizing overly dry skin, coconut oil always comes to our aid.

But how about using coconut oil to strengthen and improve eggshell nails? Yes, thanks to its nourishing qualities, massaging your nails with coconut oil can improve the condition to a decent extent.

Not only that, but regular massage with coconut oil can also help you to keep various nail infections at bay. The coconut oil massage doesn’t only improve the blood circulation around the fingertips and nail beds; it also keeps the nail surfaces hydrated.

  • Heat a quarter cup of virgin coconut oil in a small vessel.
  • Massage your nails with the heated coconut oil for about five minutes.
  • Repeat this recipe twice or thrice a day for best results.

These are some very effective as well as affordable ways to get rid of eggshell nails. The condition is more of an indication of an unhealthy body rather than a disease itself. In addition to trying these tips and tricks, we recommend you get in touch with your healthcare provider to assess your health properly. These ideas can be proved handy, but improving your overall health will go a long way to make your nails look healthy and flourishing again. We will surely welcome you with other ideas with which you improved your brittle nails. Do hit the comment section to share them.

Baking Soda to lighten underarms

Having dark underarms is not the worst thing, but it can be a reason for embarrassment for some people. You may think twice before flaunting your body in those sleeveless dresses if you have dark underarms.

You might feel nervous while enjoying the much-awaited beach vacancy. In short, dark underarms can stop you from being who you are! Then,

what’s the last-minute solution? How can you start wearing your favorite dresses with confidence again? Well, you may find a dozen answers, but baking soda for dark underarms can be the ultimate solution.

How to Lighten Underarms Using Baking Soda?

Honestly speaking, there is no scientific proof of baking soda as an effective remedy for dark underarms.

However, being skin-friendly and alkaline, baking soda can help your skin whitening, that too, without disturbing your skin’s PH level. Instead, baking soda works effectively on your skin and soothes it naturally.

It is often used as an exfoliant to get rid of dead skin cells from under the skin. And these are enough reasons to make baking soda an effective dark underarms treatment.

Baking Soda Recipes for Dark Underarms

  1. DIY Baking Soda and Water Scrub

As said earlier, baking soda can be handy to lighten your dark armpits. It can quickly fade dark spots away and other marks from the skin due to its bleaching properties. Here is how you can use baking soda with water.

Ingredients You Need

  • 2 tbsp of baking soda
  • 1 tbsp of water

Steps to Follow

  • Add water to baking soda to form a consistent paste.
  • You can adjust the quantity of water according to requirements.
  • Apply the paste evenly under your arms and massage for a couple of minutes.
  • Baking soda and coconut oil for dark underarms

You may have dark underarms due to prolonged skin dryness. And coconut oil is considered among the best skin moisturizer.

Also, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, coconut oil can keep skin infections away. You can easily overcome the problem of dark underarms by applying it with sodium bicarbonate.


  • Stir together 2 tbsp each of coconut oil and baking soda to get a fine paste.
  • Apply properly under the arms and leave for about ten minutes.
  • Splash with fresh water before drying off with a clean cloth.
  • Follow these steps every day for a month to see the results.
  • Lemon and Baking Soda to lighten underarms

The bleaching prowess of lemon is very well known. Not only that, lemon juice is packed with other skin benefits too.

Regular use of lemon juice alone can help you to start flaunting your armpits again. And when you use it with baking soda, the effectiveness just gets doubled.


  • Add one tbsp lemon juice to one tbsp baking soda.
  • Prepare a fine paste by mixing correctly.
  • Apply on the dark areas under your arms and leave for fifteen minutes.
  • Wash off with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Both lemon and baking soda are slightly acidic. Hence, we recommend you to use a gentle moisturizer.
  • Repeat this treatment twice a week for desired results.
  • Baking Soda and Orange Juice

Orange juice is very good at maintaining your skin’s pH level. Thanks to high vitamin C concentration, orange juice also improves the collagen production, which improves your skin’s appearance.

Combining these properties of orange juice with the cleansing and exfoliating prowess of baking soda can be proved a decent dark underarm treatment.


  • Add two tbsp freshly squeezed orange juice to one tbsp baking soda.
  • Mix properly to ensure suitable consistency.
  • Lather your armpits and pat dry with a towel.
  • Massage the dark areas with the mixture and leave for five minutes.
  • Wash and pat dry again.
  • Repeat these steps thrice a week for great results.
  • Tomato and Baking Soda for Dark Underarms

Tomato juice is packed with a decent enough amount of vitamin C and different antioxidants. It works as a natural bleaching agent and can help you to get rid of the darkness of your armpits.

Applying tomato juice with baking soda can make your armpits brighter and radiant. Besides, the combination can also control excessive pigmentation, dark spots, and dullness of the skin.


  • Mix one tbsp each of baking soda and freshly squeezed tomato juice.
  • Rub under your arms for a couple of minutes before leaving for about ten minutes.
  • Remove the mixture with cold water and pat your underarms dry.
  • Repeat this method twice a week to notice the difference.
  • Turmeric and baking soda for dark underarms
Baking Soda

Turmeric is very good at restoring your natural glow as well as improving the tonicity of the skin.

Turmeric contains potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant known as “curcumin,” which is known for its skin benefits, including skin complexion and skin brightening.

Using turmeric powder with baking soda can be proved mighty effective if you are struggling with dark armpits


  • Mix two tbsp each of turmeric powder and baking soda.
  • Add enough water to make a fine paste.
  • Now, apply gently under your dark arms.
  • Leave for ten minutes, splash some water, and pat dry.
  • Repeat this process regularly until you see some improvement.
  • Baking Soda and Honey

Honey is one of the best natural antioxidants being applied to the skin for centuries.

Thanks to its powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, honey can also be one of the most potent dark underarm home remedies.

It is also among the most capable natural moisturizers and can enhance your skin’s complexion. And you can always double its efficiency of honey by combining it with baking soda.


  • Merge one tbsp honey with one tbsp sodium bicarbonate.
  • Blend uniformly to get a stable mixture.
  • Spread under your armpits and keep it on for about fifteen minutes.
  • Flush with fresh water and take a towel to pat dry.
  • If you have itching under your arms, you can use honey as a mild scrubber.
  • Ensure the repetition for a few days for best results.
  • Epsom Salt and Baking Soda to Lighten Underarms

If you have inflammation with darkness under your arms, Epsom salt can be the best option.

Epsom salt penetrates your skin very easily and removes the dead cells from under the skin. As a result, it can improve the skin darkness quite effectively.

Applying Epsom salt with baking soda can help you overcome hyperpigmentation, one of the apparent causes of dark underarms.


  • Prepare a fine paste by adding one tbsp each of baking soda and Epsom salt with enough water.
  • Apply evenly on the dark spots and wear for about twenty minutes.
  • Cleanse with lukewarm water before patting your skin dry.
  • Adding some Epsom salt to your bath water can be very useful as well.
  • Cucumber and Baking Soda Scrub for Dark Underarms

Thanks to its caffeic acid and vitamin C contents, cucumber is used as a scrub for various skin problems. It contains a lot of water and can reduce irritation and inflammation of your skin.

Cucumber improves your skin’s hydration and helps you fight abnormal skin darkness. Preparing a scrub with cucumber and baking soda might be useful to manage dark underarms.

  • Cut a small cucumber into thin slices.
  • Grind these pieces in a grinder, ensuring you still have some tiny cucumber pieces.
  • Now, add two tbsp of baking soda with enough water to get a thick consistency.
  • Cover your armpits with this mixture and leave for about half an hour.
  • Go for the shower like you usually do.
  • You can try this treatment every other day for half an hour before going for a shower.
  1. Olive Oil and Baking Powder for Dark Armpits

Extra virgin olive oil is packed with decent skin lightening effects. Olive oil is effective in controlling over-pigmentation, as well as controls tissue damage due to various external factors.

If used regularly, olive oil can also reduce skin wrinkles, darkness, as well as inflammation. What more? Olive oil is among the best natural bleaches, antibacterial agents, and skin exfoliator.

Using olive oil with baking powder can be proved surprisingly effective to eliminate the darkness of armpits.


  • Mingle 4 tbsp olive oil with 2 tbsp baking soda.
  • Make a fine paste by mingling them properly.
  • Apply under your arms with black areas.
  • Keep the mixture on for about one hour before washing off with fresh water.
  • Use this formula thrice a week to see the results.
  1. Carrot Seed Essential Oil and Baking Soda to Lighten Underarms

If you are annoyed with dark underarms for quite a while now, carrot seed oil may be proved handy. It contains a lot of beta-carotene and can assist you in your efforts to deal with hyperpigmentation. Using carrot seed essential oil with baking soda may help you get your natural skin color back.


  • Make a fine paste by combining these two ingredients with the required water.
  • Massage your armpits with the mixture before leaving for about half an hour.
  • Remove the mixture with fresh water and pat dry.
  • Repeat these steps for a few weeks or until you see improvement.
  1. Baking Soda and Sandalwood Essential Oil

Sandalwood essential oil is popular for its miraculous skin lightening, skin clearing, and skin whitening properties.

It contains numerous skin lightening agents and can successfully overcome abnormal skin darkness.

Thanks to its other prospects like anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and astringent properties, sandalwood essential oil may help you get the best out of baking soda to lighten underarms.


  • Make a fine paste by adding enough water to two tbsp baking soda.
  • Add together 10 to 12 drops of sandalwood essential oil.
  • Now, apply gently under your armpits and leave for around twenty minutes before going for a shower.
  • Apply this aromatic composition for three to four months and start expressing the best of you again.
  1. Baking Soda and Rose Water

Due to its remarkable anti-inflammatory properties, rose water can be proved handy in various skin conditions, including dark armpits.

Rosewater can control hyperpigmentation, dermatitis, and other causes of the darkness of underarms.

Hence, it can be a potent companion for baking powder for dark armpits.


  • Add two tbsp baking soda to a few drops of rose water.
  • Make a decent paste by adjusting the rose water quantity.
  • Cover your armpits with the paste and leave for ten to fifteen minutes.
  • Splash some water to remove the paste and pat the armpits dry.
  • Finish with rose water as a gentle moisturizer.
  • Follow the process twice a day for three weeks and assess the change.
  1. Baking Soda and Glycerin for Dark Underarms

As we said earlier, dryness of the skin may be among the prominent causes of dark underarms. And glycerin can go a long way when it comes to retaining the moisture.

Glycerin also heals tissue damage due to different reasons, including bacterial infection, prolonged sweat, and other external stimuli.

You can elevate the effectiveness of glycerin by combining it with baking soda to lighten dark underarms.

Here is How

  • Prepare a thick paste by mixing these two ingredients in a bowl.
  • Apply the paste to dark armpits and leave for fifteen minutes.
  • Wash off with freshwater or go for the shower.
  • Try repeating this method twice a week for promising results.
  1. Baking Soda and Milk Scrub

Topical application of raw milk can help to overcome unwanted tans and hyperpigmentation.

Thanks to its lactic acid content, milk can’t only lighten your skin but can also remove the dead cells from under the skin.

And combining it with baking soda can give you a potent remedy for dark underarms.


  • Add one tbsp baking soda to enough fresh, raw milk, and make a consistent paste.
  • Apply the paste under your arms.
  • Scrub it for a while and let dry for ten minutes.
  • Flush some lukewarm water for proper and gentle removal of the mixture.
  • Repeating this gentle dark underarm treatment four times a week should be helpful.

Having dark underarms is not a huge concern, and you don’t have to sweat out heavily to get rid of it either.

These are some very effective, as well as safe baking soda treatments for dark underarms. Hopefully, you now have multiple ways of finally overcoming dark armpits.

Share your journey of treating dark armpits to inspire a lot of other people.

Reference Links,it%20suitable%20for%20skin%20application.

How to Remove Blackheads with Duct Tape

Blackheads are tiny bumps that usually affect the skin of your face or nose due to clogged hair follicles. They occur on your face or nose when different types of impurities like dirt and pollutants trap inside your skin pores. Natural oil under your skin gets more rigid and make your facial and nasal skin dark. These tiny black, dots are very tough to remove. Some people find exfoliation as an effective way to remove blackheads. However, if you want to remove them immediately, duct tape for blackheads can be the best bet.

In this guide, we will address everything about blackheads and duct tape. Is it safe to use duct tape for your skin? Is duct tape a useful blackheads removal trick? Are there some other alternatives? And more. But before talking in detail about duct tape, let’s talk about some crucial aspects of blackheads first.

What Causes Blackheads?

Sometimes, blackheads are confused with other skin conditions like acne, follicles, staph, and rosacea etc. But to ensure correct blackheadsremoval, you have to identify them correctly.

Blackheads are formed due to the development of a clog or plug in the hair follicles’ opening of your skin. Each follicle homes one hair and an oil-producing sebaceous gland. The oil, known as “sebum” is vital to keep your skin soft and supple. Your skin follicles regularly collect the dead skin cells and oils, and produce a very common facial or nasal bump known as “comedo”. When the skin covering this bump is closed, it is known as “whiteheads”. On the other hand, it is called as “blackheads” when the bump is opened and exposed to the air and other foreign particles.

Some factors that are known for increasing the chances of developing blackheads are:

  • Excessive production of oil under your skin.
  • A constant build-up of the Propionibacterium acnes bacteria on your facial or nasal skin.
  • Excessive oil production due to various hormonal changes. Your body may undergo hormonal surge during different conditions, including teen years, menstruation, pregnancy, among others. Birth control pills are also responsible for rapid hormonal fluctuations.
  • Certain drugs like androgens, corticosteroids, and lithium etc. also cause different skin appearances, including blackheads.
  • When the dead skin cells don’t leave your skin for a long time, your skin may get irritated and develop blackheads.

Are there Blackheads Symptoms?

Spotting or identifying blackheads is very easy, as they look dark in color with very tiny, dotted bumps. There is no specific symptom of blackhead, as they don’t cause any inflammation or pain on the affected skin. Rarely, when different bacteria invade the hair follicles’ blockages, you may notice inflammation and redness of the skin.

Duct Tape for Blackheads

There can be a wide range of options when we talk about treatment for blackheads. And various researches back duct tape as an effective way to remove blackheads. Duct tape is not something Alien – it’s a simple adhesive tape placed on the skin surface and removed after a while. Using duct tape is not only safe but very easy as well. And the best thing is, you can use it without any assistance from your family or friend. 

Is it Possible to Remove Blackheads Using Duct Tape?

A lot of people don’t give much attention to duct tape as an effective blackhead remover. But if you go through some researches, you will find that it is more than just possible to remove blackheads with the help of duct tape. As we said earlier, duct tape is not something alien; it is a simple, skin-friendly adhesive tape that is placed on the skin affected with blackheads and removed after sometime to remove blackheads with it. Here is how you can use duct tape for blackheads.

How to Remove Blackheads with duct tape?

Many people are still not aware of black tape as a very effective blackhead remover. But you will be surprised by the results. Here is a simple yet result-oriented technique you should know to finally get rid of blackheads without going through complicated and painful procedures.

  • Wash your face with clean, cold water.
  • Use a gentle, chemical-free face wash containing at least 3% of salicylic acid.
  • Apply the face wash properly on your face, focusing mainly on blackheads.
  • Now, massage the blackheads-affected area for a few minutes, working on the tiny pores, ensuring the face wash can properly get inside the pores.
  • Dab your face dry with a washed, soft cloth – cotton cloth will be the best option.
  • Avoid rubbing your face harshly.
  • Now, cut the duct tape according to your requirement.
  • Place the duct tape very gently using your fingers for proper, correct placement.
  • Start removing the tape after five odd minutes. Ensure pulling the tape very quickly to avoid prolonged suffering.
  • Using duct tape for blackheads can be a bit painful. But with promising results, it worth giving a try.

Using Duct Tape for Blackheads Does Not Cause Capillary Breakage

There is a big misconception about duct tape that it breaks down the blood capillaries. But it’s far from the truth because you can remove the duct tape very quickly without causing any damage to your skin or tissues.

Duct Tape Doesn’t Even Increase Your Nasal Pores

If you are hesitant before using duct tape thinking that it may increase the size of pores, you should not be. Because there is nothing like that with duct tape at all, if you feel some discomfort, some other conditions may be responsible. You should not blame duct tape for it.

When Should You Not Use Duct Tape for Blackheads?

Duct tape is usually safe for your skin, but you should not use it if blackheads are accompanied by some other skin conditions such as:

  • Acne: Acne commonly affects your face, chest, neck, shoulders, and upper back. At times, acne can be a condition in which you may get blackhead, whiteheads, deep and painful cysts, pimples or nodules etc. If acne is left untreated, may leave dark skin or scars for a very long time.
  • Rosacea: Rosacea is a chronic skin disease with symptoms like red, raised bumps, facial redness, skin sensitivity, facial flushing, and skin dryness etc. It goes through various cycles of fading and relapse and is usually triggered by alcoholic beverages, stress, spicy foods, sunlight, and Helicobacter Pylori bacteria.
  • Cold Sore: Sometimes, a cold sore is also mistaken for blackheads. Cold sore may cause similar-looking fluid-filled blisters around lips and mouth. But cold sore is usually accompanied by other symptoms like low fever, swollen lymph nodes, body pain etc.
  • Hives: Raised, itchy welts usually caused due to an exposure to allergens. Hives are warm, pinkish-red, and are painful to touch. They can be of varied sizes and shapes but are usually round, and ring-shaped.
  • Actinic Keratosis: They are usually of size less than 2 cm, form crusty, scaly, and thick patches. Usually pink in color, but may appear gray, brown or tan etc.
  • Measles: Red rashes affecting the face as well as other parts of the body. Symptoms may include cough, runny nose, loss of appetite, sore throat, and watery eyes etc.
  • Lupus: Characterized by ring-shaped, red, scaly patches commonly affecting the face, neck, forearms, shoulders, and upper torso. Other symptoms may include headaches, fever, fatigue, and painful joints etc.
  • Seborrheic Eczema: Skin under mustaches is commonly affected by seborrheic eczema, characterized by scaly, white, flaky patches. The skin may get red, oily, greasy, or itchy. Rashes may cause loss of hair if left untreated.

These skin conditions are sometimes mistaken for blackheads. If you are planning to use duct tape to remove blackheads, or for any other treatment, identifying them correctly is very important.

Also Read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Really Good Against Shingles?

Some Other Tips to Remove Blackheads

Although duct tape is a useful option to get rid of blackheads, some people may find it intimidating as peeling; it indeed can cause a bit of pain. If you are also one of them, we have some other blackheads best treatment for you.

Exfoliate Your Skin

If you haven’t exfoliated your skin yet, it might be the best time to give it a try. Removing the dead skin cells from under your skin should be the ultimate goal to remove blackheads finally. And exfoliating your skin with a suitable natural rub can be immensely helpful. We recommend you to exfoliate your skin once a week to use it as a blackhead remover.


Regular facials can also help get rid of blackheads. But you have to ensure using the right product. We recommend using only non-comedogenic products which are mainly made for not clogging the pores.

Baking Soda

Baking soda can be perfect for blackheads below eyes. Compose a paste with water and baking soda, and apply evenly on the areas affected with blackheads. Scrub the paste on the skin for a few minutes before washing off. Repeat baking soda treatment twice a week for best results.

Egg White Mask

Thanks to the skin tightening qualities, egg whites can be proved as a decent blackheads’ remover ingredient. Egg whites can shrink your pores when you apply them directly and can force the blackheads out without any harsh effect on the skin. As they are rich in nutrients, egg whites can improve skin texture and remove excessive oil.

Lemon, Honey and Salt

Lemon is known for its astringent qualities. On the other hand, fine granules of salt make it an excellent, non-abrasive skin scrubber. And honey will maintain the much-needed moisture of the skin as well as, it will also keep the harmful germs away.

  • Add these natural ingredients to prepare a paste.
  • Apply on blackheads and scrub gently in a circular motion for a minute or so.
  • Now, wear the mixture for about five minutes before washing with warm water.
  • Repeat a week thrice regularly to see the difference.


Steaming is not only known for removing the blackheads effectively, but it can also be surprisingly useful to avoid blackheads formation in the future. When you steam your face, your face starts removing toxins thanks to an increase in sweating. Steaming also starts softening your facial and nasal pores and removes blackheads easily.


Tomatoes are a notable source of vitamin A and C and are also packed with skin brightening, pore shrinking, and oil-absorbing properties. Tomatoes can be beneficial for oily skin, as the tomato pulp can remove the extra grease without any harsh effect.

  • Cut a medium-sized tomato into thin, round slices.
  • Rub one slice on blackheads-affected skin.
  • Alternatively, try using tomato pulp to rub the area gently.
  • Leave for a few minutes before splashing with freshwater.

How to Avoid Blackheads

If you have successfully used duct tape for blackheads or removed them with a natural treatment, you would love to avoid a recurrence. Following are some tricks to ensure they don’t scare you again in the future. 

  • Never try to pup the blackheads out as it may leave a deep scar on your skin.
  • Don’t use tweezers or any other pointed object as blackheads remover. Doing this can cause severe tissue injury to your face or nose.
  • An exfoliation is undoubtedly a good option, but always avoid using harsh chemicals or other beauty products.
  • Wash your face regularly to avoid the accumulation of dirt or any other impurity.
  • Always apply a gentle moisturizer to avoid dryness of the skin. We recommend using only non-comedogenic moisturizers for good results.
  • Try using skin products containing salicylic acid. It is a common chemical used in acne and pimple creams and can help you to prevent blackheads.

If you are planning to use duct tape for blackheads, we will suggest you go ahead. There is almost no drawback except potential pain while removing it. And if you want to avoid that, we have helped you with some other effective alternatives as well. Hopefully, we have busted all the myths related to duct tape, and you are now well assured of using it to remove those annoyingly unattractive tiny dots finally. If you have successfully removed blackheads with some other tricks, hit the comments section to share with our readers.


Home Remedies for Piles

Hemorrhoids (read hem-uh-roids), also known as “piles,” are swollen veins of your lower rectum and anus, pretty similar to varicose veins. Depending on the affecting area, hemorrhoids are classified as “internal hemorrhoids” (inside the rectum) and “external hemorrhoids” (under the skin surrounding the anus).

It is a prevalent condition affecting almost three out of four adults once or more in the lifetime. Underlining the exact cause of hemorrhoids is not very easy, but a combination of factors like a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet is usually responsible. Luckily, there are some very effective as well as safe home remedies for piles.

You can use these remedies and some lifestyle adjustments to improve the condition, especially in the early stages. But you can’t rely only on these remedies if you are having symptoms of late stages of piles. Symptoms like painful stools and regular constipation can be managed at home. However, if you start noticing rectal bleeding, you should talk to your doctor without any hesitation.

Before we discuss these home remedies, let’s try to answer some critical questions related to hemorrhoids.

How long do piles last?

It deserves entirely on the severity of the condition and related symptoms. We can’t talk of a set duration for how long you can have piles. Small, painless piles without considerable discomfort usually clear up within a few days and don’t require specific treatment. A change in diet, like more fiber and exclusion of oily foods, leading an active lifestyle, etc., is enough to overcome small hemorrhoids.

However, large, external piles causing significant discomfort like very painful stools, constipation, and rectal bleeding, etc., may take longer to heal. In such cases, home remedies for piles may not be enough, and you may have to talk to your doctor for proper treatment.

How long does it take for hemorrhoids to shrink?

Again, it depends mainly on how the rectum and anus are affected by hemorrhoids. Regular hemorrhoids with mild discomfort usually shrink within a week. However, thrombosed hemorrhoids may take up to 10 days to improve if you are not going for the surgery. It may require two to three weeks for the lump to heal completely.

The healing period after getting proper treatment won’t stop you from leading an everyday life. However, your doctor may suggest you against intense exercises and strenuous activities, at least for a couple of weeks.

Is there a natural cure for piles?

Yes, natural remedies are quite effective in improving the condition – but only when you don’t have severe piles complications. Following are some very effective home remedies that can help you overcome mild to moderate piles symptoms.

Home remedies for piles

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel has been applied as a natural remedy for piles for many years. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera gel may effectively improve inflammation and irritation of the anus and rectum. Although we don’t have enough scientific evidence of aloe vera as an effective treatment for piles, the National Center for Complementary and Integrated Health records aloe vera gel as a very effective and safe topical natural treatment for piles.

You can find aloe vera gel in various skincare products, but using only pure, fresh aloe vera gel is recommended for the best results. Some people are allergic to aloe vera gel. You should avoid using aloe vera gel even if you are allergic to onions and garlic. Rubbing a pea-sized amount of gel on the forearm will help you to check for allergic reactions. If you don’t notice anything different after 24 to 48 hours, the gel is safe for you for topical use.

2. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is also considered among very efficient home remedies for piles. You must be very sure and, at the same time, cautious about what you are going to apply on piles – because the already-affected area may get more irritated and inflamed. Many people use witch hazel to apply directly on external piles to get relief from pain and irritation.

Natural witch hazel is an excellent source of astringent, a substance known for its tissue-shrinking abilities. Thanks to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, witch hazel may give you instant relief from complications, if not treat the symptoms permanently.

Here is how you can use witch hazel as a natural treatment for piles:

  • Take a small quantity of pure and fresh witch hazel on a cotton ball.
  • Dab the cotton ball on painful areas to get some quick relief.
  • You should never use witch hazel diluted with alcohol to avoid an increase in irritation and dryness.

3. Apply Some Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly, Vaseline, in particular, may also be effective to soothe inflammation and pain. For desired results, dab some petroleum jelly on the affected area and get quick relief.

Must Read: Remove Gallstones Naturally – Is It Possible?

Home remedies for external piles

1. Ice Packs

Applying cold or ice packs to the piles may also be surprisingly useful to improve pain and inflammation. An ice pack may temporarily relieve pain and reduce swelling as well.

Don’t apply ice cubes directly to the skin to avoid tissue damage. Instead, scarf a few ice cubes in a soft, clean cloth and dab on the affected area for fifteen minutes to get relief.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is known for its moisturizing effects and can reduce piles’ complications within a few minutes. You can apply some coconut oil directly on piles to get rid of swelling and irritation. Coconut oil is also very good at reducing the urge to scratch the piles-affected anus.

3. Potato Compress

It may sound very strange, but a potato compress is also among the most effective home remedies for external piles. When you apply grated potato on piles, it works as a soothing astringent and improves the symptoms like pain, inflammation, itching, etc. 

4. Warm Bath with Epsom Salt

A warm bath can also give surprising results and can reduce irritation and inflammation. Both a full-body bath and a sitz bath can give you immediate relief from the complication of piles. We recommend taking an Epsom salt bath for fifteen to twenty minutes after a bowel movement for great results. It might sound a bit arduous but is packed with some surprising results. Hence, you should give it a try.

How to get rid of piles when pregnant?

Pregnant women are usually prone to getting hemorrhoids, especially in the third trimester, due to the pressure of an enlarged uterus on rectal veins and reduced physical activities. You can ease the complications with these home treatments:

  • Avoid sitting in one position for so long: Sitting aggravates the anus and rectum’s venous pressure. You should avoid sitting in one position for hours. Instead, try to take a stroll or keep changing your sitting position regularly. Standing up every few minutes may also help. Sitting on a hemorrhoid pillow (also known as doughnut and ring cushion) may also be very handy.
  • Soak in warm water: Soaking the affected area in a tub filled with warm water may also help reduce complications of hemorrhoids during pregnancy.
  • Ask your doctor for an over-the-counter-remedy: Applying witch hazel medicated pads can be immensely helpful. Otherwise, ask your gynecologist for prescribed medication or cream to ease the symptoms.

NOTE: Pregnancy is itself full of different complications. If you get affected with hemorrhoids quite frequently during pregnancy, we suggest you get in touch with your doctor for proper assessment and a change in the pregnancy-care module, if required.

Natural food treatment for piles

Some minor changes in your eating habit can be surprisingly useful to deal with hemorrhoids and related complications. Here are some tempering you can do with your diet.

1. Add more fiber

Diet rich in fiber can play a crucial role in improving piles by positively affecting your digestion. Fiber increases your stool volume and weight and ensures easy and comfortable passage of stools. Oatmeal, nuts, beans, fruits, pears, etc., are some of the best dietary fiber sources.

2. Drink plenty of water and other liquids

Most anal problems, including hemorrhoids, usually develop due to a lack of fluids in the diet.

Quench a lot of water and other fluids such as fruit and vegetable juices, coconut water, etc., can help you keep your stools soft and make them easy to pass through the intestines. A much softer stool means you can pass the stool without putting much pressure on the rectum – and in less irritation to the affected parts.

3. Add more whole grains

Whole grains are the powerhouses of nutrition. Because they are ready to eat with endosperm, bran, and germ – all of which are packed with various health benefits.  Whole grains are particularly rich in insoluble fiber and can immensely improve your digestion and reduce the discomfort related to hemorrhoids.

You should keep in mind that whole grains are not only about bread and whole-wheat flour. While these are the best options, the list contains corn, brown rice, oats, whole rye, barley, and quinoa.

In particular, oatmeal can be a perfect natural treatment for piles, and that too, without any side effects. Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber known as “beta-glucan,” which works like a prebiotic and improves your gut microbiome. Prebiotic also ensure better survival for good bacteria in your diet.

When you visit an online or nearby store to purchase oatmeal, steel-cut oats need more cooking time but are less processed.

4. Add Broccoli and Other Veggies Containing Cruciferous

Cruciferous veggies like cauliflower, broccoli, arugula, kale, brussels sprouts, cabbage, turnips, radishes, etc., can be very healthful home remedies for piles.

These vegetables are known for their anticancer properties, but they are packed with many insoluble fibers. For example, only one cup (76 grams) of raw broccoli gives you about 2 grams of healthy fiber, and the best part is, all of it is insoluble. Broccoli increases your stool’s volume and makes it pass easier. Additionally, cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolate, a plant chemical that is easier for your gut bacteria to breakdown.

A study highlighted that an increased intake of cruciferous vegetables (14 grams per kg) of body weight assorted the gut microbe within a couple of weeks. And assorted gut microbe is directly linked with a healthy, more resilient gastrointestinal system, and at the same time, and improved immunity. This, especially when combined with fiber content, makes cruciferous veggies a go-to option for people struggling with hemorrhoids.

5. Cucumbers and Melons

Cucumbers and melons come from the Cucurbitaceae family. They are not only very delicious, but can be fine home remedies for piles, and can also improve your digestion.

Tip: Instead of consuming peeled cucumber, have them with the skin to get the most fiber content.

6. Apples

Apples also boast a decent amount of healthy fiber. For instance, one medium-sized apple contains about 5 grams of fiber. The apple contains a special fiber known as pectin, which forms a gel-like consistency in your digestive tract.

This improves your digestive system and bulks up the stool, easing the strain during stool and other hemorrhoids symptoms.

Some other very healthy and effective foods that can help you get over piles are pears, raspberries, bananas, stewed prunes, bell peppers, celery, root vegetables, squash, etc.

Foods to Avoid:

You should avoid foods low in fiber, including red meat, dairy products, fried foods, processed meats, salty foods, white flour, etc.

Piles are not a very serious complication, of course, until and unless left untreated for multiple weeks. You can improve mild to moderate symptoms with a healthy combination of a fiber-rich diet and home remedies for piles. Hopefully, we have guided you correctly with some very efficient natural remedies. If you don’t notice any recovery in symptoms even after a couple of weeks, we suggest you talk to a doctor for a proper assessment. Sometimes, doctors suggest hemorrhoidectomy (a surgical procedure to remove hemorrhoids), especially if there is no improvement after long-term medical treatment.


Black Eye – Possible Causes, Signs, Symptoms, and Home Remedies

A “black eye” is the appearance of an injury, bruise, or trauma in or around your eyes. It is mainly due to a direct injury to your face or head, which causes internal bleeding in the skin surrounding your eyes. And blood leaks in the injury affected tissues when the capillaries or small blood vessels break. That’s why the affected eye and the surrounding area start looking different than usual, mainly black colored. A black eye is not always severe but sometimes can indicate a severe injury such as a fracture to the skull. So, how to get rid of a black eye when it is not very serious?

The answer to this question may vary according to the extent of discoloration, cause, and duration since you have noticed a change in appearance. Sometimes black eye may result from a surgical procedure or a facelift. When the skull fracture is a real reason, the condition is called”Raccoon eyes,”and the blood is accumulated under the eyes.

If you notice a black eye due to a minor injury, you can opt from a wide range of home treatments available. If caused due to trauma, domestic violence, or without a specific cause, you must get immediate medical attention. Before jumping on some very effective self-treatment for black eyes due to minor injury, let’s talk about some important, relevant aspects in detail.

Causes of Black Eye

As we have discussed earlier, black is usually a result of an injury or trauma. Violence can also be a prominent cause of the black eye. Also, a strike on the face during boxing or wrestling are among the common causative factors. A sports injury may also cause a slow but progressive discoloration of the eyes.

Sometimes, minor tissue injury during dental or cosmetic surgery is also responsible for changing how your eyes look.

What would cause a black eye for no reason?

It is improbable that you may have black eyes without an injury, trauma, or a forceful hit to your head or face. However, other factors like cosmetic eye surgery and nasal surgery may also be responsible. Other possible causes are severe sinus infection, tooth infection, and some other types of dental procedures.

If you are not aware of an external or apparent cause, some severe medical conditions can also cause black eyes. They are:

  • Skull fracture
  • Hyphema:Rare bleeding between the back of the cornea and iris. It’s a medical emergency and may result in vision loss if not given proper, timely medical support.
  • Cellulitis: Infection of the tissues around your eyes.

Can a black eye be permanent?

Depending on the severity and cause(s), a black eye may take 2 to 3 weeks to get better. However, if there is some serious injury to the eye socket or other part of the skull, it may take a couple of months to heal completely.

Usually, the black eyes are due to external injury and don’t cause any permanent damage your eye or surrounding tissues. If you feel sudden change in vision after an injury or a trauma, you should not take it lightly. You might be having much more than only a simple bruise. The injury may have caused a fracture of delicate bones forming the eye socket, or the structure of the eye itself is compromised.

Also Read: Dark Circles Under Eyes – Possible Causes and How to Remove Them Naturally

What are the signs and symptoms? – Different Stages of the black eye

Signs and symptoms of the black eye may vary purely according to the cause. If a serious injury or trauma is a cause, you may notice sudden, dark discoloration of the eye and surrounding skin. In such a case, immediate medical help might be vital.

Pain, bruising, and swelling are among the most common signs and symptoms.

  1. If the extent of the injury is not very serious, you may notice mild swelling and discoloration. Then, there might be redness of the eye that may progress to get a darker shade.
  2. Later, the skin surrounding the eyes may become violet, black, green, or yellow.
  3. If not given immediate treatment, discoloration may progress with an increase in swelling.
  4. If the black eye is due to a mild injury such as a sports injury, an accident, a punch, or a collision, the impacted area improves, swelling reduces and becomes lighter within a couple of weeks.

Although, a person may experience difficulty opening the eye or blurry vision due to an increase in swelling. Serious vision problems due to minor or mild injury are not usually common.

Signs of Severe Head or Eye Injury

If the injury to the eye or surrounding area of the skull is severe, there might be some other signs, including:

  • Double vision
  • Unconsciousness
  • Sudden loss of sight
  • Improper movement of the eye
  • Oozing of blood or other abnormal fluid from the nose or the ears
  • Accumulation of blood around the eye itself
  • A continuous, throbbing headache

If you experience any of these symptoms of a black eye, you should immediately call for a medical emergency.

How is Black Eye Diagnosed?

Usually, a basic physical examination is necessary, especially if the eye gets black without severe injury or trauma. The doctor may inquire you in detail to know the reason and to understand how your eye is impacted.

  • Checking the vision, examining the eyes with a torch, looking into the pupils, testing the motion of the affected eye, and assessing facial bones’ condition are some common ways of diagnosing the black eye.
  • According to the cause and extent of the impact, your doctor may suggest some additional investigations, including:
  • Advanced examination of the eye by putting a dye in the eye and looking under a special light to know if there is an abrasion to the eyeball or check for foreign objects.
  • If the doctor finds some signs of fracture of facial bone or skull, you may have to go through an x-ray or a CT scan.
  • Your doctor may refer to an appropriate specialist, maybe an ophthalmologist or even a neurologist for correct and proper examination and follow-up care if there is something serious.

How to Get Rid of a Black Eye?

Getting rid of a black eye at home is possible, especially if the causative factor is not very serious. Proper rest and cold application are sometimes very adequate to heal the condition.

1. Ice Packs

Ice is surprisingly useful to reduce swelling as it constricts blood vessels and reduces fluid accumulation. Ice also cools the area down and lowers inflammation. If you get a mild or moderate injury, you should rush towards the refrigerator to get some ice cubes. Otherwise, a clean cloth soaked in cold water will help as well.

  • Apply ice packs for fifteen minutes every hour for the first twenty-four hours. Avoid applying ice directly on the injury.
  • A commercial ice pack or wrap of the ice cubes in a cloth is recommended to avoid possible cold injuries.

2. Warm Compresses

Warm compress is also an effective home treatment for a black eye. But you should avoid this treatment in the first couple of days after the injury. Apply warm compresses when the swelling is reduced after applying ice packs for the first two days.

To get the best results from warm compress,

  • Fold up a clean cloth and place in a large bowl with hot, but not boiling water.
  • Take the towel out and squeeze gently to remove excess water.
  • Fold in square and apply gently on black eye, keeping your ere closed for around twenty minutes.

3. Gentle Massage

Massaging the affected area gently also helps inincreasing the healing process. But like warm compresses, don’t start massaging right after the injury. Massage gives excellent results once the swelling and bruise are subsided. Avoid massage if you feel pain or inflammation in the injured area.

Must Read: Remove Gallstones Naturally – Is It Possible?

4. Calendula

Also known as marigold, calendula is also an effective treatment for a black eye. Calendula is famous for its healing prowess and the ability to reduce inflammation. If there is marked bruising or swelling, calendula becomes a primary treatment option. Here are some tips to effectively use calendula.

  • Get a handful of fresh calendula petals and put them in a cup of hot water.
  • Steep for about fifteen minutes, remove from the stove, and keep aside.
  • Then refrigerate the calendula-infused liquid for about half an hour.
  • Soak a soft, clean cloth in the liquid and massage the eye area for five to ten minutes.
  • Calendula plants are not accessible to everyone. You can look for Calendula Officinalis Mother Tincture online or at a nearby homeopathic pharmacy for similar results. It works superbly on different types of injuries and bruises.

5. Arnica

Like calendula, arnica can be immensely useful if the wound is not contused or marked darkness of skin due to blood accumulation. Arnica herb does wonders in case of an eye injury or black eye. If arnica herb is readily available, you should go for it as a primary treatment for a black eye.

Again, like calendula, finding arnica herbs is as tough as it gets. However, you can find Arnica Montana Mother Tincture or Arnica Cream online orat a homeopathic store. Arnica Mother Tincture has shown some fantastic results on bruises without bleeding.

How to heal a black eye overnight?

Healing black eye overnight doesn’t sound very practical. However, there are some very effective home remedies to heal very mild cases of a black eye. Here are some of them.

1. Potato Slices

You can get quick results by using potatoes for mild injury on or around your eye.

  • Slice a raw potato and extract the juice.
  • Soak a cotton ball in the potato juice and use it to massage impacted areas.
  • Otherwise, cover the injured area directly with sliced potato.
  • Leave the juice or potato slice over the bruise for around ten minutes.
  • Remove and wash gently with cold water.
  • You may have to repeat these tips numerous times to heal a black eye overnight.

2. Chilled Tea Bag

Child tea back can be another quick and effective treatment for the black eye. This remedy can be beneficial, especially if the injured area gets black very quickly.

  • Soak a chamomile tea, green tea, or other fresh tea bags in water.
  • Remove the teabag and place in your fridge for about half an hour.
  • Place on the injury for ten minutes.
  • Repeat every two hours to get quick relief.

How Does Toothpaste Help a Black Eye?

Those self-claimed healers talk a lot about the effectiveness of toothpaste on a black eye. However, that’s miles away from reality. There is no practical, medical, or even theoretical evidence of using toothpaste for a black eye. In fact, some ingredients in certain toothpaste may aggravate the pain, especially in case of bruised or contused injury.

So, we recommend you not to try toothpaste or something silly for your eyes. Try other home remedies we have discussed above – but only in mild cases of a black eye. Otherwise, we suggest you talk to an experienced doctor to examine and treat the black eye properly.

Final Words

A black eye is usually not very serious, and you can manage it at home with some very effective home remedies. Try these remedies if your black eye is not severe. If you have got a black eye after an accident, trauma, a severe hit due to any reason, trying to treat it at home is like calling for the trouble.

And after all, your eyes are the most vulnerable and, at the same time, very precious organs. You should not take any injury or hit to your eye lightly. If you ask us for suggestions, we would like to suggest you see a doctor even if you get a mild eye injury. What’s wrong if you get clearance and busted all the doubts from your doctor?


How to Get Rid of a Black Eye as Fast as Possible

How to Get Rid of a Black Eye Faster, Overnight, Naturally With Home Remedies,the%20eye%20as%20soon%20as%20it%20is%20punched.

Remove Gallstones Naturally – Is It Possible?

The formation of hard deposits in your gall bladder result in gallstones. Depending on the stone-forming particles, they are of two types, i.e., cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones. As the name suggests, cholesterol gallstones are formed due to excess accumulation of cholesterol in your gall bladder. On the other hand, pigment gallstones are formed due to excess bilirubin. Usually, surgery is the go-to treatment option; it is also possible to some extent to remove gallstones naturally.

You may have intense, sharp pain in the upper right of your abdomen. Pain due to gallstone usually radiates to the back and may even go up to the shoulder blade.This article will discuss gallstones, gallstones’ causes and symptoms, and some effective home remedies for their removal. Let’s find out more.

What Ate the Causes of Gallstone Formation?

As we have said earlier, gallstones are of two types, i.e., cholesterol and pigment gallstones. It is hard to highlight one particular cause of gallstone formation. However, doctors point out various possible factors, including:

  • Bile containing excess cholesterol: Your liver keeps excreting extra cholesterol. Bile juice functions continuously to dissolve cholesterol along with other chemicals. Due to some obvious reasons, your liver starts excreting more cholesterol than your bile is capable of dissolving. Continuous and prolonged accumulation of cholesterol into the gall bladder forms very tiny crystals, which are eventually build-up to form stones.
  • Your gallbladder is not emptying correctly:Sometimes, the bile concentration increases due to improper emptying of the gallbladder and contributes to gallstones’ formation.
  • Bile containing excess bilirubin: Bilirubin is a chemical produced duringthe breakdown of red blood cells. Certain medical conditions like biliary tract infection, blood disorders, liver cirrhosis, etc., force your liver to overproduce bilirubin. An excess of bilirubin eventually forms gallstones.

Complications of Gallstones

Depending on the duration of formation, type, and size of stones, a patient may have the following complications.

  • Inflammation of the Gallbladder: Inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) is mostly noticed when the gallstone gets stuck in the gallbladder’s neck. The patient may get severe abdominal pain and fever in such a case.
  • The blockage of pancreatic ductwhich is a tube-like structure that connects the pancreas to the common bile duct and continues to the duodenum. Especially if not detected early, gallstones may block the pancreatic duct and show signs like light-colored stools, nausea, vomiting, dark urine, sudden weight loss, etc.
  • Blockage of the common bile duct: Gallstones may also block ducts through which bile flows from the gallbladder or liver to the small intestine. You may have symptoms like jaundice, bile duct infection, and severe abdominal pain, etc.
  • Gallstone Cancer: Although rare, gallstones can potentially be responsible for gallbladder cancer. Gallstone cancer is mainly noticed when gallstones are not detected early or are ignored for months.

Can you dissolve gallstone?

Small-sized gallstones (less than 5 mm) are possible to dissolve with prescribed medications such as Ursodiol. Ursodiol is also effective for preventing the formation of gallstones in the future.

Besides, homeopathic treatment is surprisingly useful to dissolve gallstones of up to 5 mm. Some homeopathic medicines like Berberis Vulgaris, China, Carduus Marianus, Chamomilla, Chionanthus, Lycopodium, Veratrum Album, etc., can be helpful if you want to remove gallstones without surgery.

Note: These medicines are only for information purposes. We strongly suggest you not to take any of these medicines until and unless a qualified homeopathic practitioner prescribes them.

How to Dissolve Gallstones Naturally?

These days, medical science has reached a completely different height. And fortunately, treatment for so many different problems and complications is not only easily available but also affordable. We always suggest you get in touch with a qualified medical practitioner for correct analysis, examination, diagnosis, and treatment.

The effectiveness of these natural ways of dissolving gallstones is not backed by medical science. However, they are very popular natural alternatives to modern medical methods. Again, talking to your doctor before starting any of the following remedies is advised. If you are having moderate to severe complications of gallstone, you may require immediate medical attention. Let’s have a look at some very useful, safer alternative natural ways to dissolve gallstones.

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1. Gallstone Cleanse

We have already discussed some significant reasons for gallstone formation, like secretion of excess bile, excess bilirubin in your body, improper emptying of the gallbladder, etc.

Many people with a better idea of traditional remedies claim that a gallbladder cleanse can help break down the gallstones and empty gallbladder. However, we are still away from scientific backing. Still, some people prefer using a combination of herbs, olive oil, and juice for a few days.

During that period of gallstone cleanse, you are not supposed to consume anything but the oil mixture. We don’t have a standard recipe or mixture as yet, and this can be risky for people with lifestyle disorders like low blood sugar and diabetes, etc.

One study was performed to analyze the role of sunflower oil and olive oil on gallstones; researchers successfully found olive oil’s role in proper bile consumption. However, there wasn’t enough evidence of a noticeable effect on gallstones.

Don’t attempt the gallbladder cleanse without talking to your doctor. It might not be a safe option for everyone.

2. Apple Juice

Apple juice

Apple juice is considered an effective home remedy for gall bladder stones. People believe that apple juice may dissolve the gallstones and help you pass out through urine due to its acidic nature. The claim about apple juice being a treatment for gallstones was circulated after a 1999 letter with details about an anecdotal woman having successfully passed the gallstones with apple juice. However, medical experts don’t support this theory.

Regular fruit juice consumption may not be suitable for you if you have hypoglycemia, diabetes, stomach ulcers, or other chronic conditions.

3. Dandelion

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health adverts dandelion as a traditional home remedy for gall bladder stone. Some old-time recordings back dandelion as a treatment for various liver, gallbladder, and bile duct problems. Believers of ancient medicine claim that the bitter roots of dandelion may stimulate the production of bile.

People used to consume dandelion coffees and teas to remove gallstones. However, we don’t have enough scientific support to say whether it’s beneficial or not. Hence, you should ask your doctor before consuming dandelion, especially if you are down with gallstones, other gallbladder problems, or kidney problems.

4. Milk Thistle


There are plenty of records of medical usage of milk thistle for detoxifying the liver. It has been in use for centuries. While it may help improve gallbladder complications, we don’t have enough scientific backing for its benefits on gallstones.

You can have milk thistle in different forms, including tablet, capsule, or a tonic. If you have conditions like ragweed allergy, diabetes, or a history of hormone-sensitive cancers, you should not consume milk thistle without talking to your doctor.

5. Yoga

If we go with some claims, yoga is another effective way to remove gallstones naturally. A study articulates that yoga can improve the overall lipid profile, especially in people with diabetes. In a separate study, researchers worked with a group of people with cholesterol gallstones and found that most of them had abnormal lipid profiles.

However, they didn’t find conclusive evidence of a connection between abnormal lipid profiles and gallstones. Yes, yoga can improve various symptoms related to gallstones, but we can’t say it a dependable treatment for gallstones.

6. Artichoke

Artichoke extracts may have some effects on the stimulation of bile production and the liver and gallbladder’s function. However, there is no medical proof of artichoke calling as a home remedy for gall bladder stones.

Artichokes can be used in a lot of different ways for cooking and consumption purposes. The research mainly focuses on the effects of supplements containing artichoke extracts, which are perhaps more potent than the natural extracts.

Like all other home remedies, you should talk to a doctor before using artichoke for gallstones as well.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar for Gallstones – Is it a good option?

apple cider vinegar

Many people profess that apple cider vinegar can dissolve gallstones. But that’s far, very far from the truth. Yes, it’s a popular health supplement used for various reasons, but no scientific records are backing ACV as a treatment for gallstones. Let’s understand why ACV can’t breakdown stones in your gallbladder.

Many people believe that ingesting ACV can dissolve gallstones. And if you put some gallstones in a petri dish and add apple cider vinegar, you may notice them dissolving after a while. Why? Simply because apple cider vinegar is acidic!

However, can you somehow expose the stones inside a gallbladder directly to apple cider vinegar? That’s quite impossible. Why? First, you will have to consume some amount of ACV. By the time it will clear all the hurdles from your digestive system, it will breakdown into different chemical components and won’t remain as acidic as it was! And it’s doubtful that ACV can affect the stones, at least when they are still inside.

So, don’t be in any confusion whatsoever, and avoid consuming apple cider vinegar in the hope that it will quickly dissolve gallstones.

Can You Prevent Gallstones Formation?

Many people think that their body requires help from outside to detoxify and flush itself properly, but that’s not true at all! Your body is capable enough to function correctly enough – but you need to provide a healthy, balanced diet combined with plenty of physical workouts.

Flushing or cleansing your gallbladder, or even your clone is not even close to logic and certainly lacks scientific merit. Instead, you can ensure the prevention of gallstones by following a healthy lifestyle that should include:

  • Adding more fiber to your diet: Doctors give so much importance to a fiber-rich diet. Dietary fiber keeps your gut healthy and clean. It increases the size and weight of your stools and makes them easy to pass. Also, fiber can reduce the production of bile acids and bile cholesterol levels. Hence, we suggest you add more fibers to your diet by eating more vegetables, beans, whole grains, fruits, etc.
  • Consuming healthy fats: Gallstones are likely to form when your gallbladder doesn’t empty well enough. Healthy fats like fish oil and olive oil can stimulate the gallbladder’s contraction and ensure regular emptying. A diet with healthy fat can keep your gallbladder healthy without relying on a potentially risky “flush.”
  • Engaging in enough physical activities: Physical activities can also play a key role in gallstone prevention. Thirty minutes of moderate exercise five times a week is usually enough to maintain healthy body weight and keep cholesterol levels checked.
  • Reducing sugar intake: Avoiding overconsumption of sugar, especially refined ones, can also go a long way.

Can I eat eggs with gallstones?

Eggs are affordable and are an excellent source of protein. You can easily prepare a dozen different recipes with eggs. But can you consume them when you have gallstones? Potentially, egg yolks are high in cholesterol, and an elevated cholesterol level must be the last thing you would want!

An elevated blood-cholesterol level can cause various gallbladder problems, including inflammation and gallstones. However, you can consume egg whites in limited quantities, but only if you can follow a healthy and active lifestyle themed with a healthy diet, physical activities, mindfulness, weight management, etc.

Final Words

“Home remedy for gall bladder stone” is more a hypothetical concept than a proven or scientific one. In a modern era, where medical science is touching new heights every day, you should avoid such theories.

We recommend you get in touch with a qualified doctor for proper medical assistance. You will get a better idea of the condition of your gallbladder. Your doctor will tell you if medical treatment can be helpful to dissolve the gallstones. Otherwise, doctors usually suggest for surgery, known as cholecystectomy for gallbladder removal. You can survive even without a gallbladder with minimal side effects. Hopefully, you don’t have to face such situations.


Pimple In Ear – Potential Causes, Treatment, Prevention and Much More

If you feel a bump in or around your ear, you probably have a pimple inside your ear. Is having a pimple in the ear common? Is it normal? What causes a pimple in the ear? Do you need to get serious about it? – A bunch of questions starts revolving around your mind, and you keep looking for satisfactory answers.

Pimple is a prevalent skin condition, affecting millions of people all around the world. Pimples can affect any part of your body, but the areas containing most oil glands are more prone to it, and that’s why your face and back are affected with pimples more than other body parts.

You may feel pain and discomfort in or around your ear if you have a pimple inside. Usually, pimples don’t need specific treatment, and they are subsided on their own. However, you can speed up the healing process by using simple, safe, and effective home remedies.

In this article, we discuss possible causes of pimples, how to remove them without hurting your ear, what are different treatment options, and what are the prevention tips.

Causes of pimple in ear

The causes of pimples inside your ear are not different from the causes of pimples you get on your face, back, or other body parts. Your ear canal and outer ear are made up of skin cells, oil-producing glands, and hair cells – and all of them take their part in the formation of pimples inside your ear.

Pimples are formed when a pore inside your ear gets clogged with sebum and dead skin cells. Sometimes, bacteria are also responsible for causing pimples in the ear. And hence, anything that helps bacteria traveling inside can form pimples. Causes of pimple in the ear may include:

  • Regular and prolonged exposure to a dusty or dirty environment
  • Using already used earbuds or sharing them with others
  • Putting unnecessary things in the ear, including toothpick, pen, pencil, or finger, etc.
  • Increased mental stress
  • Ear becoming infected or dirty after piercing
  • Allergic reactions to certain hair or beauty products that accidentally enter the ear canal
  • Wearing helmets for very long hours
  • Hormonal imbalances, especially during puberty
  • Otitis externa or swimmer’s ear after getting in touch with dirty or stale water
  • Using old, dirty earphones or earbuds
  • Production of excessive oil from glands inside the ear

Also Read: Face Cream Allergy Symptoms

How to Know If the Bump in My Ear Is Boil or A Pimple?

Sometimes, a boil is misunderstood as a pimple because both look pretty similar from the outside. If you feel a painful bump in or around your ear, you might be having a boil. Boils are usually hard; reddish lumps appear on the skin. They usually affect the body parts that have hair and sweat. And that’s why you usually get boils around your head, eyelids, beard, armpits, and thighs, etc.

If you think you don’t have hair inside your ear canal, you are wrong – because you have! The hair inside the ear, along with the earwax, protects your eardrum from debris and dust.

Inspecting your internal ear on your own is almost impossible, and it can be a bit hard to differentiate between a boil and a pimple. Typically, if the bump is larger than a pea, is compressible, and fluctuant, it’s implausible that it’s a pimple.

If somehow, you can see the bump with the help of a mirror, an individual, or by taking a photo, you should look for the size and appearance. If it’s pinkish red, more extensive with a white or yellow center and lesion, it’s probably a boil.

If the bump is smaller in size, red in color, not very painful, it might be a pimple inside your ear.

How to treat a pimple in your ear?

Your ear is one of the most sensitive body parts, and you should not use “anything” as a treatment for acne inside the ear. Those usual acne creams should also be avoided to ensure maximum safety of your ear.

Following are some very effective and safe home remedies for pimple in the ear.

1. Cold Compress

Ice packs are used effectively to improve bumps and soothe inflammation. In fact, various studies back that repeated application of cold compress effectively treats pimples, including those inside the ear.

Steps to follow

  • Apply an ice cube gently around the painful area.
  • Hold and press gently for around 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Remove for a few seconds and apply again.
  • Repeat these steps twice or thrice a day to get soothing and calming effects.

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree essential oil is packed with excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties and can heal ear pimples, especially if caused due to bacterial infection. One should not use tea tree oil with 100% strength, as it can irritatethe skin. So, only use 5% diluted tea tree oil with a carrier oil. Using skin products containing tea tree oil can also help. We recommend using a cotton swab to apply tea tree oil a few times a day to the pimple visible from the outside.

3. Basil


Basil has been used as a natural treatment for various infections due to its antimicrobial properties. And it can also be proved a handy treatment for pimples in the ear.

What You Will Need

  • A handful of fresh basil leaves
  • Cotton ball or dropper

Steps You Have to Follow

  • Extract the juice by crushing the basil leaves
  • Apply the juice to the visible pimple and surrounding area using a cotton ball
  • Alternatively, pour a few drops of basil juice inside your ear canal to treat pimple

4. Onion


Onions are known for their microbes-killing properties and can help you eliminate ear pimples, especially bacterial infection. Also, onion juice can absorb harmful chemicals from the skin affected by pimples and prevent a recurrence.

You Will Need

  • One medium-sized onion
  • Cheesecloth

What You Have to Do

  • Slice the onion into two halves and heat them on the stove or in the microwave for a minute or so.
  • Wrap one half of the onion into the cheesecloth, and place around your infected ear.
  • Please keep it for ten minutes, or until the onion cools down.

5. Olive Oil

Warm olive oil can be useful, especially if there is too much wax or dirt around the pimple. This can also help in treating ear zit.

What You Need

  • Olive oil
  • Dropper

What You Have to Do

  • Put some drops of warm olive oil in your ear using a new dropper.
  • Applying the olive oil topically with a cotton ball is also effective.

6. Black Tea

The tannin content of black tea with warm water can be proved a handy treatment for pimples in the ear.

What You Need

  • A couple of black tea bags
  • Warm washcloth
  • Warm water

Steps to Follow

  • Boil the water and dip tea bags for a couple of minutes. Extract the excess water and apply gently around your ear.
  • Keep the warm compress on for fifteen minutes to get rid of pain due to pimples.

7. Apple Cider Vinegar

You can’t keep ACV away from your kitchen. Can’t you? This versatile vinegar does make its presence felt due to its action on a wide range of skin conditions. To help you, diluted apple cider vinegar may be used for pimples in the ear as well! ACV is known for its antibacterial and astringent properties and can help improving infections by opening up the clogged pores. Topical application of ACV can give instant relief from pimple symptoms, including pain, redness, and inflammation.

What You Require

  • Diluted apple cider vinegar
  • Cotton ball

Steps You Should Follow

  • Soak the cotton ball in diluted apple cider vinegar and wipe over the visible pimple.
  • Keep it on for a couple of minutes before washing with clean water.

8. Garlic

Garlic does wonders mainly for a pimple on the outer ear. It can improve pain due to pimple due to its antibacterial properties. By using garlic, you can get rid of both pains as well as a zit.

You Will Need

  • Two cloves of peeled garlic
  • 2 tbsp sesame oil or mustard oil

Steps You Need to Follow

  • Heat the lightly pressed garlic cloves and oil of your choice.
  • Warm the mixture on low heat until the cloves are black.
  • Strain the oil from the mixture and keep it aside until the oil gets to room temperature.
  • Now, apply the oil on the outer ear pimple and leave it for a few minutes.
  • If the pimple is inside, you can pour a couple of drops of oil inside.

9. Hydrogen Peroxide

Here is another very, very effective treatment for pimples in the ear. Hydrogen peroxide works really well on pimples due to bacterial infection. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, you can thin it as an alternative treatment.

You Will Need

  • 3% diluted hydrogen peroxide
  • Cotton ball

Must Read: How to Use Hydrogen Peroxide to Remove Blackheads?

Steps to Follow

  • Soak the cotton ball in diluted hydrogen peroxide for a couple of minutes.
  • Remove the cotton ball and squeeze to get rid of excess solution.
  • Now, dab the cotton ball on the external ear pimple for a couple of minutes.

Toothpaste in the ear for pimple – Is it a good idea?

There is a lot of rumors around netizens about the effectiveness of toothpaste on the in-ear pimple. People claim rubbishy that dabbing some toothpaste on the pimple will clear it up overnight! Certain kinds of toothpaste contain some natural ingredients that can be effective against pimples, but there is no scientific backing for toothpaste itself as a treatment.

Most kinds of toothpaste contain ingredients like alcohol, triclosan, and other chemicals that can only harm your skin. Menthol content of some toothpaste can give temporary relief from pain and swelling, but there is no logic behind using toothpaste to treat a pimple. So, we recommend avoiding it altogether, especially if there are so many other natural and safe treatments available.

pimple in the ear

How to pop a pimple in your ear canal? – Is it safe to remove without proper treatment?

Sometimes, it may be tempting to squeeze the pimple out, but you should avoid it altogether, as it can harm your internal ear.

Trying to pop the pimple out of your ear can force the pus deeper into the pores. And in a result, you may suffer from further irritation and inflammation. In the process of squeezing the pimple, the area may get swabbed, and there may be a scar formation.

An infected pimple may also convert into a boil. Sometimes, it happens without any external reason, trauma, and pricking, squeezing, and poking.

Some Prevention Tips

It is possible to prevent the formation of pimple in the ear by:

  • Proper and regular cleaning to reduce sebum and dead skin cells
  • Avoiding swimming in filthy water
  • Avoiding the introduction of foreign objects in the ear
  • Not wearing hats or helmets for a very long time

Is it always a pimple?

Sometimes, other types of growth may also be mistaken for in-ear pimples. Other bumps that may affect your ear may include:

  • Keloid Scars: Dark, raised, large scar tissues resulted from an old wound
  • Sebaceous Cysts: Small bumps beneath the skin with slow or now growth
  • Basal Cell Carcinoma: Although very rare, bumps may be due to malignant growth
  • Seborrheic Keratosis: Common, harmless growths look like brownish, raised bumps
  • Acanthoma Fissure: An uncommon skin problem resembling a raised edge, usually seen in people who always use contact lenses or sunglasses.

Pimple in the ear can be painful, uncomfortable but is rarely severe. You can get rid of it by using some very simple, safe, yet effective home remedies. Hopefully, you got to know a lot about in-ear pimples, and you are now aware of some myths like “toothpaste in the ear for pimple” and “popping it out forcefully.” If you feel the symptoms of a pimple in or around your ear, and you are unable to see it even with the help of your friend, we recommend you to get in touch with an ENT specialist. It might be possible that you are having more than you are assuming, and you may require proper professional medical assistance. You are most welcome with your comments if you have something to say, ask, or suggest. Cheers!


How to get rid of cellulite on thighs? – Home Remedies

Cellulite is a dimple-like appearance that affects your things’ skin. It is a very common, harmless skin condition that causes dimpled, lumpy flesh, mainly on thighs. It can also affect hips, abdomen, and buttocks and is more commonly seen in women. According to an estimation, more than 85 percent of women over 21 have cellulite. Although it is not harmful, it can be a problem for those who are always extra careful about their looks. If you are also one of them and want to know “how to get rid of cellulite on thighs,” we will help you with the best possible solutions.

Unlike most other skin conditions, cellulite may develop with no connection to age or weight but is more commonly noticed in advanced life stages. Medically, it is also known as “gynoid lipodystrophy” and can be reduced by combining some lifestyle adjustments, home remedies, exercises, etc.

This article will focus on every aspect of cellulite, including the possibility of disappearance, home remedies, required time duration, and much more. Let’s have a look.

Can You Get Rid of Cellulite Once You Have It?

Getting rid of cellulite entirely is almost impossible. Honestly speaking, it’s not necessary at all to fix cellulite from a medical point of view. At a certain stage of life, cellulite becomes a common and absolutely normal feature of your body. To your surprise, “cellulite” wasn’t even a part of common, daily life vocabulary until the late 1800s when French doctors first coined the word.

Famous magazine Vogue in the late 1960s even called it “body fat you couldn’t lose before” and highlighted with the line “a trendsetting, fashionable, unique way for women to hate their bodies.”

These days, cellulite is considered more as a “personality problem” than anything. And getting rid of it completely is not as straightforward as usually thought. There is simply no “magic treatment” for it because the exact cause for it is still unknown, and you may get it due to an array of factors, even without one! If you are still worried about those lumpy, inconsistent thighs, you can get some improvement with a balanced diet, healthy and active lifestyle, adequate hydration, proper exercises, and no smoking.

How long does it take to get rid of cellulite?

This question’s answer depends entirely on different factors, including age, body weight, how long since you have them, and the treatment method. In some cases, no treatment, including natural methods, work.

According to some research, cellulite can be improved within a month or so with proper treatment combined with specific lifestyle changes. But if you have them for very long, you may have to opt for other alternatives, including supplements and topical creams. If we talk about a specific time frame, cellulite may go away in a month or may never go without surgical methods.

How to reduce cellulite in a week – Is it possible?

It is not quite practically possible, at least not within a week. Because cellulite is an appearance of an accumulation of fatty tissues underneath the affected skin, it is very much possible to reduce the appearance within as little as a week. A combination of a diet rich in vegetables, less salt, and sodium, proper hydration, exercising with this simple home remedy can help you reduce the lumpy appearance of cellulite.

Note: Here, we are talking about “reducing the appearance of cellulite,” not the “cellulite” itself.

Steps to Follow:

  • Add a quarter cup of olive oil to your morning’s coffee ground in a small bowl
  • Warm the mixture in the microwave for about 10 seconds
  • Lie down comfortably and apply the mixture on the areas affected with cellulite.
  • If you cannot lie down due to any reason, use a plastic wrap to secure the mixture on your skin.
  • Ensure proper massage of the mixture on the skin and leave for fifteen minutes.
  • Wash the mixture off with warm water and pat dry.

How does it work?

Caffeine in the coffee mixture can help shrink pores and maintain the firmness of your skin.

  • For better results, repeat this process at least twice daily for a week.
  • Don’t forget to apply this mixture when you decide to spend some time on a beach – or any day you are going to show more skin.

Tips to Follow Throughout the Week

  • In addition to this one-week treatment, we recommend you to up your water intake. Water reduces the toxins from your body and makes your skin soft, supple, firm, and toned.
  • Increase the intake of whole foods like vegetables and cut down salt and sodium consumption as much as you can. Why? Salt is known for retaining water and won’t allow the flushing out of toxins.
  • Add lower body exercises to your regime. Exercises like lunges, cycling, squats, and other exercises involving thighs can also help you combating cellulite.

Does running get rid of cellulite?

Only a multidisciplinary approach, including a healthy diet, proper thigh exercises, lifestyle adjustments like avoiding smoking, etc., can help you have a good chance of improving cellulite appearance.

A diet containing enough fruits and vegetables can be effective against inflammatory markers and maintain ideal body weight to reduce the dimply appearance. Quitting smoking can have a surprisingly positive effect on your efforts.

Also, regular, and moderate physical exercises, including running, can help. How? Practicing regular physical exercises increases and improves your body’s blood flow and increases the elasticity of tissues. Also, running can help burning extra fats accumulated onthe thighs. A combination of running and resistance training may attack cellulite from two sides – a decrease in fat mass and an increase in muscle mass, making it practically possible to reduce cellulite appearance.

Not only running, other aerobic activities, mainly aquatic exercises, can have amazing effects. In short, exercises involving the rapid and constant movement of thighs and legs can have a decisive effect on how your cellulite look.

Also Read: Is Apple Cider Vinegar Really Good Against Shingles?

Home Remedies and Exercises for Cellulite

NOTE: As already said, these home remedies and exercise reduce the “appearance of cellulite” and are not the “treatment” for cellulite, as it is not considered a skin problem or disease.

Exercises for Cellulite
Exercises for Cellulite

1. Massage

Massage is a promising remedy for the lumpy appearance of skin due to cellulite. You can do it yourself or get some help from a professional massage therapist.

Massage can be usefulin improving lymphatic drainage and hence may help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Also, regular massage of affected areas can stretch skin tissues.

You can use various massage creams and oils readily available in the market. But following a better massage technique is essential to have the best effects. So, we recommend you get some help from a professional therapist to learn the correct massaging technique.

2. Shed Some Body Weight if you are overweight or obese

Being overweight or obese can also be a specific responsible factor for cellulite. If you are overweight, you should think of losing some pounds even if you don’t have cellulite! Losing excess body fat will help you properly shape up your body and get rid of cellulite appearance.

So, follow a healthy lifestyle themed with a balanced diet, appropriate physical activities, enough sleep, stress management, etc., to get your body in the best possible shape. Cellulite appearance around your thighs will automatically start getting better.

Exercises for cellulite

Specific exercises targeting leg and glutes muscles can also improve skin’s texture around the thigh. As a result, the impression of cellulite will be improved too.

While exercise is not the proven treatment for cellulite (there is no other treatment either), exercises can improve the tonicity of thigh muscles and surely make your thighs look better. Here are some exercises to improve the appearance of your thighs.

3. Side Lunges

  • Stand straight and tall, keeping your hip-width away.
  • Take a decent step out, bend your knee, pushing the hips back.
  • Don’t remove any of the feet while lunging.
  • Return to the starting position by pushing off the same leg.
  • Now, repeat with the other leg.

4. Leg/Glute Kick-bags

  • Put both hands and legs on the floor, keeping the rest of the body up.
  • Kick one leg upwards (behind the body), engaging upper thighs and glutes.
  • Lower the involved leg and start again with the other.

5. Step-Ups

  • Step up can be one of the most effective exercises to improve cellulite if you are looking for quick results.
  • Stand steady in front of a bench.
  • Step up on the table with one foot at a time,
  • Step back, keeping the body shape intact.
  • Repeat with other foot.

6. Squats

  • Stand firmly, keeping your feet parallel to your shoulder.
  • Ensure keeping your toes pointing forward.
  • Lower your glutes, assuming you are sitting on a chair.
  • Don’t place your knees to go over your toes.
  • Squeeze the glutes while rising to the starting position, and repeat.

7. Jump Squats

This is a step ahead of the regular squat and is considered one of the best exercises for cellulite (of course, improving appearance).

  • Start with a regular squat.
  • While getting back to the starting position, increase your pace and jump.
  • Don’t try landing very hard on your feet.
  • Repeat these steps.

Apple Cider Vinegar for Cellulite – Does it Work?

Finding different ways of using ACV for cellulite on the internet is as easy as having a stroll in the park. A lot of websites are flooded with different ACV recipes to treat cellulite – both orally and topically! There are many”before and after” photos to somewhat “back” ACV for cellulite. But does it work? Should you use ACV for cellulite? Let’s find out.

Various studies and research claim different health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Yes, there is some scientific backing too. From the prevention of free radicals’ formation to increasing microcirculation flow, ACV is believed to be an effective treatment for various conditions, not surprisingly, for cellulite as well. But there is not enough medical evidence backing these claims.

In fact, there are some risks involved in using ACV for cellulite or for any other condition for that matter. Let’s have a look at some potential risks of oral or topical usage of ACV.

ACV is highly acidic and can cause skin irritation if used undiluted.

ACV can have harmful effects on your body if you are using diuretics or insulin.

It is known for eroding the tooth enamel.

Like other acidic foods, ACV can also intensify acid reflux.

ACV, when used orally, may increase acidity. And if it’s not diluted, it can even harm your kidneys.

It might be very tempting to use apple cider vinegar for cellulite, especially after reading numerous articles online. And if you are also thinking of it as an alternative therapy, we recommend you decide against it. Or at least ask your doctor before using so that you can get the correct suggestion depending on your health condition and medications you are using (if any).


Cellulite is not a problem at all, at least not a severe one. You can enjoy a perfect life even if you have them. But if you are one of those highly conscious people, we have tried our best to give you the best possible solution. Hopefully, we have busted all your confusion related to cellulite, and you are now well prepared to deal with that “assumption” making cellulite a problem.

If you look around, people are struggling with a lot of serious problems, and you are fortunate whatever you have – from your healthy body to all other things. Nevertheless, find reasons to be happy, love yourself, and be thankful; you will learn how to combat or even ignore something that is not even a problem.


Home Remedies for Sensitive Skin

Having sensitive skin is very common, and there is usually nothing serious about it. However, in some cases, skin sensitivity may get severe, and you may find it extremely difficult to cope up with it.

Some people have sensitive skin by birth, while others may notice a sudden change in how their skin reacts to different external stimuli. Like a lot of causative factors, there is a wide range of treatments available. However, home remedies for sensitive skincare the best option, especially if your sensitivity is still new and is not very severe.

In this article, we are trying to touch every point related to sensitive skin. From various causes to sudden triggers and home remedies to self-care, we will try to cover everything tomanage your skin sensitivity successfully.  Let’s find out some possible causes of sensitive skin first.

Why is my skin so sensitive to touch?

– Causes

Like we have discussed earlier, you may have sensitive skin due to a lot of different causes. Here are some very common of them all

  • Natural Disposition

Sometimes, you may develop an allergy without any skin or other underlying health condition. If that’s the case, your skin can become irritated very easily and quickly.

You may get sensitive after exposure to:

  • Heavy winds
  • Sudden atmospheric changes
  • Frigid temperatures
  • Scorching temperatures
  • Sunlight

Additionally, if you have sensitive skin, you might be prone to skin reactions from skincare products, makeup, and even certain types of fabrics.

The symptoms of overly sensitive skin may include:

  • Red, irregular patches all around the body
  • Rashes or hives
  • Breaking out of the skin
  • Sunburns
  • Burning or stinging sensations, with or without noticeable skin changes
  • Allergic reactions

Allergic dermatitis is one of the common types of contact dermatitis and can be a prominent cause of sensitive skin. And you may develop an allergy to a wide range of stimuli, including:

  • Fragrances
  • Latex, especially in gloves
  • Nickle and jewelry prepared from nickel-containing substances
  • Certain chemicals in skin, beauty, and hair products
  • Colouring and dyes
  • Reactions to pollen, certain plants like poison arsenic, poison oak, poison ivy, stinging nettle, etc.

Symptoms of sensitive skin due to any of these factors may include:

  • Rashes or hives
  • Redness with or without inflammation
  • Dry, flaky skin
  • Dark, irregular, leathery patches on the skin
  • Blisters on skin
  • Cracked, oozing skin

If you have an allergy to a known substance, eliminating it from your regimen is the best way to avoid complications. However, identifying allergic products is not very easy, and one should contact a dermatologist for help.

  • Contact Dermatitis

“Contact dermatitis” is a term used for skin reactions after touching a specific substance or product. It may also be one of the causes of sensitive skin. Contact dermatitis symptoms are redness, swelling, and itching of the skin, sometimes accompanied by blisters, dryness, cracks, etc.

  • Dryness of Skin

Sometimes, dryness is also linked with sensitive skin. Your skin contains protective moisture and fat that protects your skin from dryness. Prolonged dryness of skin can make your skin sensitive to some specific stimuli.

Dryness usually affects the body parts that are regularly exposed to the external environment, i.e., hands, face, arms, legs, etc. You can maintain your skin’s moisture by using a natural moisturizer. Some selected creams are also very effective at keeping your skin moisturized, especially on the face.

  • Photo dermatoses

It is an abnormal condition in which there is a reaction to sunlight already in your skin itself. People with this condition may have a very sensitive immune system that is easily triggered by UV rays.

A sunlight reaction in people with photodermatoses may reflect various sensitive skin symptoms including blisters, rashes, and scaly patches. The response usually gets worse with more and more exposure to sunlight. 

Why is my skin so sensitive all of a sudden?

Sometimes, people develop sensitiveness of skin all of a sudden, without having any history. Suddenly you start noticing that your skin is responding differently to particular products or stimuli. The majority of people are not sensitive by birth and develop sensitivity over time. And there are a lot of potential culprits that can make your skin sensitive all of a sudden.

We suggest you do some detective work to find the exact causative factor or agent before finally opting for the treatment method. There may be one or multiple factors affecting your skin. But the good news is, if you successfully find the exact cause of sensitive skin, you can prevent it from affecting your skin again. Here are the different potential factors you should check to underline the culprit accurately.

  • Botanicals and essential oils: You should always be optimistically cautious when using botanicals and essential oils. Usually, essential oils are not considered as a responsible factor for sensitive skin. However, that’s not reality. Essential oils cause sensitivity,mainly when they are used undiluted or in large quantities. That said, different people have a different tolerance level, and it’s possible that your skin doesn’t love botanicals and essential oils.
  • Different hormonal changes: Ageing is one of the most significant factors responsible for a plethora of skin problems, including skin sensitivity. Rapid hormonal changes can directly impact your skin’s appearance, texture, and how it responds to different external stimuli.
  • Your Skin is Sensitive to a Particular Agent: It’s not very common, but possible. And if that’s the case, you may have to do an extended investigating work. We recommend you to do the charting of products you add to your skincare routine. It will be easier to narrow down the potential culprits.
  • Exfoliating, overuse of active ingredients, lifestyle and sudden change in season, etc., can also be responsible for suddenly making your skin sensitive.

Home remedies for sensitive skin

Finding and eliminating triggers is the best possible way to overcome sensitive skin. However, some home remedies and over the counter medications are also useful. Let’s discuss some of the most effective home remedies for sensitive skin.

1. Avoid heat in your room

Isn’t it always tempting to increase the room’s temperature when the air outside is icy? And there is nothing wrong with that! Some people, especially if they have sensitive skin, get irritation from dry and overly warm air. Keep the air inside a bit cooler. You can also use a humidifier to maintain moisture around. Wearing warm clothes during the cold season is better than maintaining a warm temperature inside.

2. A tepid Shower is a go-to option

Who doesn’t like those long, warm showers? A warm shower, specifically of shorter duration, is also useful to relieve sensitive skin. Avoid taking warm showers for more than ten minutes.

3. Give Away Scented Skin Products

It would help if you started going with “scented-free” and “hypoallergic” skincare products instead of those with fragrance. Scented lotion or cream might be very tempting to use, but you might get some discomfort after applying it to your skin. And while you may find it amazing to inhale the smell of a particular detergent, your skin might not agree. Deodorant soaps should also be avoided as much as possible.

4. Wear Gloves While Cleaning or Washing

If you are confirmed that you get sensitivity from soaps or soap water, you will have to be extra careful while using cleansing agents, washing powders, and detergents. Cleansing products with fragrances are often prepared with strong chemicals, can be abrasive to your skin. Instead of cleaning and washing with bare hands, use a pair of long, thick rubber gloves to avoid direct contact with cleansing agents.

5. Use A Gentle Moisturizer Regularly

Keeping your skin moisturized is another effective way of eliminating the sensitiveness of the skin. Slathering a gentle moisturizer layer after washing your hands or bathing can help you keep your hand healthy, soft, and insensitive. We recommend you to opt for fragrance-free moisturizers, as they are usually good for the skin. If you are prone to dry skin and don’t develop acne, using petroleum jelly is also a handy idea.

Home remedies for dry skin on the face

The skin on your face is very soft, gentle, and is always exposed to different harmful external stimuli. And, it is always prone to various skin problems, including dryness. But the good news is, you can tackle this with some readily available yet very useful home remedies. Let’s find out a bit about them.

1. Sunflower Seed Oil

Dehydration can be the culprit when we talk about dry skin on the face. And according to a study, the sunflower seed oil is very good at maintaining skin moisture. So, you can apply a few drops of sunflower seed oil once a day to keep your face’s skin soft, supple, moisturized, and attractive.

2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the most effective natural oils used as a moisturizer. A study suggests that there are many similarities between coconut oil and petroleum jelly when it comes to improving skin dryness. Coconut oil is believed to effectively improve hydration of the skin and increase the much-needed lipids on the skin surface.

A 2016 research highlighted that coconut oil is packed with healthy, saturated fats with emollient properties. And emollient works as a skin moisturizer by effectively filling the tiny gaps in dry skin, making the skin smooth and soft.

3. Drinking Milk

Drinking milk could also give you some relief from dry, flaky skin. We recommend you to drink milk instead of applying it superficially. Research from 2015 suggests that adding milk to your diet can improve your skin’s overall health.

The study underlined that milk contains a fat known as “phospholipid,” which improves skin barrier. More research is required to confirm milk’s effectiveness on skin health.

4. Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal is another effective natural remedy for dry skin. You can get the best oatmeal treatment for your skin by adding it to your bath. Oatmeal works as a skin moisturizer and improves dry skin within a few days.

A study of 2015 found that oatmeal extracts are packed with anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, backing oatmeal baths as an effective treatment for dry skin.

5. Honey

A team of researchers found in 2012 that honey can be an excellent home remedy for a wide range of skin problems. Honey is packed with anti-inflammatory, healing, and moisturizing properties and can treat skin dryness within a few weeks. And the best part is, honey is free of any harsh effects on the skin. Hence, you can apply honey directly to your skin to keep it soft, supple, and moisturized.

6. Petroleum Jelly

Also known as mineral oil, petroleum jelly has been used as a moisturizer for a long time now. According to research in 2017, petroleum jelly proved useful in maintaining moisture in older people’s skin. These findings back petroleum jelly as an effective treatment for dry skin, mainly due to aging.

Sensitive skincare tips

In addition to using home remedies, you can also follow these tips and tricks to avoid sensitivity and maintain overall skin health.

  • Use micellar water to clean your skin
  • Always keep a gentle moisturizer handy to avoid dryness of your skin
  • Add a soothing face mask to your skincare routine
  • Don’t expose yourself to sunlight for very long
  • Start showering in lukewarm water, instead of cold water
  • Keep your showers and baths to less than 10 minutes
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals, detergents, and fragrances on your skin
  • Always pat your skin instead of rubbing
  • Always perform a skin sensitivity test before using a new skin product.

Skin sensitivity is not a severe complication, and you can overcome it by bringing some positive changes to your lifestyle and regime. It was all about sensitive skin and its treatment. Hopefully, you have found this article helpful to understand all about skin sensitivity.

If your skin is overly sensitive to one or multiple stimuli, we recommend you to talk to a dermatologist for proper treatment. Don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comment section. We will love to get back to you. Have a happy, healthy, and safe life.


How to Lower Creatinine Level Naturally

Creatinine is the breakdown by-product of a protein substance called creatine. Both creatine and creatinine helps in muscle contractions. As creatinine is a waste by-product it is eliminated by the kidneys. This constant elimination help in maintaining normal and low creatinine levels in the body. The creatinine levels can be checked by performing a blood test or urine test.

Normal range of creatininein human body are 0.9-1.3 mg/dl in adult males , 0.6-1.1 mg/dl in adult females 0.5-1.0 mg/dl in children. The level of creatinine in human body can be studied by performing a blood test or urine test.

As kidneys are responsible for elimination of creatinine from body, if the filtration part of kidney i.e; glomerulus is damaged or is not working efficiently elimination of creatinine through kidneys is not done efficiently this causes increase in level of creatinine .peoplesuffering with chronic kidney disorder,renal infections, low blood pressure, diabetes,auto immune disorders, infection like syphilis, hepatitis B and C will show higher creatinine levels in blood.

Higher creatinine levels are an indication of improper kidney functioning.

Signs and symptoms that shows possible elevation in  creatinine levels are:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Cramps
  • Weakness
  • Change in urination frequency and colour of urine
  • Swelling
  • High blood pressure

Here are few tips to help you lower creatinine levels.

How to reduce creatinine levels naturally:

In order to reduce the levels of creatinine in the body and maintain optimal levels the excess creatinine is to be eliminated from the body. People often undergo a treatment called dialysis to achieve this.

Dialysis is medical procedure to eliminate waste from body and is often recommended when the kidneys no longer function efficiently.

Few tips to reduce creatinine levels naturally are:

  • Reduce protein intake:

Red meat has muscle tissue which containcreatine. This creatine when absorbed by body breakdown to creatinine.

Therefore less consumption of red meat is advised to reduce the levels of creatin in body.

  • Avoid consumption of creatine supplements:

Creatine supplements are often consumed by atheletes to generate energy to enhance muscular contraction, it is advisable only to be consumed for a period of 3-6 months.

AS we know creatinis the parent compound of creatinine, therefore consumption of creatin supplements also elevate the levels of creatinine.

  • Indulge in less strenuous activities:

When we exercise, muscles are strained and require energy which is obtained by breakdown of creatine.

Excessive exercise leads to more creatin buildup inturn increasing the levels of creatinine.

So avoid exercise or any strenuous activity to maintain your creatinine level in optimal range.

  • Increase your fluid intake:

Drinking atleast 6-8 glasses of water reduce creatinine level in body by increased diuresis.

  • Get enough sleep:

When we sleep, our body’s metabolic rate is reduced this help in reducing the creatinine levels.

  • Using alpha lipoic acid:

Alpha lipoicacid reduce protein levels in body and hence they simultaneously help in reducing the creatinine levels.

                Apart from these consuming supplements containing substances that improve diuresis and kidney function also help in attaining optimal creatinine levels.

Also Read: Home Remedies: How to Reduce Sugar Level

Lowering Creatinine Levels in Body Through Diet:

  • Increased dietary fiber intake :

Consumption of food containing high fiber content helps you to reduce the creatinine levels in the body.

You can include cucumber, onion, garlic, leafy vegetables, apples, food rich in omega3 in your diet to reduce creatinine levels.

  • Reduce sodium intake in diet:

Excessive sodium causes fluid retention in body this ma lead excessive absorption of many products that are to be eliminated via urine.

Creatinine is one such example.

Hence reducing the intake of sodium in diet is advisory to reduce the absorption and level of creatinine in body.

  • Consume lot of water and avoid de hydration:

creatinine levels can rise due to dehydration and hence drinking lot water and maintaining hydration levels is very important.

  • Reduce potassium intake:

Increased potassium levels in blood lead to hyperkalemia, which cause several kidney disorders. Consuming food rich in potassium lead to elevated creatinine levels as potassium reduces the eliminating function of kidneys.

Herbal Remedies to Reduce Creatinine Level:

There are many remedies to reduce creatinine levels in body. Though there efficiency and success rate may vary from person to person. Various chineseherbs are known to be effectively supporting and improving kidney function  that help in reducing creatinine levels in body. These herbs have natural enzymes and are gentle with fewer sideeffects and more medicational effects there by  help in preventing excessive creatinine absorption thereby help in maintaining optimal creatinine range.

Apart from showing many positive effects on renal functioning chinese herbs also help in improvising various other body function without any major side effects and optrimize overall wellness.

Here are few herbal remedies that help you to reduce creatinine.

  • Drinking herbal tea:
Herbal Tea

Herbal teas made from herbs like chamomile, nettle leaf, dandelion root show diuretic action hence help in reducing creatinine levels.

  • Ginseng:

Ginseng improves the renal circulation inducing diuretic action by increasing volume of urine and reduce as much creatinine as possible.

  • Poly gonum root:

Poly gonum is a Chinese herb, which help to improve kidney’s ability to detoxify and flush out toxins from the body. Creatinine being a toxin is also flushed out. Apart from reducing creatinine level, poly gonum also helps to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol in body.

  • Epimeduim leaf:

Helps to improve kidney strength functioning and its ability to filter out waste.

  • Astragalus root:

It has a mild diuretic compound asparginewhich increase the kidney output. It helps to increase the rate at which toxins and creatinine are removed from the body.

It also improves digestion,and body metabolism.

  • Cinnamon:

This is a kidney friendly herb, it induces diuretic action and effectively flush out all the waste and toxic material from the body, improve the filteration ability of kidneys.

Apart from this it also helps to reduce blood sugar levels thereby preventing any further renal damage from being caused.

  • Dandelion root:

It is a natural diuretic which helps in effectively eliminating creatinine from kidneys and reduce creatinine levels in the body. It also reduces edema and any swelling caused due to accumulation of fluid in the body.

