Best Remedies for Cholesterol and High Blood Pressure


Natural remedies are the best way to control high blood pressure and cholesterol. These home remedies are not only very effective for blood pressure and high cholesterol, but these are also free from any kind of side effect. There is still a lack of scientific evidence about the effectiveness of these remedies, but many people around the world experienced some success. Although there are no harmful effects of these remedies, you must discuss to your doctor prior to the usage. Have a look at some effective as well as safe home remedies for cholesterol and high blood pressure.


If you can get the high-quality flaxseed easily, you must give a try. There is a high level of alpha-linolenic acid in both flaxseed and flaxseed oil. This omega-3 fatty acid is known for lowering the risk of heart-related problems. Flaxseed is especially healthy for people having high cholesterol level. It is sometimes prescribed for postmenopausal women to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.

Fish containing omega-3 fatty acids

Some fish and fish oils like Salmon, lake trout, tuna, sardines, and herring etc. are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the risk of development of heart-related complaints. There are some other nutrients in the fishes that can work effectively with omega-3 fatty acids to provide some protection to your heart. Sometimes, patients having high cholesterol and heart complaints are advised to eat fishes with a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids.


There is no fixed way of using garlic in your diet. This edible bulb must be a very common ingredient of most of your recipes. Although using garlic as an ingredient is handy to reduce the risk of heart-related problems, taking a few slices of raw garlic is a great idea to lower the blood pressure as well as to control the high cholesterol levels.


It is a very common herb used in traditional Chinese medicine. Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, Astragalus works as an “adaptogen” and is believed to protect your heart from various stress factors. Taking astragalus a couple of times in a week can help you to ensure your heart is healthy.


It is a shrub from the rose family and is used since the time of the Roman Empire. There is enough historical evidence of its usage for heart-related complaints. If you are suffering from mild heart problems, hawthorn can be very handy. But there is no strong evidence of its effectiveness in serious heart-related problems. You should also ask your doctor before starting its usage, as some people found it a little reactive especially in the digestive system. If hawthorn shrub is not available easily, you can also look for the supplements containing hawthorn.

These are some very effective natural remedies for both high blood pressure as well as high cholesterol levels. These are just for advice purpose. There is no proper evidence of the effectiveness of these remedies in heart-related complaints. Always make sure to discuss your doctor prior to usage of any of these home remedies.

Best remedies for cholesterol and high blood pressure

How to Naturally reduce Bad Cholesterol levels through Diet and Exercises

High cholesterol may lead  to risk of heart and cardiovascular diseases. It’s easy to eat whatever you want and this causes to increasing level of cholesterol in the body.But, it’s difficult to lower the cholesterol with the food habits you have!

Cholesterol is a form of fat present in the body which helps the cells to function properly. They are two types of cholesterol LDL and HDL.

LDL is bad cholesterol which raises heart disease, heart attack and stroke.HDL is good cholesterol which lowers the heart disease, heart attack and stroke.

Here are some of the suggestions to reduce the cholesterol levels through a particular diet and exercise.

If you have been through proper diet it’s good news for you, if not follow these food:

1 Oats

Oats contains soluble fiber which reduces low density lipoprotein which is bad cholesterol. Soluble fiber reduces the absorption of cholesterol in blood stream.

Switching up your breakfast with two servings of oats can reduce the bad cholesterol. Daily consuming 5-10 grams of consuming soluble fiber helps in good results.

2 Green Tea

It is a well known fact that green tea helps in losing weight, lowering cholesterol and fighting depression. Researchers shows that drinking 4-5 cups of tea a day has impact on blood cholesterol levels and lowers the bad cholesterol while leaving your good cholesterol.

3 Beans

Beans hold the richest source of soluble fiber, each cup provides 5 grams of potent cholesterol lowering agent, 1/2 cup of cooked beans hold nearly twice of soluble fiber compared with oats.The key to healthy heart is healthy food which is abundant in fiber and which has been shown to slow the amount of absorption of cholesterol.

4 Fatty Fish

Fatty fish contains omega 3 fatty acids which helps us to reduce in blood pressure and risk of developing blood clots. This also helps in lowering cholesterol.

The people who are suffering with heart attacks are suggested to eat fish and more omega 3 fatty acids containing foods. Fishes like salmon, mackerel and herring are rich in omega 3 fatty acids.

5 Nuts

How to Naturally reduce Bad Cholesterol levels through Diet and Exercises

Nuts are one of the good source for reducing cholesterol and also good for heart. These are high in calories and rich in potassium, magnesium, unsaturated fats and natural plant sterols.Consuming 30- 35 grams of nuts a day may result in reducing an average of 5% of cholesterol.

6 Avocados

Avocados are rich in mono saturated fatty acid which helps in maintaining heart healthy.It helps in improving HDL levels and lowering LDL in people who are overweight.

7 Red Wine

Red wine is rich in saponins a plant compound that has a positive effect on reduction of cholesterol, a glass of red wine per day may be cardio productive. So a glass of wine every evening keeps us healthy.

8 Olive Oil

Olive oil contains powerful mix of anti-oxidants which results in lower LDL or bad cholesterol. It is also rich in mono saturated fat which keeps our heart healthy and always a good choice for healthy cooking.

9 Eliminate Trans Fats

Trans fat affects the cholesterol by increasing bad cholesterol which leads us to heart attacks. This can be found in commercial products and fried foods.

Even a small amount of Trans fat may lead to the heart problems. Be careful while buying commercial products read the label before taking it.

10 Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are rich in powerful anti oxidants to neutralize free radicals. These anti oxidants fights with cellular aging and also prevents bad cholesterol from clogging our arteries.