Health Benefits of Soy Milk

Soy milk is one of the common dairy products with high proteins and nutrients. Its high content of isoflavones, proteins, vitamins and minerals and minimal amount of saturated fats are important for our health.

Soy milk is extracted from soy beans. Many people choose soy milk because of its versatility and as a replacement of milk in many recipes.

For those who are lactose intolerant, soymilk is an amazing product with high number of proteins available in different flavors.

Though it is continuously on the radar for being harmful for mans fertility, but there is no such conclusive proof.

Let’s take a look at some health benefits of soy milk.

Health Benefits of Soy Milk

Lowers Blood Pressure and Cures Hypertension

Soy milk helps in treating hypertension by lowering both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Drinking soy milk every day helps in urinary excretion of a particular flavanoid, which is a particular reason for blood pressure.

Soy milk also contains good levels of polyphones which might increase the bioavailability of nitric acid and influence the blood pressure levels.

Accelerates Weight Loss

Soy milk is rich in isoflavones, which helps to lower the metabolic obesity in men as well as post menopausal in women.

Cow milk has about 12 grams of where as in soy milk we can find only 7 grams. Additionally the monosaturated fats in soy milk can inhibit your intestinal absorption of fat.

Improves Cardiovascular Health

The proteins in soy milk helps in reducing LDL levels without affecting HDL levels. Soy milk improves plasma lipid levels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, especially when it occurs with high cholesterol.

Several studies have stated that soy can reduce cholesterol levels by 15 to 20%. The high levels of polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals and fibers and low saturated fats assists in keeping your heart healthy.

Soy milk improves the reactivity of chemical reactions in the body and keeps your heart strong.

It Strengthen Blood Vessels

Unbalanced diet may lead to weakening of blood vessels. Soy milk is rich in fatty acids as well as phyto antioxidants which will help to strengthen the blood vessel lining.

Diabetes and Kidney Diseases

Soy foods may help in reducing diabetes and kidney diseases. Soy contains micronutrients that may contribute to control diabetes.

Moreover soy foods are loaded with fibers that can slow down and inhibit the absorption of sugars.

Improves Immunity

Soy milk is considered as a perfect immunity booster. The proteins and nutrients in soy milk will then form into antibodies which give strength to our immune system.

Drinking soy milk on regular basis can boost and improve the functioning of immune system.

Protects Mental Health

Soy milk is loaded with plenty of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that helps in reducing mental stress, depression and other psychological disorders which may sometimes lead to commit suicide.

Maintains Eye Health

Some of the studies have shown that the isoflavone genistein, which is only found in soy milk protects against x ray induced cataract formation in rats. As it contains riboflavin it is good for eyes as well.

Provides Relief From Osteoporosis

Health Benefits of Soy Milk

Osteoporosis can commonly be found in postmenopausal women. Loss of calcium contributes the risk of developing this disease. Soy milk is rich in vitamin D and calcium there by aiding in bone health.

It helps in preventing osteoporosis by improving retention of bone mass and density.

It Acts As an Antioxidant

The antioxidant properties in soymilk help in reducing some of the chronic diseases in our body. It also decreases oxidative stress and beneficial in preventing liver damage.

Some of the studies have suggested that the anti oxidant properties in soy milk may help in increasing anti oxidant capacity and reduces menopausal symptoms in women.

Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Drinking soy milk on regular basis has many health benefits including reducing elements of cancer. As it contains high isoflavone it make the single best dietary factor in the prevention of prostate cancer in men.

Calcium helps to prevent colorectal and intestinal cancers, which adds to soy’s prevention properties. It can also reduce the levels of estrogen which is the reason for breast cancer.

Additional properties from soy milk like anti oxidants will help you to prevent and eliminate cancer causing free radicals from your body.

It Improves Lipid Profile

Unlike diary milk products, with high number of saturated fats and cholesterol. Soy milk fat is mostly unsaturated with zero cholesterol and it has the ability to improve your blood lipid profile.

Several studies have shown that regular intake of soy can significally lower your blood concentrations of bad cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol.

Soy Milk gives you Peaceful Sleep

Soya has high level of magnesium compared to other legumes and grains. Magnesium helps you to fall asleep faster and improves the quality of your sleep. It is perfectly suitable for people who are suffering from chronic insomnia.

Reduces Hair Loss

Although soya milk is not known for preventing hair loss completely, it is a good source of numerous proteins which can help your hair to regrow. The rich protein in soya milk can help your body to generate new tissues including lustrous hair.

Cures Skin Issues

If you are dealing with many skin issues, then this is one of the amazing product which will help you to get rid of them. It reduces hyper pigmentation (darkening of skin in particular areas).

Best Recovery after Workout

Workout means your body is undergoing to loose some fats and burn some calories, recovery must be done after workout.

If you are a vegan or lactose intolerant, then soy milk can be the perfect beverage for you to ensure better recovery after workout.

The protein called riboflavin in soy milk help you to gain all the lost energy during workout.