How 15 Minutes Of Walking Can Change Your Life

As we know, regular exercise will help us in numerous ways to stay fit and healthy. However, you cannot find excuses just to have 15 minutes to walk regularly. Yes, walking is a low impact exercise and it’s very easy to do it regularly.

A simple walk after the stressful day will improve your mood and help you feel relaxed. So, we are going to see how just 15 minutes of walking will change our life completely in this article.

According to a study published in the British journal of sports, it has been concluded that the people who participated in a survey related to regular exercise, lowered their risk of death by 22% when compared with people who don’t.

Benefits of Walking

Here are some benefits of regular walking.

  • Reduces The Risk Of Stroke And Other Cardiovascular Diseases

Studies have proven that regular walking for few minutes will improve the blood circulation in your body and decreases bad cholesterol as well as increases good cholesterol in your body. Often bad cholesterol leads to strokes and heart attacks.

  • Control Your Diabetes

A study in Harvard University has concluded that 30 minutes of regular walking will reduce the risk of diabetes by 30%. Regular walking will also help to control your diabetes; it also reduces abdominal fat which can cause development of diabetes in body.

  • Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

According to cancer epidemiology, the women who are experiencing breast cancer will have a chance to reduce it by just having 7 hours walk in a week. Even men can reduce the odds of prostate cancer by going for a walk three hours a week.

  • It Regulates Digestion

Regular walking will also help to prevent gastro intestinal problems completely. In fact, the patient who went though abdominal surgery need to walk for few minutes in a day to improve strength of abdominal muscles and core which probably stimulates movement in gastrointestinal system.

  • It Enhances Bone Health

Generally exercise will also help to create bone density. So follow regular exercise, it will help to strengthen your bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis, fractures and shrinkage of spine.

  • Battles Obesity

Walking is one of the easiest ways to fight against obesity. Walking just for few minutes in a day will help to burn calories in your body and make you fit. So, forget about strict diet to lose your weight, include walking in your daily routine.

How To Make The Most Of Your Walking

How 15 Minutes Of Walking Can Change Your Life

  • Wear Comfortable Shoes, when you go for jog. Choose light weight, cushioned and flexible shoe. Avoid stiff shoes which do not bend.
  • Always keep your posture straight, make sure you look straight by keeping your shoulders down and chin parallel to ground.
  • Pick up the right place to burn your calories in a comfort zone.
  • Bend your arms at 90 degrees and pump the shoulders, this swing exercise will strengthen your upper body and make you pace quicker.

Some More Tips To Walk More

  • Don’t use elevators; instead take stairs to reach your destination.
  • Don’t use treadmill at home to walk, because walking outdoors have the positive effects on your mental state too.
  • Parking vehicle far from your destination will probably helps you to walk more.
  • Don’t sit immediately after lunch; instead go for a small walk after your every meal.
  • Walk home from school or work

How Only 15 Minutes of Walking Can Change Everything

Walking is the most common thing we do daily but many of us don’t know how beneficial it is for our health.

According to recent French studies, walking is the most powerful exercise and it provides countless benefits in our lives.

Regular walking for 15 minutes daily may increase the mortality by 22% in adults. The study took over 12 years of extensive research, including hundreds of tests and all are confirmed by everyone who were suspicions.

A lot of people will not see the benefit of walking, it’s an aerobic exercise which is known to encourage the heart and respiratory rates to pump additional oxygen to muscles. The faster you walk the more aerobic walking becomes.

Muscle activity improves blood flow through veins and prevents varicose veins. Active energy process help get rid of fat the average rate burns 100 kcal.

Walking improves your Physical and Mental Health

Well, walking has many benefits in our lives some of them are discussed below:

  • Walking helps the nutrients you consume to go where they are needed in order to support the exercise.
  • Outdoor walking has positive influence on the mental health because nature is known for reducing the stress.
  • Walking helps in reducing the unsaturated fats which have a chance to store in fat cells, but rather consuming to provide with the energy needed for exercising.
  • Walking may improve your mood, decrease stress and lowers the feel of depression.
  • Taking a walk on sunny days is not only good for your mind but it also helps in improving bone and tissue growth because the sun provides vitamin D.
  • Regular walking improves mobility and reduces the risk of injuries. Walking is one of the main prevention methods for losing density of bones and decreasing their deterioration.
  • If you have trouble in sleep then take a short walk which clears your head and will give you sound sleep.

Walking for Obese Children?

According to recent studies, obese children who walk for 45 minutes daily for 5 days in a week increase their lung capacity in 6 weeks.

This study also resulted in finding that shifting between slow walk and fast walk is beneficial compared to walking just slowly or quickly for entire walk.

How Much Should You Walk to Prevent Diseases?


According to American heart association, you should walk regularly in order to decrease stroke, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

You should get a minimum of half an hour of physical activity daily to total two and half hours of moderate activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity within a week in order to enjoy the benefits of exercise. But unfortunately it has been found that 50 % of adults do not involve in exercises.

An analysis on walking from seven countries with average duration of eleven years have shown that regular walking reduces the incidence of cardiovascular events by 31 percent and mortality risk by 32 percent.

How only 15 minutes of walking can change everything?

One of the most common thing we do every day is walking. Age is the first thing that should pay or suggest attention to walking.

Walking is also one type of exercise, usually we do every morning and evening. Usually many of the people won’t get sleep at night, so at that time walking is significant result  & improve your insomnia.

The busy lifestyle can’t offer to everyone to go to the gym, but we can all walk. It is worth it, you only need 15 minutes of your time every day and comfortable sneakers.

Amazing Health Benefits of Walking

By walking we can keep our knee joint healthy. And also relieve back pain.
Regular walking improves mobility, and significantly reduces the risk of injuries.

This walk can help you clear your head, it will also provide you with better quality sleep, according to the Sleep Association’s study.

Walking 15 minutes per day decreases the risk of cardiovascular events by 30%.

Take short walks, stairs instead of elevator or just spend some time with your colleagues by walking.

Movement makes our muscles suck up food-energy to rebuild and repair.The more activity you get, the more your muscles and tissues will become sensitive to insulin.

This will not only help you lose weight, but you’ll lower your risk for developing diabetes and heart disease.

Think a daily walk can’t do much for your health? Actually, walking has numerous benefits, whether you’re trying to lose weight, boost your energy levels and mood, or clear your mind.

For All Walks of Your Life

Walking can also transform your health. Experts now say that taking roughly 10,000 steps per day sets off a chain reaction of physical benefits, including lower blood pressure, reduced risk for heart disease and better odds for preventing breast cancer.

  • If you want to do your health fit, make your lunch hour count for something other than calories.
  • Slip on your sneakers, exit the building, and do a few laps around the block.
    Each of the participants was supposed to exercise for 15 minutes every day.
  • This reduces their risk of death by 22% when compared to individuals who don’t exercise
  • According to this study, a simple 15 mints walk will keep you alive for longer.
  • Doctors agree that you should exercise at least 150 mints a week at moderate pace. Walk every day and keep your health fit, and enjoy your life.
  • Walking is one of the full body exercises you can do. Here’s why you should never let a day go by without going for a walk.
  • Walking for a 15 minutes can loss your weight.

Walking is the best medicine for your health other than medical treatment.

How Only 15 Minutes of Walking Can Change Everything