10 Best Fairness Tips For Oily Skin

Oily skin is one of the most common problem faced by many people, and its most common among teenagers. Especially T zone of the people who have oily skin looks dreadful and unattractive, this makes our skin look dull, dark and annoying and sometimes may hit our self confidence.

If you are thinking that it is impossible to get rid of this problem, then let me tell you, every problem has a solution. There are some easy and best things you need to follow to get back your fair skin.

Here are some tips you need to follow to maintain fairer skin like many other without using any temporary skin products.

10 Best Fairness Tips For oily Skin

The following are the best things to maintain fairer skin.

1. Cleanse Your Face

Clensing the first step to get fairer skin. Washing oily face for more than 5 times in a day will remove all dirt and excess oil on the skin. It even reduces the chances of dirt to settle down on skin. Never wash your face with hot water, always do it with cold water. Because washing your face with hot water often results in opening the pores of the skin and this allow the dirt to settle down.

2. Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking plenty of water regularly will not only help you to keep hydrate. It also helps in removing all the toxins from your body. As we know oily skin is more prone to acne and pimples, drinking water keeps your skin toned and healthy. Especially in summer, having a glass of hot water with added lemon juice and honey in it, it can do wonders in maintaining healthy skin.

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3. Eat Healthy

Consume foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids, green vegetables, fruits and other nutritious foods. Food also plays major role in maintaining healthy skin, even a glass of red wine is also helpful to maintain healthy skin as it is rich in antioxidants.

4. Avoid Stress

Whatever may be the situation in your life, it will go way with time. Never stress yourself too much because your body releases stress hormones that lead to premature ageing and breakdown of collagen. Try to do meditation or yoga or a simple walk with your loved one will help to reduce and prevent stress in your body.

5. Exercise

Exercises will not only keep your body strong and fit, but it also maintains the health of your skin too. 30 minutes of regular exercise will improve blood circulation to absorb all essential nutrients for your skin. It also helps to open up the clogged pores and enhances your skin tone and boosts the health of your skin.

6. Exfoliate With Sea Salt

10 Best Fairness Tips For Oily Skin

Sea salt is loaded with number of minerals and cleansing properties that works wonders on oily skin. Exfoliating your skin with sea salt will remove excess oil and keeps your skin nourished. All you need to do is mix little amount of sea salt with water and massage it on your face for few minutes, then wash it off with cold water.

7. Get Enough Sleep

Sufficient amount of sleep will keep your skin healthy both internally and externally. While you are sleeping your body increases new cells and improves the blood flow to skin surface which helps to prevent dark circles and eye bags under the skin.

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8. Moisturize your Skin

Oily skin needs regular moisturization. Choosing the right moisturizer and applying it in the right quantity will help to remove the excess sebum from skin and gives smooth texture on your skin.

9. Be Gentle On Your Skin

Always be gentle with your skin, whenever you use any skin product like cream or scrub, do not rub it harshly. It may result in inflammation and swelling, be careful with your skin.

10. Protect Your Skin From UV Rays

It’s always important to apply powerful sunscreen to protect your skin from UV rays. Because these may result in age spots, tan, blemishes and fine lines on your skin. Try to wear a hat or carry an umbrella whenever you step out into the sun.


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