10 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen

We always strive hard to maintain good health and do many things in order to maintain our health. I know it always impossible to run for doctor for simple aches in our lives.

That’s the reason; we prefer to have pain killers for simple headache or muscle ache. But all these pain killers which help us to get relief and makes us pain free would be quite harmful and even gift us some side effects on regular use.

So, the best solution to reduce those simple aches in your life is just by choosing some simple ingredients in your kitchen. Surprised! Yes, some ingredients in your kitchen will help to get rid of certain aches and act wonderful like a pain killers.

10 Pain Killers In Your Kitchen

1. Apple Cider Vinegar For Heart Burn

cider vinegar as pain killer

Apple cider vinegar is rich in tartaric acids and malic components that speeds the breakdown of fats and proteins in your body, before the food washes into esophagus triggering heart burn pain. Consuming one table spoon of apple cider vinegar mixed in one glass of water before meals will help in reducing heart burn within 24 hours without reaching your nearest pharmacist.

2. Garlic Erases Ear Ache

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You can treat dreadful ear ache by just dropping few drops of garlic oil in your ear two times in a day. This wonderful ingredient will clear ear infections faster than prescribed medicines, says experts at the Mexican University of Medicine.
You can also use garlic cloves for this treatment. You just need to add few garlic cloves in warm virgin coconut oil and boil it together few minutes. Then strain the solution and refrigerate for two hours. Now, use this oil for treating severe ear ache.

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3. Cherries Prevent Joint And Headache Pain

yogurt as painkiller

Consuming a bowl of cherries regularly will help you to avoid head ache and joint pains. The anthocyanins in cherries act as anti inflammatory agent which has ten times the potential of aspirin and other expensive medicines.

4. Ginger Relieves Muscle Pain

ginger as painkiller

According to a research in Denmark, it has been concluded that including or substituting ginger in your diet will help you to relieve from muscles pain, joint pain and swelling up to 60%. Ginger contains gingerols that stops the pain hormones to reproduce. Consume one table spoon of chopped ginger each day.

5. Turmeric Heals Chronic Pain

turmeric as painiller
As we already know that turmeric is considered as an ancient herb and it can easily reduce chronic pain from our body.
The active ingredient called curcumin in turmeric is beneficial in reducing pain hormones in your body. Basically it shuts down the enzymes of pain hormones in your body. You can drink turmeric water regularly by adding half a teaspoon of turmeric in milk.

6. Cloves For Toothache

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Toothache gives us worst and unbearable pain and according to a research cloves are completely edible in relieving the pain of tooth. Cloves are rich in anti inflammatory properties that help to prevent gum diseases. The natural compound called eugenol in cloves acts as anaesthetic. When suffering with tootth ache just grab a clove in keep it on the pain giving tooth for sometime.

Try to add ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves to your dishes to keep your heart healthy, lower your blood pressure and maintain cholesterol levels.

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7. Oats For Endometrial Pain

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Oats is a healthy breakfast and keeps us full until next meal. Oats are also free from gluten, which represents the trigger of inflammation and often give relief from endometrial pain by 60%.

8. Fish Prevents Stomach Troubles

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If you love to eat fish, then consume it every week of about 18 oz, will help to prevent inflammatory bowel diseases, indigestion and irritable bowel syndrome.
The best choices to have in your regular basis are salmon, tuna, herring, trout and mackerel. The DHA and DPA found in fish also helps to alleviate belly pain ad cramping.

9. Salt Soothes Foot Pain

salt as painkiller

The powerful inflammatory and anti bacterial properties in salt will help to eliminate the bacteria which causes pain and swelling in your foot.
Add one table spoon of salt in warm water and soak your foot for about 20 minutes in that water to get rid of pain and swelling in your feet.

10. Yogurt For PMS

yogurt as painkiller

According to a study in Colombia, yogurt is capable of preventing symptoms of PMS. The rich content of natural mineral and calcium in yogurt will help to calm the nervous system to prevent the painful symptoms during PMS.
Consuming 2 cups of yogurt regularly will prevent 50% of PMS symptoms.

10 Natural Painkillers In Your Kitchen


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