12 Ways Your Body Is Trying To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

LIVER is one of the most vital organ of our body. It needs to function in a better manner so as to maintain the health of the entire body.

Liver is the major blood reservoir, it forms and stores red blood cells and even filters the toxins.

Liver failure is a life threatening condition, liver problems may develop slowly in the body. So how do we know that our liver is being damaged?

So here are the 12 ways to find out the early signs of liver being damaged.

Upset Stomach

One of the most common symptoms of liver damage is nausea and vomiting. However often these symptoms may be caused for some other diseases like migraines, food poisoning, depression, vertigo and even early pregnancy.

The patients who have liver damage usually have persistent nausea, because the liver’s ability to eliminate toxins is reduced.

If you experience the above mentioned symptoms you need to consult the doctor immediately.

Fatigue and Weakness

One of the early signs of damaged liver is feeling weak. Damaged liver make you to work harder.

If you feel that you need constant rest, it means the liver is unable to eliminate the toxins from your body.

Loss of Appetite

If you are unable to digest your food properly then this may be due to your liver not functioning properly. This may lead to loss of appetite and you may even experience weight loss.

Improper Digestion

The bile produced by liver plays an important role in digestion. Bile is nothing but the yellowish green fluid that aids in the emulsification of fats.

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In case the liver is damaged, then it leads to indigestion, constipation and fatty food intolerance.

Change in Urine Color

When the liver is damaged it cannot eliminate the biluribin  and this need to be eliminated through the kidneys which results in change of urine color.

If the levels of the bilirubin increase, then it leads to some changes in your urine like, it may appear in brown, amber or orange.


12 Ways Your Body Is Trying To Tell You That Your Liver Is Being Damaged

Jaundice is caused due to the improper functioning of liver. In this case the color of the skin, eyes,nails changes to yellow. This may also cause in increasing of biliburrin levels in the blood stream.

Jaundice may also appear as gallbladder and pancreas problems, to reduce this condition you need to consult the doctor.

Abdominal Changes

If you experience cramps and pain in lower part of your abdomen and especially bloating this indicates the damage of liver.

Ascites is one of the early symptoms where the fluid is accumulated in the abdominal cavity. High blood pressure is also a consequence of liver disease.

Fluid Retention

This is one of the early signs of liver damage especially in the ankles and feet. Fluid retention is also caused by hormonal imbalance, heart failure and even kidney problems.

Change in Color of the Stool

This happens due to the deficiency of bile, if the stool color is clay or pale yellow for longer period then it’s a clear sign of liver damage.

Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is a symptom of liver damage; the skin becomes more sensitive and regularly chips and tingles.

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Furthermore there could be expanded veins perceivability and more wounds.

Abdominal Pain

If you experience any pain in the abdomen which doesn’t go away easily then it’s also early sign of liver disease.

Intestinal Bleeding

If the liver is diseased then there is  bleeding in intestine along with diarrhea and constipation.

These are not complete list of liver damage symptoms, the liver deficiency may also manifest through the imbalance of hormones.

So it’s important and necessary to consult your doctor if you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms.


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