17 Ways to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes and Stabilize Energy

Glucose comes from food we eat every day, it is the main source of energy to your body.Swings in blood sugar will make you drowsy and tired, if you are not aware of this, it may lead serious health problems.

Blood sugar spikes is nothing but sudden rise and fall of blood sugar level, which mainly occurs immediately after having meal. Blood sugar spikes may also cause blood vessels to harden and narrow which leads to heart strokes.

This article shows you 17 simple things to prevent blood sugar strikes and to stabilize your energy.

17 Best Ways to Prevent Blood Sugar Strikes

1. Reduce Your Sugar Intake

Consuming sugar in high quantity develops insulin resistance in blood. This makes the blood cells fail to respond as they should. So it’s better to reduce the intake of candies, cookies ,sodas and other food items prepared with sugar.

2. Limit Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main cause which increases sugar levels. When you eat carbs, they break down into simple sugar and enter into the bloodstream.

If the blood sugar levels rise, then the pancreas releases hormones called insulin, which prompt your cells to absorb sugar from your blood.

This makes blood sugar levels to drop, so it’s better to reduce the intake of carbohydrates in your food.

3. Maintain Healthy Weight

Being obese or overweight can make it more difficult for your body to use insulin and control blood sugar levels.

Obesity can lead to blood sugar spikes and have high risk to develop diabetes type 2.Weight loss is the only option to control your blood sugar levels.

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4. Drink More Water

When your body is dehydrated then it produces a hormone called vasopressin, which encourages your kidneys to retain fluid and stop the body from flushing out excess sugar in urine.It also encourages liver to produce more sugar in your blood.Drinking enough water helps you keep hydrated and reduce the levels of blood sugar spikes.

5. Don’t Skip Meals

If you are skipping meals then it leads to insulin imbalance all the time, which stimulates your body and produce glucose as energy for your body.

Regular meals help you to maintain your blood sugar levels in control. Make sure you eat healthy as well as on time. Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day, so do not skip breakfast.

6. Include Anti Oxidant Rich Foods

The best to avoid your sugar levels to rise is the regular intake of anti oxidant rich foods like vegetables and fruits. Cabbage, red radish, blue berries and blackberries help you to preserve insulin functional cells.

7. Eat More Fiber

Fiber is an important tool to prevent blood sugar spikes, and it also helps to feel fuller for longer hours.

Fiber is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber will help you to control blood sugar spikes.Whereas insoluble fiber causes rise and fall of blood sugar levels in your body.Fiber rich foods are green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, nuts etc.

8. Exercise Daily

Exercise helps you to maintain blood sugar levels by increasing the sensitivity of the cells of hormone insulin.

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It also helps to remove the sugar from the blood stream and move it to the tissues and muscles where it can be properly utilized or stored.

9. Eat More Magnesium

17 Ways to Prevent Blood Sugar Spikes and Stabilize Energy

Magnesium is an important mineral which maintain the blood sugar levels in your body; it helps in body’s secretion and use of insulin and reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes .

Magnesium is rich in nuts, seeds, avocados, leafy vegetables etc.

10. Protein

Involving protein in your diet helps to improve your blood sugar levels in control.It also helps to decrease the blood sugar spikes and increases the insulin level significantly.

11. Whole Grains

The fiber present in whole grains will help you to improve the glucose levels in blood and reduce blood sugar spikes.Consume whole grains regularly that may give you good results.

12. Add Some Vinegar to Your Diet

As we know vinegar has many health benefits and has been used for several years, it has been linked to weight loss, cholesterol reduction and many skin diseases.

Many studies have been shown that consuming vinegar can help you to increase insulin response and reduce blood sugar spikes.

13. Eat up Your Chromium

This mineral is useful to control blood sugar spikes by encouraging the cells to absorb sugars from the blood.

Chromium deficiency may lead to increase in glucose and insulin levels.Chromium rich food include tomatoes, shellfish, egg yolks and Brazil nuts.

14. Banana Leaf Extract

Banana leaf extract is one of the bets ways to control sugar levels. Extract from banana tress contains corosolic acid that helps in transport of glucose from blood into cells and used as energy.

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15. Add Some Amount of Alpha Lipolic Acid

This acid helps in converting glucose into energy in body cells and increases insulin sensitivity.

This fat and water soluble antioxidant maintains free radicals in the body and protect organs and tissues from any kind of damage.

16. Add Spice to Your Diet

Cinnamon and fenugreek increases insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar spikes by absorbing the carbs and slowing down the digestion.

These two ingredients have no effect on the blood sugar and it can be added to food and it doesn’t have strong taste as well. Take fenugreek as a supplement in your diet.

17. Enjoy Enough Sleeping Time

Not getting enough sleep is associated with impaired glucose tolerance.Sleeping for 7-8 hours will not only help you to fight fatigue, it also increases hormonal regulation and blood sugar in the body.


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