8 Best Positions For Good Sleep

A good sleep is very essential to maintain healthy body as well as mind. Sleeping peacefully for more than 6 hours will allow your brain to prepare for the next day and gear you up to learn and remember new information.

Required amount of sleep gives your body an opportunity to heal and repair the heart and blood vessels and even protect you from heart diseases and high blood pressure.

But do you know that even sleeping positions may also impact on your health? Yes, of course just take a look on 8 sleeping positions to maintain good sleep.

8 Best Positions For Good Sleep

  1. On Stomach

Sleeping on your stomach will benefit you in many ways. Like, it helps in proper digestion, but while sleeping you need to develop a way to breathe throw your pillow by placing your face down.

However, this can put a lot of strain on your neck, and cause back pain as the curve of spine is not supported, this position is recommended only for some time.

  1. On Your Back, Arms At Sides

Well, all are familiar with this position. After a long day we fall down on our back to sleep. Sleeping on your back with your arms at sides is one of the best positions for maintaining spine health, neck, as long as you do not use two pillows.

  1. Fetal Position

Fetal position is nothing but, making your body all curled in like a ball with your chin tilted down and knees drawn up, this might be comfortable but not always.This sleeping position is only recommended only if you have typical problems with snoring or if you are pregnant.

  1. One Side Arms Out

Sleeping one side by putting your arms out will help you to maintain the spine to support it in natural curve. This position is helpful to reduce back pain and neck pain even it reduces sleep apnea.

  1. One Side Arms At Side

8 Best Positions For Good Sleep

This position has same benefits like one side arms out position. It helps in maintaining the natural curve of your spine and reduces neck and back pain. But more time in the same position may restrict the blood flow in your body.

  1. Right Side

Sleeping on your right side benefits you in many ways. Sleeping on one side has great impact on your health because sleeping on your left side may put strain on internal organs like liver, kidneys, lungs and stomach.It is always advised to change your positions while you are sleeping.

  1. Pillow Supplemented

This is the best way to get better night’s sleep with less pain. Putting pillow under the arch of the spine, or between the knees or under the hip will help to support the joints and allow for full and pain free relaxation.

  1. On Your Back Arms Up

This position is also known as star fish position which is good for back. Doesn’t matter if you have pillow or not sleeping on your back by placing your arms up will help to prevent facial wrinkles and skin breakouts.

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