8 Things You Should Never Put On Your Face

In a world of numerous DIY beauty hacks, it’s always fun trying them by sitting at home without spending much from our pockets. But this doesn’t call for applying or trying any product on your face. Just because something is okay for your hair, skin, hands and legs, this doesn’t mean it will be good for your face too.

All products may not result in making your face bright and shine, some may lead to breakouts and allergic reactions on your gorgeous face.

So, here we have gathered 8 things that you should never put on your face to protect you it as much as you can.

1. Body Lotion


(Image Source: www.beautisecrets.com)

The skin on your face is thinner compared with the other parts of your body. Well, all body lotions contain more fragrances than facial moisturizers that can easily lead to allergic reactions.

Make sure to use oil free and fragrance free facial moisturizer in order to avoid any kind of allergy or break outs.

2. Hair Spray


(Image Source: www.hairstyle.com)

Spraying hair spray on your face can help you to set up your makeup, but it should never be applied on your face. Because it contains lacquers and alcohol that make your skin dry and appears it older.

Additionally, hair spray contains repellents that could irritate your skin and results in red patches and bumps on your face.

3. Nail Polish

nail polishes

(Image Source: www.intothegloss.com)

Never apply nail polish on your face to give it brighter look to attend a party. Nail polish only belongs to your nails. It has acrylic molecules that make your skin dry easily and pull the moisture from your skin.

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 4. Sugar


(Image Source: www.bbcfocusmagzine.com)

Even though it’s fine in using sugar in quick DIY scrubs and for other parts of your body, but using this ingredient on your skin will scratch and abrade the skin.

Try to avoid products with hard shaped particles as they cause microscopic tears in the skin and lead to breakouts.

5. Lemon Juice

lemon juice

(Image Source: www.livestrong.com)

Lemons contain chemical called psoralen that makes your skin extremely sensitive to light. Generally, it activates about 10 to 15 minutes after applying and takes 24 hours to wear off.

So, if you apply it and go out in the sun, you can actually have blister on your face.

6. Foot Creams

foot creams

(Image Source: www.mymed.com)

If you don’t have any creams remaining and only foot cream left around you, don’t put it on your face. Foot cream contains chemical exfoliants that can easily damage the skin on your face.

7. Deodrant


(Image Source: www.sl24.com)

Just because it keep your underarms from sweating, does not mean you can spray it anywhere on your face.

Do not spray it on your face by picking a reason to keep your makeup for long time. It doesn’t allow your skin to breathe and make it feel dry.

Your skin need to breathe to maintain it healthy, never stop it by spraying deodorants on your face.

8. Old Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cide

(Image Source: www.avenue.com)

Apple cider vinegar acts as a great toner for our skin, but storing it for many days will make it lose water content and become stronger.

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If you don’t know exactly how long it’s been in your possession and you use this apple cider vinegar on your skin, it might result in burning.

8 Things You Should Never Put On Your Face



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