Benefits Of Coconut Oil As a Supplement

Coconut oil is one of the best oil used for many purposes in our lives and is considered as ‘super food’ among many other foods. The perfect coconut oil is made from fresh coconuts which have never went through process like bleaching, deodorized or refined. And the coconuts used for creating perfect coconut oil are grown without fertilizers and pesticides.

This perfect coconut oil is loaded with number of essential fats and its unique combination of fatty acids can have positive effects on your health.

From ancient days, many cultures in tropical regions have used it for food, cosmetics or building materials. And these days, this wonderful oil is sold as nutritional supplements that have impressive range of numerous uses from getting rid of lice to treating diabetes.

Why Coconut Oil Supplements Are Beneficial To Our Health?

Coconut oil consists of three main fatty acids which are essential to maintain good health. Each fatty acid plays a prominent role in our body to fight against illness. They are lauric acid, caprilic acid and capric acid.

Fifty percent of coconut oil consists of lauric acid, this acid plays vital role in our body by converting into monolaurin which is responsible for fighting against viruses and bacteria. Caprilic acid aids in digestion and capric acid helps to balance the bacteria in your gut.

Let’s see the benefits of coconut oil as a supplement.

Benefits Of Coconut Oil As Supplement

Many people don’t like the flavor of coconut oil or they just can’t stand eating a spoonful of coconut oil or they don’t want to use it in cooking, in that case supplements of coconut oil is very helpful for them.

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The following are the benefits of coconut oil supplements.

Regulates Blood Cholesterol

According to a research on coconut oil, it has been shown that the medium chain fatty acids of coconut oil and particularly lauric acid have the capability to convert bad cholesterol (LDL) into good cholesterol (HDL) which often helps to protect your arteries and keep your heart healthy.

Boosts Your Immune System

Along with saturated fatty acids, coconut oil is also rich in anti bacterial, anti fungal and anti infectious properties which are very helpful to our body. The lauric acid in coconut oil will support the functioning of immune system. Once the lauric acid is processed in the body it will strengthens your immune system by converting into monolaurin.

Stimulates Brain Function

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common form of dementia worldwide and occurs primilarly in elderly individuals. As per a study consumption of medium chain triglycerides will lead to improvement in brain function and coconut oil is mainly composed of saturated fatty acids and high proportional to medium chain triglycerides.

After  the supplement of coconut oil is taken it directly goes into the liver and metabolizes to produce energy or even converte it into ketones that produce energy which can have therapeutic effect on brain.

Increases Fat Burning

Obesity is one of the major problems face by many people these days around the world, be it children or adults. Regular consumption of coconut oil also helps to get rid of obesity easily. The medium chain triglycerides in coconut oil will help to burn fat in your body.

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It Protects your Skin

Benefits of Coconut Oil As a Supplement

If you are one of them who want clean and clear skin, then here is the solution for all types of skin infections and problems. Regular use of coconut oil on your skin will definitely give you desired results you want. Coconut oil helps to moisturize the skin and make you feel smooth and supple; it also helps to control other types of skin diseases by its anti bacterial and anti viral properties.

Supports Proper Digestion

The compounds in coconut oil will support your digestive system by destroying bad bacteria and increasing the production of probiotics and heals the porous intestine. Even the saturated fat in the coconut oil will help to fight against fungi and bacteria which cause indigestion and other digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome.

Consuming 2 table spoons of coconut oil before meals will also help to get rid of acid reflux and indigestion while taking every meal.

Protects Your Hair

Maintaining healthy hair is one of the major concerns these days for many people. For those who are striving to maintain healthy hair,coconut oil is the best solution for all types of hair problems. Applying coconut oil or having supplement will do wonders for your hair.

This oil can be easily absorbed into the hair and make it strong from roots, it also works from inside and provide essential nutrients and vitamins to your hair to be healthy.

How Much Coconut Oil Should Be Used As A Supplement?

Only three to four table spoons of coconut oil has been suggested for adults per day, because heavy consumption may lead to some other health issues.

  • Should not take coconut oil in heavy amount at once; try to take it for every meal throughout the day
  • It is always suggested to start out with one table spoon of coconut oil in a day, later on increase the quantity and slowly add more until you build up to the recommended level.
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How To Use Coconut Oil Supplement?        

One of the easiest ways to use coconut oil is by replacing it with your regular oil used for cooking, baking and food preparation. Alternatively, you can also consume it directly as a supplement regularly, but many people don’t like to have it directly because of its taste and smell.

Other Ways to Add Coconut Oil AS Supplement

Using coconut meat and coconut milk is another best way to use coconut oil supplement. Below are some of the approximate value to use coconut oil with other elements like meat and milk.

Fresh Coconut Meat: 2 ounces of coconut meat with one table spoon of coconut oil.

Coconut Milk: 3-4 ounces of coconut milk with one table spoon of coconut oil.

These are the best alternatives for the people who don’t want to consume it directly in their regular meal.


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