Benefits of Squash for Health, Skin and Hair

Squash is a fruit which is belongs to the Cucurbitaceae or ground family and it is a relative of both the melon and the cucumber. It comes in many different shapes and colour. The fruit has a thick outer shell that is deep yellow in colour or in orange. On the other hand, some varieties may be green, grey or red in colour.

The internal part of this fruit has d deep orange colour. Plenty of edible seeds known as pepitas are found inside this fruit which is rich in nutrient and beneficial for health and skin. Summer squash has a tantalizing flavour and it is having a soft shell which is meant to be consumed quickly. It is actually available all throughout the year.

Winter squash are more mature and it can be stored over a period of time, it is mainly grow in the warm weather. They hard, chunky skins and seeds. They are also having a high content of vitamins A and C, iron and riboflavin. Mutually summer and Winter squashes have their possess diverse set of benefits.

If taken in a considerable amount in our food squash can be really work wonder for health, especially for hairs and skin. Squash is able to as well be used to make sandwiches or sprinkled on salads. Squash soup and squash pudding are other delicious varieties of food made from the squash.

Benefits of Squash for Health

One of the most important constituent of squash is lutein and zeaxanthin-the two pigments which are very essential in preventing cataract according to scientific studies.

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Benefits of Squash for Health

Healthy Bones

Yellow squash contain plentiful amounts of manganese and vitamin C. Manganese helps to maintain healthy bone structure, calcium amalgamation, enzyme formation and bone building as well as improves the mineral compactness of the spinal column.

Vitamin C is concerned in the construction of collagen, which is very important for building bone mass. Magnesium furthermore contributes to the health of joints and bones. Thus it provides protection against osteoporosis.

Prevents Cancer

Summer squash has a high content of antioxidants which are helping in the elimination of free radicals from the body. The high levels of beta-carotene provide protection from pollutants and chemicals which can lead to cancer.

It is also a rich source of vitamin C, which will prevents premature aging and cancer as well as inhibits of the cell division. It is also containing vitamin A which is providing protection against lungs and oral cavity cancers.

Good For Weight loss

Summer squash for weight hammering is a very good choice, as it is fat-free and very low in calories. A mug of yellow squash contains concerning 36 calories, 1 gram protein, 7 grams carbohydrates and less than 1 gram fat besides individual cholesterol free.

It derives its few calories from its carbohydrate comfortable which is also moderately low. Hence, if you want to lose weight, you can easily higher calorie vegetables like potatoes and corn with yellow squash.

Good for Eye Health

Squash fruit contains very high amounts of beta-carotene; Summer squash contains high beta-carotene and lutein. Dietetic lutein plays an important role in prevent the beginning of cataracts and macular degeneration, which is often, leads to night blindness.

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A mug of summer squash about 135 milligrams of beta-carotene and 2400 micrograms of lutein. Carotenoids found in winter squash and also it will reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Boosts the Immune System

Vitamin C in squash will be boosting the immune system in your body, in a way of preventing colds and fighting allergies. The rinds of few varieties of squash are a rich source of fiber, which aids in proper digestion and also it can prevent many types of diseases.

Thus, you should be considering of eating the peel or rind along with the squash to avail these health benefits.

Skin Benefits of Squash

We all wish to have a perfect gleaming skin. However, the pressures of modern life have their own effect on your skin, thereby causing different skin problems. This quandary can be accredited to a variety of factors such as exposure to UV rays and harmful chemicals.

Being rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, squash is quite beneficial for your skin.

Prevents Skin Aging

One of the crucial benefits of squash includes protection against the damaging effects of sun exposure and preventing dehydration. Moreover, it contains high levels of vitamins c, which fights free radicals within the body, thus preventing signs of aging like fine lines, pigmentation and wrinkles. Regular consumption of squash keeps your skin hydrated.

Maintains Healthy skin

Squash is an excellent source of vitamin A. It has beta-Carotene that gets converted into vitamin A within the body. Being a powerful antioxidant, vitamin A is required for maintaining proper health and integrity of skin.

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Hair benefits of Squash

Hair problems are a common spectacle these days and they are caused by various factors. Some of these factors include exposure to harsh chemicals, deficiency of vital nutrients and prolonged illness. These can cause problems like hair loss, dandruff, thinning and untimely greying.

Certain vegetables are responsible for inspiring hair growth, and squash is one of them.

Promotes Hair Growth

Squash is a rich source of beta-carotene which is very safe, non-toxic form of vitamin A. This colour is vital for forming and maintaining healthy hair. It prevents hair breakage and promotes optimum growth. Thus one should make squash a part of your diet it is a great way for maintain a healthy tresses.

Including a considerable amount of Squash in the diet helps in maintaining a healthy and shiny hair as well. Squash helps in improving the health of hair. Beta carotene is a pigment which is crucial for promoting the hair to grow to its optimum length by preventing breakage. Therefore eating squash is essential for maintaining a healthy hair.


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