How To Deal With Autoimmune Diseases Naturally

When our immune system is unable to differentiate between the harmful foreign entities and attacks healthy body cells, it results in certain condition called auto immune disorder. However the exact reason of this is unknown till now. Sometimes this disorder takes place in a particular organ, like for instance it may attack the thyroid gland leading to grave’s disease.

When the auto immune disorder effects your gastrointestinal track it causes problem called ulcerative colitis. Sometimes your immune system even attacks certain protein found through out your body which may result in rheumatoid arthritis.

There are certain home remedies that can give you relief from these kind of problem. However if you dont find any change then do visit your doctor for better treatment.

Home Remedies For Auto Immune Diseases

1. Turmeric


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Curcumin is a substance that is found in turmeric, this helps in suppressing inflammation boosting enzymes in some auto immune disorders like ulcerative colitis and arthritis.

Warm turmeric milk is best to fight against auto immune disorders as turmeric has got anti inflammatory and anti bacterial properties. Warm a cup of milk and add half a teaspoon of turmeric to it and consume it every day before going to bed.

2. Aloe Vera


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Aloe Vera is rich in fatty acids and certain chemical compounds that can effect arthritis. Aloe Vera also relieves the pain because of the presence of lupeol and salicylic acid. It can give positive result when one is suffering from grave’s disease.

Make aloe Vera juice by adding 2-3 table spoon of fresh aloe Vera gel and a table spoon of lemon juice along with a glass of water. Blend this well and consume it.

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Do consult your doctor to know the exact quantity to be consumed and how often to be consumed.

3. Fish Oil

Usage of fish oil can reduce the joint pains and the stiffness with the one who is suffering with rheumatoid arthritis. It also contains inflammatory properties along with essential fatty acids.

Consume 1-2 tablespoon of fish oil every day. You can even consume fish oil capsule everyday. Spondylitis and arthritis pain can be reduced with this. Always consult your doctor before doing so.

4. Pineapple


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An enzyme called bromelain is found in pineapple and it has got anti inflammatory properties. This enzyme is capable of giving relief from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid and spinal spondylitis.

Eat fresh pineapple slices daily. You can even make pineapple juice by adding some turmeric to it.

Note: if you have stomach ulcer or on blood thinning medications do not consume this.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar


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This remedy is useful to the ones suffering with grave’s disease. It has got anti inflammatory properties and even contains vitamin B 5 that is capable of reducing swelling and inflammation.

Dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and then consume it regularly.

Note: before starting with any of the above remedies for auto immune diseases do consult your doctor for better advice.

how to deal with autoimmune diseases naturally


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