Effective Home Remedies For Hiccups

Every one of us experience hiccups one time or other, they often goes away within few minutes. But if they do stay for longer hours it might result in leading us to experience complex health issues.

A hiccup generally occurs due to the contraction of diaphragm. Once the contraction occurs it lead to intake of breathe that suddenly happen by vocal chords closing off and the closure of vocal chords produce ‘hic’ type sound that often called as hiccups.

It can also occur due to drinking excessive alcohol beverages or carbonated beverages, overeating, eating quickly, smoking, sudden change in temperature, some kind of excitement or emotional stress and swallowing air while chewing.

You don’t need to worry if hiccups hits you in public because, we came with some natural and effective home remedies that can easily stop hiccups.

Effective Home Remedies For Hiccup’s

Here are some home remedies for hiccups for immediate relief.

Cold Water


(Image Source: www.telegraf.com)

Cold water gives shock to your system and help to stop hiccups quickly. Any type of shock can cause distraction to your system and put your hiccups to rest.

What You Need To Do

  • For immediate relief, quickly drink a glass of cold water by adding a table spoon of honey in it.
  • Alternatively suck a piece of ice cube for few seconds.
  • You can also gargle little amount of cold water for a minute to keep hiccups at bay.

Hold Your Breath


(Image Source: www.newscientist.com)

Holding your breath for few seconds will help to increase the carbon dioxide in blood stream and distracts the mind to stop hiccups. This technique is generally considered as old age technique but works perfect to stop hiccups.

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What You Need To Do

  • Take a deep breath as much you can and hold it for few seconds and then exhale in control manner.
  • Now, slowly inhale the air and hold your breathe again, so this for several times until the hiccups are completely stopped.



(Image Source: www.linder.com)

Using lemon is the best way to stop hiccups in mid stream. The sour taste of lemon generally relaxes the irritated nerves and helps to disappear the hiccups completely.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a table spoon of lemon juice and consume it, this process immediately gives you relief from hiccups.
  • Alternatively, drink a glass of water by mixing two table spoons of lemon juice in it.



(Image Source: www.ootdiva.com)

Vinegar is another effective remedy to stop hiccups. Vinegar has sour taste and it helps to distract the mind and stop hiccups immediately.

What You Need To Do

  • Consume ½ teaspoon of vinegar and then immediately drink a glass of water.
  • Alternately, mix one teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water and drink it slowly sip by sip to stop hiccups.


(Image Source: www.IFLscience.com)

Sugar acts as perfect remedy for hiccups, especially for children. Swallowing sugar helps in stimulating the vagus nerve and makes your body to forget about hiccups.

What You Need To Do

  • Take one teaspoon of brown or white sugar and hold the spoon in your mouth until it dissolves without chewing it.
  • Then, finally take a sip of water to stop hiccups.

Drink upside down

Drinking a glass of cold water may give shock to your system, but drinking a glass of cool water becomes more effective when you do it in upside down position.

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What You Need To Do

  • Take a glass of cold water and put your head down and slowly bend down at your waist.
  • Drink water from opposite side of the glass than you would normally do.
  • Repeat it again as many times.



(Image Source: www.herbco.com)

Cardamom is loaded with muscle relaxing properties which help you to get relief from hiccups easily.

What You Need To Do

  • Mix one teaspoon of cardamom in a glass of hot water and keep it aside for 15 minutes.
  • Now strain the solution and drink it slowly to stop hiccups.

Breathe In To a Paper Bag


(Image Source: www.ushamamausa.com)

Breathing in to the paper bag will make the diaphragm contract more deeply to bring in more oxygen to stop hiccups.

What You Need To Do

  • Take a paper bag and press slowly around your mouth.
  • Now, breathe slowly and deeply in to the bag and repeat it several times.


This easy technique is not recommended for heart stroke patients.

Effective Home remedies for hiccups


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