Facts And Dangers Of Soda Drinks

When we are under a hot sun for long time, simple soft drink makes us happy. Kids love to drink it rather than having healthy food on their table. But how many of us know that these soda or soft drinks are dangerous to our health too?

These soda drinks typically contains  sweetener with little amount of water and artificial agents mixed in it. These drinks also contain caffeine, preservatives, colors and other ingredients.

We will get to know about facts and dangers of soda drinks in this article.

Facts And Dangers Of Soda Drinks

Several studies have proven that, soft drinks have massive market and dominant force in the business world. Every day, one in five American drinks at least one can of soda.

Out of many soda drinks, coco cola is largest manufacturer of carbonated soda drinks in the world. The average cola drink has 38 calories and united state represents 25% of global soft drink market.

Apart from this, soda drinks also lead to many health issues some of them are as follows:

  • Obesity

After several research, many studies have proven that, the people who have dietary problems have more chance to become obese if they are taking or drinking lot of diet soda.

The presence of artificial sweeteners in soda disturbs the way our metabolism process food. As we know that sugary products makes us hungrier and lead us to eat more which often results in many health issues related to weight.

  • Dental Problems

Presence of sugar and artificial sweeteners will build up the bacteria that feed on them. If these remain in our mouth, it leads to formation of plaque, gum diseases and cavities in your mouth.

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Even intake of large amount of soda will also lead to many other health issues like tooth decay because of the acidic content in drinks.

  • Loss Of Bone Density

Soft drinks contain phosphoric acid which will destabilize the body to absorb required amount of calcium and results in the formation of osteoporosis.

  • Dehydration

Facts And Dangers Of Soda Drinks

High level of caffeine in some sodas may lead to dehydration. Caffeine is considered as natural diuretic substance which causes your body to excrete fluid through urine.

So, instead of having sodas try to drink more water. Water keeps you hydrated and avoids many health issues and protects you from many disorders.

  • Hang Over’s

Cocktails that contain both soft drinks and alcohol make you feel drunk much faster than other drinks because sugar free drinks can enter in your bloodstream very easily. This will make you absorb much more alcohol which will make you drunker.

  • Kidney Problems

Regular intake of soda drinks may also lead to kidney problems. These drinks can have bad effect on your kidneys and can hinder in proper functioning of kidneys.



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