Ginger water: The Healthiest Drink. Know Why You Should Have A Glass Of It Every Day

Ginger is no stranger for homeopathic and traditional medicine scene from centuries. It has been known for its healing powers to treat many kind of health issues.

Basically, ginger belongs to a flowering plant that belongs to zingiberaceae family and is a close relative to cardamom and turmeric. The underground part of the stem called as ginger root which is commonly used as a spice.

This root packs with numerous vitamins, minerals and proteins which includes magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese and vitamin A, C and E.

You might have heard about ginger tea, ginger candy and ginger ale, but another incredible tonic made by ginger is ginger water by adding some other powerful ingredients.

This is one of the healthiest drinks that clears toxins from your body and keeps you healthy all day long.

Have a look on benefits of ginger water in this article.

Benefits Of Drinking Ginger Water Regularly

Here are wonderful benefits of drinking ginger water regularly in your day routine.

1. Supports Weight Loss


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If you are struggling to lose weight even after following healthy diet and hitting gym everyday and spending couple of hours. Then it’s time to include ginger water, in your day routine along with your healthy diet.

Generally high blood pressure will drag you to eat more that stores more amount of fat in your body. Ginger water helps to regulate blood sugar levels control the urge to eat more.

It also improves the fat absorbing ability in the body that results in healthy weight loss.

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2. Prevents Digestive Problems


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Drinking glass of ginger water by adding table spoon of lemon juice will help to strengthen the digestive system and prevents digestive disorders such as indigestion, nausea and heartburn.

It also helps in relieving morning sickness, nausea especially during pregnancy.

3. Protects Against Alzheimer’s Disease


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Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic neurological disorder that affects the central nervous system of brain. Scientifically, it is proven that ginger has capability to treat this condition by slowing down the degradation of brain cells.

The powerful anti inflammatory and anti oxidant compounds of ginger helps to fight inflammatory responses that occur in the brain.

4. Helps In Maintaining Healthy Hair And Skin


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The presence of powerful anti oxidants and vitamins in ginger often helps to maintain healthy and glowing skin. Even the presence of vitamin A and C in ginger water improves the texture of your hair.

The anti bacterial properties in ginger water helps in preventing all types of skin infections and scalp infections and keep your skin and hair healthy.

5. Perfect Muscle Reliever


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When you exercise or lifting some heavy weights, it puts pressure on your muscles and becomes tired easily. Drinking ginger water will help you to get relief.

Let’s see how to make ginger water.

How To Make Ginger Water

Ginger water is also available as herbal water or ginger tea in markets. But the best option is to make it at home by using fresh ginger root.

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You can drink it either hot or cold, totally depends on your choice. The common way to make ginger water in home is as follows”

Ingredients Required

  • 2 inch piece of ginger root
  • One table spoon of honey
  • One table spoon of lemon juice
  • Three cups of warm water

How To Prepare

  • Take 2-3 cups of warm water and add grate ginger in it.
  • Now add one table spoon of honey and lemon juice in the water and stir it.
  • Drink this water several times in a day
  • Drinking ginger water regularly offers you many health benefits and keeps you fit and strong throughout the day.

Ginger water- The healthiest drink (1)





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