Home Remedies For Cardiovascular Disease

The diseases which are connected to heart and blood vessels are known as cardiovascular disease. Heart attack is caused when the blood flow of the heart is blocked by a blood clot. These cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death globally, the major types are:

  • Coronary artery disease.
  • Stroke
  • Heart failure.
  • Hypertensive heart diseases.

Home Remedies to Recover From a Heart Attack

Home Remedies For Cardiovascular Disease

1. Avoid Smoke

The person who has smoking habit, as well as heart disease problem, the first and foremost thing is to stop smoking. To improve your health, you need to avoid smoke and be far away from smoking.

2. Control Your Blood Pressure And Cholesterol Levels

Any one among blood pressure and cholesterol or both of them is high in your body, you have chances to get heart attack. Make sure to consult doctor and prescribe changes to your diet and medications. Ask your doctor how can you maintain blood pressure and cholesterol level in your body.

3. Get Regular Medical Checkup

High blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and diabetes, these are the major risk factors for heart attack. Make sure to consult doctor and perform regular tests on these conditions.

4. Exercise Daily

By doing daily exercise you can improves your heart muscle function after heart attack it and helps in preventing heart attack and control your weight, diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Doing exercise means walking 30 minutes a day five days a week can improve your health.

5. Maintain a Healthy Weight

Excess weight can strains your heart and can contribute to high blood pressure or high cholesterol level and diabetes, which in turn is responsible for causing heart attack. Balance your weight according to your height and age.

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6. Eat Heart Healthy Diet

The person who is suffering from heart diseases should eat heart healthy food. Be aware of these foods: saturated fat like red meat, full fat dairy products, coconut and palm oil. Trans fats like Deep fried fast food, bakery products, chips, cookies. Cholesterol in your diet can affect your heart and too much salt in your diet  can also raise blood pressure.

So, eat heart healthy food that contains lean proteins, such as fish, beans, plenty of fruits, and vegetables.

7. Manage Diabetes

To manage diabetes you need to exercise daily, eat well and lose weight, it completely helps you  in keeping  blood sugar levels at desirable level.

8. Control Stress

This is one of the main thing to control in order to be away from heart disease. Stress is the main reason why people globally are suffering from heart diseases and heart attacks. Minimize your stress in daily life activities.  Nothing in more important than your life, so stop being effected by any thing be it in relationship, business, work life etc.

9. If You Drink Alcohol, Do So In Moderation

Just like smoking kills alcohol also kills. These two things are slow poison. If you love your life then quit smoking and alcohol. But if you are doing so then do it occasionally and that too moderately.

Cardiovascular Disease Treatment And Prevention

Treatment for heart diseases is common for women and men. This treatment may include lifestyle changes, medicines, medical and surgical procedure.

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Lifestyle Changes

By making lifestyle change you can help prevent or treat CHD.  These changes are the best treatment that some people need. Learn about the benefits of lifestyle changes and make plan with specific, realistic goals.

Many lifestyle changes can help control several CHD risk factors at the same time. For example: physical activities help you to lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol level. It also helps to control diabetes and pre diabetes, reduces stress and control your weight.


You need medicines to treat CHD, if lifestyle changes are not enough. Medicines can help you in right way:

  • Make sure to reduce your heart’s work load.
  • Decrease your chance of having a heart attack or dying suddenly.
  • Lower your LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, and other CHD risk factors.
  • Prevent blood clots.
  • Prevent or delay the need for a procedure or surgery such as angioplasty.

You need to take all medicines as prescribed. By using the medicines if you get any side effects inform  to doctor immediately. He/she can able to provide other option.

Heart Attack Warning Signs

If you are having CHD, learn the warning signs of heart attack:

  • Pain caused in chest or discomfort.
  • This pain involves uncomfortable pressure. squeezing, pain in the centre or left side of the chest.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Nausea, vomiting, light headedness.
  • Sleeping problem, fatigue, and lack of energy.

If you’re having heart attack,  you should not drive to the hospital. Let someone else drive you. Make a call to an ambulance so that medical personnel can begin life saving treatment on the way to the emergency room.

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  • Don’t smoke and don’t take any kinds of tobacco.
  • Do exercise atleast 30 mins in a day.
  • Take heart healthy diet.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Get enough quality sleep.
  • Lowering your blood pressure.
  • Manage stress.
  • Managing diabetes.
  • Limited alcohol intake.

Get regular health screenings like (blood pressure, cholesterol level diabetes screenings).


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