How Much Water To Drink Daily To Lose Weight

Water plays a major role to maintain our body’s health and to be in hydrated state always. As we know our body consists of more than 60% of water. And if you are on a diet or in weight loss program it is really important to know about the amount of water to take regularly.

Drinking water alone will not burn fat but it helps to lose fat in other ways. Drinking certain amount of water throughout the day curbs your appetite and allows you to eat less and further aiding in weight loss efforts.

Importance Of Water

Drinking water helps us in many ways, it helps to protect our organs and tissues, prevents constipation, carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body and it also helps to regulate your body temperature.

Some health issues generally occurs due to dehydration, drinking plenty of water can avoid many problems and has heavy impact on metabolism and fat burning process.

Water For Weight Loss

As you know almost 6o % of our body contains water; this is one of the greatest ways to get rid of excess weight.

You may wonder how water can help us in weight loss? Well, drinking water can help you lose weight in two primary ways. The first thing is, it curbs your hunger and makes you feel full, even when you don’t have any food inside your tummy and the second thing is by regulating your metabolism.

There are various ways, when it comes to water consumption. Many people believe that over consumption of water may lead to imbalance of salt content in the body. This also cause disturbance of potassium levels in the body which often leads to vomiting, fatigue, nausea and headaches.

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So, what is the required amount of water you have to take regularly when you want to lose your weight?

To know the answer, continue reading the article.

How Much Water To Drink Daily To Lose Weight

As per doctors recommendation 8 ounces of water should be consumed by an individual in a day. But as per several researches, it is always said that one should drink 4 liters of water in a day for beneficial results.

It always depends on the individual, if you are in a weight loss journey. Then you must make yourself comfortable by drinking required amount of water before and after workout.

How Much Water To Drink Daily To Lose Weight

Dehydration after workout may lead to dizziness and headaches. You can also drink water in between your workouts too.

Not only water helps you keep hydrated even fruits and vegetables in the form of juices will also add up the water consumption.

And if you are into daily workouts, then it’s better to take 12 ounces of water to achieve ideal quantity.

Tips To Drink Water For Better Weight Loss Results

Here are some tips to follow to achieve your best for weight loss results.

  • It is important to drink 2 or 3 glasses of warm water in the morning. For beneficial results in weight loss, just add a table spoon of lemon and honey to it.
  • Make sure to drink water even when you are not thirsty if you following a serious diet. It is recommended to drink water in little quantities throughout the day.
  • Drinking one or two glasses of water before having meals will help you to eat less.
  • If you don’t like to have plain water, then add a little amount of mint, lemon, cucumber or any citrus fruits to enhance the flavor.
  • Whenever hunger pangs kicks you, when you are on diet, then pick up the bottle and drink water and avoid cold beverages at any cost.
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These are some tips which may help you for better weight loss in your body. So, from now follow these tips and drink more water as recommended to maintain good health as well as wealth.


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