Numbness is common condition faced by everyone at certain point in their lives. This condition generally indicates lack of sensation at particular area in our body and causes tingling and sharp pain in the affected area.
It can be caused due to many reasons like constant pressure on hands and limbs, nerve injuries, nerve compression, excessive drinking, smoking, fatigue, exposure to cold compress for longer time and nutritional deficiency. Even some medical conditions like diabetes, thyroid, and multiple sclerosis will also increase the risk of hypoesthesia.
However, this condition is not at all a big deal if it lasts only for few minutes, but if it lasts more than minutes you must immediately consult to your physician for proper treatment.
Apart from medications, you can even try following remedies that will help you get rid of numbness in hands and feet.
Home Remedies TO Deal With Numbness In Hands And Feet
Here are the best remedies to deal with numbness:
1. Massage
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Massaging your hands and legs when you feel numbness is the best way to get rid of. It helps to increase the blood circulation and lessens numbness. Moreover, it stimulates all over nerves and muscles and thereby improving their overall function.
What You Need To Do
- Take any essential oil mixed with one table spoon of carrier oil in your hands.
- Massage the affected area for few minutes in circular motions.
- Repeat as many times as needed.
2. Warm Compress
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Warm compress will increase the blood flow in the affected area and relax muscles and nerves by reducing the feeling of numbness.
What You Need To Do
- Take one bowl of warm water and dip a wash cloth in it, wring out the excess water.
- Place this cloth on affected area for 5-6 minutes and repeat it several time until you feel no numbness at the affected area.
3. Turmeric
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The specific compound called curcumin in turmeric improves blood flow throughout your body. Additionally, the anti inflammatory properties in turmeric help to reduce pain and discomfort in the affected area.
What You Need To Do
- Mix one tea spoon of turmeric powder with little amount of water and apply this paste and massage the affected area for few minutes.
- Alternatively add one tea spoon of turmeric to one cup of milk and heat it over a low flame. Add one table spoon of honey and drink it once in a day to improve circulation.
4. Cinnamon

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Cinnamon is loaded with numerous vitamins and chemicals such as potassium, manganese and vitamin B6. All these vitamins help in improving the blood flow and reduces the feeling of numbness in your hands and feet.
What You Need To Do
- Mix one tea spoon of cinnamon in a glass of warm water and drink it regularly to see best results.
- Alternatively, mix one table spoon of honey with one tea spoon of cinnamon powder and consume it every day in the morning for few days.
5. Epsom Salt Bath
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Epsom salt is rich in magnesium, which helps to raise magnesium levels in the body and improve blood circulation. Adequate circulation in the body reduces the feeling of numbness and prevents it from reoccurring.
What You Need To Do
- Mix one cup of Epsom salt in warm water bath tub and soak your hands and feet in the water for 10- 15 minutes.
- Repeat this process twice in every week.
6. Cayenne Pepper
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Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin A, C and E and the compound called capasaicin is essential for proper blood flow in our body. It also contains magnesium and potassium which are great nutrients for healthy blood circulation.
All these vitamins and minerals make it a great remedy for reducing numbness in your feet and hand.
What You Need To Do
- Take one cup of water in to boil by adding little amount of ginger and garlic and heat it for five minutes.
- Then add one tea spoon of cayenne pepper to this mixture and allow it to boil for other few minutes.
- Allow it cool down by turning it off. Drink this mixture once in a day for better relief from numbness in hands and legs.
7. Chamomile Tea
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Chamomile tea is another best remedy to get relief from the numbness in your feet and hands. Consuming chamomile tea on regular basis also helps in improving blood circulation in the body and gives you relief in the affected areas.
What You Need To Do
- Add one teaspoon of chamomile powder to one cup of water and allow the mixture to heat for few minutes.
- Reduce the heat and simmer the mixture for about 10 minutes and turn off the heat.
- Strain the solution and consume the mixture.
- Follow this remedy everyday to improve circulation in your body.
8. Consume More Foods In Vitamin B
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Vitamin B deficiency is one of the major causes for numbness in some areas of your body. So increasing the intake of vitamin B foods can help you to prevent numbness and gives you healthy body.
Foods such as eggs, beans, yogurt, bananas, fresh milk, nuts, and milk are rich in vitamin D. you can also include vitamin B supplements in your diet.
Additional Tips
- Avoid being in the same position for longer time especially while working on the computer.
- Drink minimum of 8 ounces of water throughout the day to avoid dehydration.
- Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables to prevent vitamin deficiencies.
- Avoid excess consumption of alcohol and if possible quit smoking.
- Try to lose weight to reduce numbness in your feet