How to Get Rid of Sulphur Burps

Burping is nothing but expelling gasses from your mouth which is a natural phenomenon faced by everyone on this planet.

Well, sulphur burps are one of the ugliest burps you would ever face and this is the sign to change your food habits immediately.

However, we will see the simple home remedies to get rid of sulphur burps. Before that, we need to know what exactly causes sulphur burps. Keep on reading the article to know complete information about sulphur burps.

What Are Sulphur Burps?

Usually burps are body’s natural mechanism to get rid of excess air swallowed from the mouth when we are drinking, eating or smoking. This is the common reason why normal bumps and sulphur burps have different characteristics.

Sulphur burp is accompanied with foul rotten egg smell. The main cause is the production of hydrogen sulphide gas in your stomach. The gas  usually stays in our body, when we intake sulphur containing foods which are expelled from our mouth.

Common Causes Of Sulphur Burps

  1. Digestive Problems

The typical cause of sulphur burps are digestive issues. Some of the conditions include irritable bowel syndrome, gastroestrophagul reflux disease and infections due to helicobacter pylori may also lead to formation of sulphur burps. These infections also lead to severe stomach problems like abdominal pain, ulcers, vomiting and diarrhea.

  1. Poor Diet

High content of sugar and proteins in your regular diet also leads to formation of sulphur burps. Even having big meals instead of small meals makes hard to digest your food and remain in your intestine for longer time. This produces hydrogen sulphide in your stomach and releases through your mouth as a foul smell.

  1. Medications

Prescribed medications which contain sulphur in high amount also lead to cause of rotten egg like burps.

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Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Sulphur Burps

  1. Green Tea

Green tea always stands first to treat digestive issues. It aids digestion and promotes overall health. It also helps to remove toxins from your body and maintain overall health.

Chamomile tea and peppermint tea also plays major role in treating digestive problems, especially for getting rid of sulphur burps.

  1. Water

Water plays a major role in our everyday life. Drinking enough water will help to remove toxins from your body through urine and maintains overall kidney health.Drinking extra water prevents bad breathe and protect the stomach from various bacteria.Don’t forget to drink more than 8 glasses of water in your daily routine; it also helps you to be hydrated.

  1. Baking Soda

How to get rid of Sulphur burps

Baking soda is another effective home remedy used for getting rid of sulphur burps. This is considered as sodium bicarbonate which helps to treat several digestive problems such as heart burn, ulcers and bad breath.

Mix a little amount of baking soda in a glass of water and drink it, it also balances gastric juices in your stomach and reduces bad odor.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the best ingredients for treating many health issues including digestive problems. The acidic nature in apple cider vinegar helps to get rid of bacteria in your gut from over growing.Many people find relief from unwanted digestion problems by drinking a spoonful of apple cider vinegar mixed in a glass of water regularly.

  1. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is an effective natural remedy for treating sulphur burps. Due to its anti bacterial properties it helps in removing all toxins from your body and prevents bacterial growth in your stomach.

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Try to have a glass of water mixed with table spoon of lemon juice and a table spoon of honey before having breakfast.


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