How To Get Rid of Varicose Veins Naturally

We have numerous veins in our body. Veins are nothing but, the blood vessels which help to carry blood from all the parts of the body to heart.Well, legs are far away from the heart that means pumping blood to the heart against gravity requires an extra effort.

Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins and also visible veins that may look dark purple or blue in color, which are located on legs. These veins can cause pain, swelling, sores , blood clots and ulcers.

The veins have one way valves that push the blood back to the heart. If the valves are weak and damaged then the blood stops flowing and get stored in the veins causing the veins bulge which result in the formation of varicose veins.The major cause for varicose veins is sitting or standing for extended hours or obesity, overweight issues and even pregnancy.

However, some people may experience extreme pain and discomfort that could signal impending circulatory problems.This condition can be treated naturally.If you think to get rid of varicose veins naturally, this article is the solution for your problem.

The following are the list of natural treatments for varicose veins including natural herbs and essential oils.

Natural Home Remedies For Varicose Veins

1. Gentle Massage

Massage is one of the best ways to get rid of any pain in your body. This is an ancient treatment used from centuries. With the use of coconut oil or olive oil massage your legs in upward direction which helps to smooth en out the twisted veins and accelerate good blood flow in your legs.

Make sure not to put pressure on bulging veins directly, pooling of blood is one of the major cause for varicose veins leading them to expand and get twisted. Massage is an excellent way to reduce it.

2. Mud Packs

Mud packs are an excellent remedy, especially for the treatment of varicose veins, it significantly reduces pain and increase the enlargement of veins.

  • Mud packs are nothing but clay mixing with required amount of warm water, you just need to apply this mud on your leg before going to sleep and allow it to dry.
  • As the mud dries, it produces a tightening effect and leads to enlargement of veins in your legs and keeps you free from the pain.


Don’t use this method, if you have any problem of ulcers. This method can worsen the situation.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar

It is a well known fact that apple cider vinegar can be used to treat many problems. This wonderful vinegar is also used for the treatment of varicose veins. It is considered as a natural cleansing element which improves blood circulation in our body.If the blood flow is absolutely fine in our body, then the heaviness and swelling of varicose veins will decrease to a great extend.

  • Mix a table spoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of warm water and stir it well. Drink this mixture twice in a day for few months to see beneficial results.
  • Alternatively, you can directly apply apple cider vinegar on varicose veins and massage it before going to bed every day. Repeat this process for few months to see positive results.

Don’t forget to dilute it with adding some carrier oil before using it.

4. Garlic

Not only a powerful ingredient in our kitchen, this wonderful herb is also helpful to cure many diseases. It also has the ability of reduce the inflammation and symptoms of varicose veins.It helps in breaking down all the toxins from your body and improves blood circulation.

  • Slice up few garlic clove and place them in an empty jar, then add a glass of orange juice and a table spoon of olive oil.
  • Then close it and let it sit for 12 hours, then shake the jar and apply it on varicose veins and massage it for few minutes before going to bed.
  • Wrap it with a cloth and leave it overnight. Repeat this process for several months to get rid of varicose veins.

5. Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne pepper is rich in vitamin C and bio flavonoids which helps in improving blood circulation in your body and reduces the pain and congestion caused by varicose veins.This is considered as a miraculous product for treating varicose veins.

  • You just need to add a table spoon of cayenne pepper to a glass of hot water then stir it well and drink this mixture 2-3 times a day for 2 months.

6. Butchers Broom

How To Get Rid of Varicose Veins Naturally

This is one of the best remedy for treating varicose veins. This is an anti inflammatory agent that minimizes the body’s response to cytokines during the process of inflammation.

Due to an active component called rescogenes, it reduces the inflammation and halt the breakdown of proteins in the mean time.

  • Take the supplement 3 times in a day for several months to get rid of varicose veins naturally.

7. Parsley

Parsley is rich in nutrients, minerals and anti oxidant properties which helps in reducing inflammation and pain caused due to varicose veins.

The active ingredients in parsley also stimulate the production of collagen and strengthen veins and make them firmer and more elastic.

  • Take a small amount of parsley leaves and boil it in cup of water for five minutes. Then allow it to cool down, then strain it and add a few drops of marigold essential oil in it.
  • Mix the solution well, dip a cotton ball in the solution and apply it on the affected area. Continue this process regularly for 3-4 months to see improves results.

8. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural agent consisting of essential oils and Gallic acid. It also helps to soothe the affected areas and strengthen weakened blood vessels, reduces the swelling of varicose veins.

  • Extract witch hazel ,with the help of a cotton cloth apply it on the affected area and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this process for 2-3 months to see improvements in your body.
  • Alternatively, you can add few drops of witch hazel in a bucket of Luke warm water and soak your legs for about 20 minutes in it.
  • Rinse it off with fresh water after soaking it in the solution. Repeat this process for two to three months to get rid of varicose veins.

 9. Cold Compress

Cold compress is another effective way in reducing swelling and inflammation caused through varicose veins. It also helps in improving blood circulation in your legs by enlarging the veins.

Take cold pack or some ice cubes in a cotton towel and make it a circular structure, then apply it on the affected area. Don’t apply pressure on affected area, which may worsen the situation.

10. Exercise

Exercise is also considered as a treatment of varicose veins. We have numerous exercises to maintain our body structure.Follow the exercises which are suitable for improving blood flow in your legs and try to adop for those exercises until you get rid of varicose veins.Never ever any exercises, without the consult of your physician.



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