Increase Hemoglobin Level In Your Body With These Amazing Home Remedies

Everyone knows that hemoglobin plays major role in maintaining healthy functioning of all organs in the body.  It is a protein generally found in red blood cells and responsible for carrying oxygen from lungs to all blood tissues in the body.

However, it is absolutely necessary to maintain healthy diet to maintain optimal growth of hemoglobin in the body. Because its scarcity can lead us to experience a condition called anemia.

Low hemoglobin is influenced by many factors such as poor diet, poor absorption of nutrients necessary for the production of hemoglobin, blood loss, and certain medications.

Symptoms Of Low Hemoglobin

The following are some symptoms shown by our body, if we have low hemoglobin levels:

  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Shortness of breathe
  • Fatigue
  • Chest pain
  • In severe cases cardiovascular problems.

Well, don’t worry, apart from medications here are some effective home remedies that will help you to increase hemoglobin levels in the body naturally without any side effects.

Home Remedies To Improve Hemoglobin Levels

1. Pomegranate

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Regular consumption of pomegranates often helps you to increase the levels of hemoglobin in your body. As it is rich in iron, calcium, potassium and other healthy components that are required for healthy count of hemoglobin and increase the blood flow in your body.

Try to drink one glass of potassium juice or one pomegranate to increase the count of hemoglobin in your body.

2. Watermelon


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This water based and refreshing fruit also makes its way to the list of foods that increase hemoglobin levels in the body. Water melon contains high amount of vitamin C and iron that makes absorption of iron easier and faster in the body.

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3. Sea Food


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Sea food such as clavier, claim and oyster are natural source of iron and helps to increase levels of hemoglobin in your body.

4. Meat


(Image Source: www.Dr,

Meat is an excellent source of iron. Here are some different types of meat that contains high amount of iron, vitamins and folate which are essential to increase the count of hemoglobin levels in the body.

  • Red meat
  • Ground beef (2.5 mg of iron from 85 grams of ground beef)
  • Liver (10.2 mg of iron from 100 grams of liver)
  • Chicken breast(0.7 milligrams of iron from 100 grams of chicken)

5. Beetroot


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Beetroot is highly beneficial for the people with iron deficiency which is one of the causes for anemia. It also helps to cleanse the body and supply more oxygen throughout the body due to its high content of iron, calcium, potassium and vitamins.

  • Try to add cooked beetroot in your salads or drink a glass of beetroot juice on regular basis.
  • You can even eat the peel along with beetroot for maximum nutritional value.

6. Dates

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Dates are another home remedies to increase the levels of hemoglobin due to its high content of iron and vitamin c levels in it.

  • Soak few dates in a cup of milk and leave it overnight. Eat the dates and drink the milk on an empty stomach every day.
  • Alternatively, you can also eat few dates on regular basis on an empty stomach follow by glass milk.
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7. Banana



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Banana is one of the best fruit that stimulates the production of hemoglobin and many other enzymes that are essential for the production of red blood cells in the body.  It also contains high amount of iron and magnesium essential to your body.

  • Eat one ripe banana along with one table spoon of honey twice in a day regularly.
  • Alternatively, drink a glass of banana juice by adding one table spoon of amla juice in it.

8. Fenugreek Seeds


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Fenugreek seeds contains high amount of iron that help to aid new red blood cells production in your body.

  • Cook one cup of rice along with two cups of fenugreek seeds and eat this regularly once by adding little amount of salt in it.
  • You can even add fenugreek leaves in your salads and soups.

9. Sesame Seeds


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Sesame seeds also work excellent in treating anemia due to its high content of iron. One fourth cup of sesame seeds provides 30 percent of iron requirement.

  • Soak two table spoons of black sesame seeds in a cup of water for 2-3 hours. Strain the water and make a paste of soaked seeds.
  • Now add one table spoon of honey and mix it well. Eat this mixture twice in a day at least for 2 weeks.

10. Spinach


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Spinach is not only rich in iron it is also rich in vitamins like B12, folic acids and energy boosting nutrients that help your body to recover from anemia.

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One cup of spinach gives you 30 percent of daily value of iron and 35 percent of your daily value of folic acid.

  • Try to Drink spinach soup twice daily. To prepare the soup, take one cup of spinach and make it a puree by adding little amount of water.
  • Place a pan on medium heat and add one table spoon of olive oil, then add some chopped garlic and onion wait until it turns in to brown color.
  • Add the puree spinach and add little salt cook it for 5-10 minutes on medium heat.
  • Alternatively, drink glass of spinach juice by adding a table spoon of honey in it.

Increase hemoglobin level in your body with these amazing home remedie


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