Magnificent Health Benefits Of Magnesium

Many people aren’t aware of surprising benefits of magnesium to our body. Well, calcium has enormous amount of attention, but the thing is calcium works along with magnesium in our body to keep or bones healthy and strong.

Yes, calcium and magnesium work together, but magnesium is quite more important when compared with calcium. This will help to avoid and prevent many health issues.

Well, you might understand how much essential this mineral is for our body. Scroll down to know magnificent benefits of magnesium and make sure to have sufficient amount of magnesium in your regular diet.

Why Magnesium Is essential To Your Body?

As I have mentioned before it works along with calcium, it controls entry of calcium into each and every cell in your body and helps the normal functioning of  cells in your body.

Without adequate magnesium, calcium may get inside the cell in large amount and results in cramping, blood vessel constriction and even formation of kidney stones sometimes.

Benefits Of Magnesium In Your Body

1. Works Effectively For Skin Problems


This mineral can easily absorb in your skin and keep it acne, pimple, allergies and wrinkle free skin. The anti inflammatory properties in magnesium will treat them and gives you flawless skin.

Deficiency of magnesium will result in increase of pro inflammatory cytokines, which is a bad health sign. Including magnesium rich foods in your diet will also help you to get rid of such eczema and keep your skin younger and clearer.

2. It Prevents Migraine


Several studies have concluded that, the people who are suffering with migraines has improved their condition after including magnesium supplements on regular basis.

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This is because magnesium is generally involved in functioning of neurotransmitter and blood circulation that prevent the pain and headache caused by migraines.

3. Maintains Good Cardiovascular Health


Regular intake of magnesium will improve your cardiovascular health and prevent coronary artery diseases and myocardial infarction etc. It aids lipid metabolism to avoid accumulation of cholesterol in the blood vessels and also prevents calcium accumulation in your blood vessels and reduces arrhythmias due to oxidative stress.

4. Improves Energy And Athletic Performance


Athletics and people who perform excessive work out regularly will definitely see tremendous improvements in their performance and workout. This happens because, magnesium facilitates the movements and release lactic acid in muscles. This will help to prevent soreness and stiffness and allow your muscles to work effectively by filling you with energy.

5. Helps In Weight Management

Magnesium plays crucial role in managing weight, especially in reducing obesity. Lack of magnesium in your body obviously have affect on fat metabolism leading to weight issues. Don’t know exactly whether this mineral improves or reduces weight in our body. But it is advised to take limited amount of magnesium in your regular diet.

6. Protects The Body Against Inflammation

If your body cells consist of efficient amount of magnesium then, it would protect your body from inflammation, Alzheimer’s, diabetes and obesity. Maintaining efficient amount of magnesium is mandatory.

7. Aids In Regulating Blood Sugar Levels


According to a research it is quite common for people with diabetes 2 to have hypomagnesaemia. This condition generally arises due to poor diet, erratic blood glucose levels. So, it is advised for them to take magnesium supplements to avoid diabetes.

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8. Maintains Bone And Muscle Health


Magnesium is a vital co-factor for the enzymes that cause muscle contraction and it is also responsible for neurotransmitter transmission.

9. Clams Nerves And Anxiety

Magnesium is vital mineral in the production of serotonin in the body, often called as “happy Hormone” that enables us to smile. If you are lacking in magnesium, then this hormones that calm the brain and promote relaxation are also in trouble. Unfortunately, this results in the production of additional stress to your body.

10. Helps In Coping With PMS

Magnesium is an essential mineral especially during menstruation cycle; it results in the production of carbohydrates during this period.

Magnesium also helps in relieving cravings, nausea, hot flashes, dropping of blood pressure, back ache and mood swings during menstruation cycle.

Foods Rich In Magnesium


Foods that are high in fiber generally contain high amount of magnesium too. The following are some of the rich sources of magnesium.

  • Whole grains
  • Vegetables
  • Seeds
  • Nuts
  • Dairy products such as milk etc
  • Meat
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Mackerel
  • Cashews
  • Avocado
  • Salmon
  • Halibut

Include all these rich sources of magnesium in your regular diet to make your body healthy and free from health issues.


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