Mix One Ingredient with Orange Juice to Flush Toxic Buildup from the Lungs

Mention about tarter, some people may think you are talking about the ugly plaque dentists are always warning you about. But what is cream of tartar actually? It’s a cooking ingredient in most of the American kitchens which has many beneficial properties.

What does cream of tartar do?  Generally cream of tartar is used as a stabilizer of items and it’s the basic for popular kitchen recipe tool called baking soda.

Quitting smoking is really hard for the people who are addicted, but with cream of tartar it is quite possible to quit smoking. It actually pulls the nicotine from your system and makes you dislike the taste of cigarette.

This cream helps to flush out nicotine from your body in a matter of hours making it one of the most inexpensive ways to cleanse your lungs.

Mix this cream in orange juice as orange juice contains high content of vitamin C and this will help you regain any vital vitamin loss.

By having glass of orange juice with a teaspoon of cream of tartar added in it every day you will be able to quit smoking easier than you ever thought

Benefits of Creme of Tartar

Below are some of the interesting health benefits of cream of tartar.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Potassium is the important mineral to maintain your blood pressure at correct level. It regulates the blood pressure in constant way.

By having recipe mentioned above, one glass of orange juice mixed with cream of tartar everyday helps in maintaining lower blood pressure.

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Too much of potassium may be harmful to your health which leads to a side affect called hyperkalamia. Its symptoms are usually non specific which ranges from fatigue, numbness and tingling.

High potassium in blood may also lead to cardiac attack which even leads to death sometimes.

Reduce Arthritis Pain

Mix One Ingredient with Orange Juice to Flush Toxic Buildup from the Lungs

Arthritis can affect small joints of your hands, elbows, shoulders, knees and ankles. Magnesium is important to maintain joint cartilage, so consuming sufficient amount of magnesium may help to reduce arthritis.

Cream of tartar contain high amount of magnesium which is helpful in reducing arthritis and soothe the aches and pains. You can do this by soaking the effected area of your body in a bath of cream of tartar regularly.

Reduce Urinary Tract Infections

If you suffer from urinary tract infections then cream of tartar is the best solution to get rid of this infection.

Mix one tea spoon of cream of tartar in a glass of warm water and add few drops of lemon juice to it. Then drink it twice a day regularly until you see the changes in your body.

Clear Acne

Cream of tartar can help you to relieve from the acne spots. Itcontains acidic properties which can fight with acne caused by bacteria and leaves you with clear and spot less skin.

Mix one spoon of cream of tartar in one glass of warm water or orange juice and drink it daily. It will promote clear and acne free skin.


If you are planning to have cream of tartar in your diet then before that consult your doctor as it contains high levels of potassium which may affect your health when it is mixed with other medications.

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