Myths Concerning Hair Fall

Not everything you heard about hair loss is true. Before you get panic about few lost strands, know the real facts of hair loss.

Hair loss is a common issue circulating from centuries. We often assume that stress, unhealthy diet, illness and genetics are the major causes for our hair loss. But how do we know what is true and what isn’t?

Don’t worry, we came here to help you to know the myths about hair loss that you should never believe.

Myths Concerning Hair Loss:

Myths Concerning Hair Fall

Thinning hair is one of the most common symptoms which can be seen in everyone both in women and men.

The following are the myths you often hear about hair loss and believe that they are true and make yourself self obsessed.

  1. Hair Loss Comes From Mothers Side:

Hair loss doesn’t depend on the genetics, whether from mother’s side or father’s side. It can be from skipped generations but there are other factors that influence hair loss other than genetics.

  1. Hair Loss Only Happens With Age:

Several studies have shown that, you’re never too young to start losing your hair. If it is genetically predisposed, then it can easily hit you in your teen age. There might be any health issue for your hair loss in your teen age.

Or else, it is just in your genes that is causing thinning your hair slowly over time but may not lead to severe or huge hair loss. The best solution is to pay close attention to your hair loss and the reasons behind it. So the sooner you treat it the better.

  1. Wearing Your Hat Too Often Suffocates Your Hair:

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Some people blame hair loss just because of wearing a tight hat which prevents scalp from breathing. However, your hair follicles gets sufficient oxygen from your blood stream. So wearing a hat doesn’t result in causing hair loss.

  1. Frequent Shampooing Will Cause Hair To Fall Out:


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When you are washing your hair, you might see some strands falling on you, and many people come to conclusion that the hair loss is happening just because of washing the hair too much.

This is not true, because falling of hair is quite common while washing your hair and even brushing your hair. Washing your hair less is not the solution. The hair that would normally come out from your scalp will automatically come out in the next wash.

  1. Stress Is Making Your Hair Fall Out:


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It is definitely true that, some issues in life are certainly linked with hair loss like major illness, career struggles and gaining weight.

But, the hair loss due to stress is typically not true, at certain state the hair follicles on your scalp stop growing and cause patchy hair loss. This hair loss is absolutely reversible, temporary and easily treated with simple remedies.

  1. Smart People Are More Likely To Lose Their Hair:

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Probably, there is no connection between your hair follicles and your brain. But according to a theory there is an assumption that as the brain is very close to terminal scalp hairs, using it too much will have negative impact on your hair growth.

  1. High Testosterone Is Linked To Hair Loss:

This is not entirely false, hair loss can happen with the increase and decrease levels of testosterone in our body.

Dihydrotestosterone, DHT is certainly derivative of testosterone and scientifically linked to hair loss. Researchers, concluded that the amount of testosterone isn’t the issue but it depends on the levels of DHT fastening to hair follicle receptors in the scalp.

It might happen due to hormonal changes in the body, and hair follicles become sensitive to DHT and begin to miniaturize. All this process in your body shortens the hair growth cycle and results in growing new hair.


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