6 Natural Ways To Detox Fluoride From The Body

Have you ever heard about fluoride which is present in your drinking water and food? Yes? don’t you know it is very dangerous to your health, when it is taken regularly?

Yes absolutely, fluoride is a type of chemical mostly found in drinking water, and certain food we take regularly. Like many other neurotoxins fluoride can accumulate within our body and our body cannot flush out it very quickly.

If it does not flush out properly, then it may lead to many health issues such as, it makes your immune system weaker, it elevates the risks of 23 types of cancer, lowers your IQ level. It even kills the beneficial bacteria and make your gut flora out off balance.

Fluoride even depletes the iodine content in your body, which leads to stress especially on thyroid. This condition leads to thyrodism issues, lowered level of energy, reduced sex issues and unexpected increased in weight.

So, how to detox fluoride from your body without any issues? Here, this article will help you to know 6 natural ways to detox fluoride from your body.

6 Natural Ways To Detox Fluoride From Your Body

There are several ways to detox fluoride from your body and protect it from several health issues. We will see six of them in this article.

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is an amazing ingredient used for many purposes in our lives. This powerful ingredient is loaded with anti inflammatory and anti oxidant properties. The active component called cur cumin in turmeric has degenerative properties which helps in detoxification of fluoride from your body.

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All you need to do is add a quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder in your juices and smoothies that will help you to reduce the toxity of fluoride in your system.

2. Selenium

Selenium and magnesium plays major role in removing or reducing toxin fluoride from your body easily. Supplements of selenium and magnesium has shown positive and effective results in reducing the toxicity of fluoride.

Try to include green leafy vegetables in your regular diet which are rich in magnesium and Brazil nuts are also excellent source of selenium.

3. Tamarind

Tamarind is an ancient herb mostly used in ayurvedic medicine to treat some health issues. It has been found that consumption of tamarind helps in increasing the excretion of fluoride through urine, safely detoxifies from your body and protects against skeletal flourosis.

You can use tamarind as a spice in your salads, stew, soup, tea and even make detox juices.

4. Dry Sauna

6 Natural Ways To Detox Fluoride From The Body

Sweating is one of the best ways to detoxify your body and removing any chemicals. Sauna is one of the most effective ingredient which helps to remove toxic substances from your body through sweating.

Drinking plenty of water is one of the best ways to remove toxins from your body to prevent dehydration.

5. Eat More Boron

Boron is a natural element that helps to detoxify fluoride from your body and protects you from various diseases. Boron can be usually found in foods like dates, nuts, honey, broccoli, bananas and avocado.

6. Cleanse Your Liver

Liver plays a major role in your detoxification process. It is responsible for more than 400 functions in our body, when it is overloaded it might lead to number of symptoms which cause severe health issues.

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As we already knew that fluoride is not a natural occurring element in your body, it can get stuck in the liver sometimes. So it is important to cleanse your liver by having a glass of lemon juice as soon as you get up in the morning.

Try to eat turmeric, garlic, lime, avocado, which help you to remove heavy metals and toxins from your body.


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