Nutritional Facts About Olives

We often use olive oil for many purposes in our lives and forget where it comes from. Yes, olives are one of the common fruit loaded with numerous anti oxidant properties that benefits our health in many ways.

They are technically considered as a stone fruit with the stone in the middle like mango, cherry and peach. Generally olives taste bitter when they are first picked and in order to make them edible they must be cured.

Do you know eating more than 5 olives a day can effectively strengthen ones blood vessels as well as reduce the symptoms produced by hemorrhoids. Even having them on regular basis will also improve regeneration of body tissues, improves eye sight and even prevents common signs of ageing.

Let’s see excellent nutritional benefits of olives in this article.

Nutritional Facts Of Olives

One serving of olives contains the following nutrients:

  • 1 gm of saturated fats
  • 3 grams of monounsaturated fats
  • 1 gm of carbohydrate
  • 1 gm of fiber
  • 41 calories
  • 4 gm of fat
  • 0 gm of sugar
  • 88 mg of Calcium
  • 3 mg of Iron
  • 4 mg of Magnesium
  • 3 mg of Phosphorous
  • 735 mg of Sodium
  • 22 mg of Zinc
  • 03 mg of Niacin
  • Vitamins A, B, C

However, there will be little difference in nutritional facts of olives and olive oil. You can have olives by adding them in salads and you can also use olive oil in your dishes to enjoy all the benefits provided by them.

Have a look on some benefits of olives, when they are included in your regular routine.

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Benefits Of Olives

1. Protects Your Heart


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As we already know, excessive stress can weaken our heart and lead us to experience heart issues. But, the anti oxidative properties in olives will get rid of stress and protect your heart.

Olives also contain good fat that helps in reducing inflammation and cut down the risk of heart disease.

2. Prevents Osteoporosis


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The polyphenols and hydroxytyrosol, which is nothing but an anti oxidant in olives can helps to prevent bone loss and promote bone health. It also plays major role in the formation and maintaining strong and healthy bones and reduce symptoms of osteoporosis.

3. Helps In Weight Loss


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Olives are rich in monosaturated fatty acids which help in increasing the levels of good cholesterol and decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol and certainly that result in preventing risk of obesity.

Olives ensure optimal nutrition absorption from the food you eat and help you in maintaining healthy weight.

4. Lower Blood Sugar Levels



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Some studies have suggested that olives have the capability to react with insulin to reduce the high blood sugar levels in the body and maintain constant levels to be healthy.

5. Improve Digestive Health

women holding her hands in circle shape in front of her stomach

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Olives contain probiotic properties that help in maintaining healthy digestive system. Even the phenols in olives can stay in abdomen for a longer time and acts as gut bacteria for improving digestive health.

6. It Fights Against Cancer

prevent cancer

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The phenolic compounds and some anti cancer properties in olives work effectively in treating cancer and prevent several forms of cancer.

Nutritional Facts About Olives



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