Potato for Skin Whitening – 8 Awesome Homemade Recipes


Looking beautiful and maintaining a healthy skin is everyone’s dream and this can be achieved with the help of one of the most widely used vegetable available in every house that is potato.

Potato deals with many skin problems like dark circles, dark spots, tan, pigmentation etc. Potato has got natural bleaching agents which helps in skin lightening.

Instead of spending thousands of bucks on skin whitening creams and on saloon bills you can go natural way by treating your skin with potato and that too at a very low cost. The chemicals present in such creams can be harsh on your skin.

Home Remedies with Potato:

  • Potato and Lemon Juice with Honey: Blend a potato and make juice out of it now mix equal quantity of lemon juice and a bit of honey to it. Apply this mask to your face and neck and leave it for 10-15 minutes then wash off. This mask best suits for the one with oily skin.
  • Potato Slice and Juice: Potato is rich in skin bleaching properties and if you use it on a regular basis then change on your skin is sure to happen. This one’s so simple and easy, all you need to do is take a potato slice and rub it on your face for about 5-10 minutes. This works very well on dark circles so make sure you cover the dark circles also. You can even squeeze juice from potato and apply it on your face.
  • Potato and Multani Mitti: Multani Mitti or fuller’s earth gives various skin benefits and when mixed with potato paste, the results are going to be amazing. Take 2 table spoons of Multani mitti and mix it along with a table spoon of potato paste and apply on your skin evenly. Keep it until dry and then wash off.
  • Potato and Tomato Juice: Now this mask can do wonders on your skin by making your skin spotless and giving fairer complexion. Blend tomato and potato together and make a paste out of it. Apply this on your face and neck.
  • Potato and Yoghurt: If you are looking for an anti aging home remedy then this is worth trying. Take 2 tablespoon of potato paste and add 1 tablespoon of yoghurt and mix it well, apply it on your skin, keep for 15-20 minutes and wash off.
  • Potato and Cucumber Juice: This mask works as natural skin tone. Mix potato juice and cucumber juice in equal quantity and apply on your skin. This gives freshness to your skin as well as makes your skin spotless.
  • Potato with Milk and Glycerine: This mask can make your skin wrinkle free. Extract juice from a small size potato and then mix few drops of glycerine and tea spoon of raw milk. Apply this pack on your skin and leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash with cold water.
  • Potato and Olive Oil: Boil a small size potato, peel its skin and mash it smoothly. To this add few drops of olive oil mix it well and apply on your skin. Allow it to sit for 10-15 minutes and then wash away.
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Note: in order to get best results apply the desired face pack regularly.





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