How To Get Thicker And Longer Eyelashes Using Home Remedies

How To Get Thicker And Longer Eyelashes Using Home Remedies

Don’t you feel a little jealous of your friend having more beautiful, longer and thicker eyelashes? Don’t you want to have the same attractive eyelashes without using mascara? Don’t you want to get those naturally voluminous eyelashes? Long and thick lashes don’t only lift your facial look, they just make you incredibly gorgeous.

Some lucky ladies have naturally thick and attractive eyelashes. And some always struggle to make their eyelashes attractive and beautiful. They keep using coats and coats of mascara and lash extensions, but nothing works perfectly.

You would be glad to know that you can have long, thick and attractive eyelashes using some natural home remedies. If you have been constantly thinking that you have to compromise with short eyelashes, it’s time for you to leave the hopelessness behind and give a successful try to get voluminous and long eyelashes. Let’s know more about these natural remedies for thicker and longer eyelashes.

1.Castor Oil:

Castor Oil

It is not something new for the beauty world. Castor oil is used for a lot of purposes ranging from attractive skin, healthier and thicker hair to treating various skin conditions. Castor oil naturally promotes hair growth and can be a very effective natural treatment for eyelashes. If you use castor oil correctly, it can give you some surprising results, that too, in very quick time!

  • Mix a few drops of castor oil with an equal amount of coconut oil.
  • Dip a cotton ball and apply gently on your eyelashes.
  • Make sure that the cotton ball doesn’t get in touch with your eyeballs.
  • Wash gently in the morning.
  • Repeat it every night before going to bed and see the results in a few weeks.
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2. Green Tea:

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most preferred teas around the world due to its amazing health benefits. Regular intake with the topical application of green tea can promote hair growth. Flavonoids and polyphenol called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) found in green tea can improve the length as well as the volume of your eyelashes.

Regular consumption and application, both are equally effective for eyelashes growth.

  • Dip a cotton ball in the green tea and gently dab on your eyelashes.
  • Do it every day for surprising results.

3. Olive Oil:

Olive Oil

We all love olive oil so much so that almost all of us use it in one way or another. It is a great source of essential fatty acids that are known for promoting hair growth. Olive oil won’t only improve the growth of your eyelashes, it will also prevent their loss. In short, it is a quick solution for your problems related to eyelashes.

  • Take one tbsp extra virgin olive oil and dab a cotton swab into it.
  • Carefully smear on your eyelashes before going to sleep.
  • Wash your eyes the next morning.
  • Keep applying olive oil until you get lengthy, voluminous and attractive eyelashes.

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4. Vitamin E Oil:

Vitamin E Oil

Treatment with Vitamin E Oil is a tried and tested method of making the eyelashes healthier, thicker and more attractive. It is an amazing tonic and increases both the growth and strength of the eyelashes. Besides, it protects your eyelashes from shedding.

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Here is what to do:
  • Carefully break a vitamin E capsule and gently extract the oil.
  • Dip a cotton ball and massage your eyelids and eyelashes.
  • Massage the eyelids for ten minutes.

5. Petroleum Jelly:

Petroleum jelly nourishes and moistens your lash lines and hence promotes the growth of eyelashes. Besides, the application of petroleum products keeps the eyelids surface smooth and soft, which can be critical to the overall health of lashes.

  • Take a mascara wand and apply a little amount of Vaseline petroleum jelly on it.
  • Run it gently on your upper and lower lashes.
  • Repeat it every day for great results.

How to take care of your eyelashes:

  • They are so, so soft! Be always gentle: Remove your eye makeup with utmost care. Never be harsh on your eyelashes, and even on your eyes for that matter!
  • Never sleep with eye makeup as they can be extremely harmful especially if you get in touch with your inner part of your eyes.
  • Never underestimate the quality, when you buy eye makeup.
  • Use eyelashes tools very carefully.
  • Eat healthily: Add foods that are high in vitamin A, vitamin B5, iron and beta carotene. Foods like green leafy vegetables, fish, and garlic are very healthy for lashes.

These are some very effective natural treatments if you want thicker and longer eyelashes. Try any of them and increase the beauty of your lashes. Take care of your eyes and always make sure either you don’t use eye makeup or use only of the highest quality. It is about your eyes, and you can’t be on the lighter side when it comes to taking care of them.

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