How to Use Turmeric for Facial Hair – 5 DIY Methods

Normally facial hair is an excruciating and bulging concern’s for specially women’s, as the women’s don’t want their face to appear with the facial hair. Most of the women will lose their self-confidence and they will feel shy while facial hair appears on their face. All women’s want to radiance with an unblemished skin and look pretty.

The main reason behind the facial hair, unwanted hairs on the face is growing because of the hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovary syndrome, stress, adrenal gland disorders etc. women’s can temporary use waxing, shaving, bleaching, plucking or other hair removal creams for removing the unwanted hair from their face.


It is necessary that women’s will go for the laser or any other hair removal treatments which will be causing them even side effects. Instead of artificial treatments they should be trying some natural home remedies to get rid from the facial hair.

Turmeric is an astounding natural ingredient which is very good removing the unwanted hair or facial hair. Whenever turmeric is applied to your skin than the stickiness of the turmeric will grab your skin securely and after applying turmeric when we start to scrub, the mixture of this turmeric roots will be helping to remove the facial hair.

The turmeric ingredient is having very special properties that will dispirit the facial hair growth and thus it gradually on regular applications removes your facial hairs and helps you in getting rid of this awkward problem completely.

The following are some Natural Home Remedies of using the amazing ingredient turmeric for facial hair remove

See also  Home Remedies for Unwanted Facial Hair

1 Turmeric Paste

Turmeric is very effective ingredient that is helping in clearing the facial hair. Turmeric paste is a simple paste mixed with water.


  • Add enough water in 2 teaspoons of turmeric powder till this mixture formed into a solid paste.
  • Now apply this paste on your clean face as a face mask by engaged more on the facial hair.
  • Let this paste to sit for few minutes on your face to get dry totally.
  • After this paste is completely dried, now you can remove the mask with the help of a clean cloth dipped in lukewarm water.
  • One should make sure to provide a scrub wave while the time of cleaning the paste on your face.
  • Now, finally you can take a splash of normal water on your face to close the open apertures from your skin.
  • For good results repeat this same process 2-3 times in a week.

2 Turmeric with Salt and Milk

Turmeric with salt and milk is an exfoliating face mask which will dissolve the hair to make it thin. Milk will be helping to moisturize your skin. The combination of salt and Milk will be reducing the thickness of your facial area hair.


  • Take ½ cup of water and mix 2 teaspoons of slat for making salt solution.
  • Now take a bowl and add 5 to 6 tablespoons of clod milk, 3 teaspoons of turmeric powder and also salt solution in it.
  • Mix this solution well and then apply this mixture on your facial hair.
  • While applying this mixture on your facial hair gently massage for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Let this mixture to dry and wait for few minutes.
  • Now you can wash your face with warm water.
  • Instead of using table salt you can also use sea salt for effective remedy.
  • Repeat this same process once in every two days for good results.
See also  Turmeric for Melasma


3 Turmeric with Gram Flour

Turmeric with gram flour goes good in removing the facial hair. The following is the remedy turmeric with gram flour.


  • Take a bowl and add equal quantities of turmeric, gram flour and also water in it, to make a thick paste.
  • Now apply this thick paste on your facial hair.
  • Let it dry completely and wait for few minutes.
  • Wash this paste with a cloth which is dipped in warm water.
  • For good results repeat this same process at least 2-3 times in a week.

4 Turmeric with Potato and Yellow Lentil

Turmeric and yellow lentils will be helping to wrench of the facial hair while potato will help in lessen your facial hair. So, the mixture of turmeric with yellow lentil and potato is very effective in treating unwanted facial hair.


  • Take 1 cup of yellow lentils and soak them into the water over a night.
  • Chore this into fine paste next morning.
  • Now take a potato and grill it to excerpt its juice freshly.
  • After taking out juice now mix 1 teaspoon each of honey, turmeric and potato juice in lentils paste.
  • Mix this well and apply it all over your facial hair.
  • After applying this mixture start scrubbing in the opposite direction of your facial hair.
  • Now wait for too dry for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this same process for 2-3 times in a week for good results.

5 Turmeric with Raw Papaya

The raw papaya is containing the high amount of papain enzyme in it that is very good for restricting your hair growth by breaking the hair follicles.

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  • Take a bowl and add ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder and also mix 2 tablespoons of papaya paste.
  • Now spread this paste on your facial hair.
  • Leave this paste to dry for 15-20 minutes.
  • After waiting for 15-20 wash this paste off the water and dry your skin.
  • Repeat this same process for at least 2 times in a week for good results.


  • One should make sure that to perform a skin patch test before applying this turmeric paste.
  • By applying this turmeric paste with any mixture and you detect any harmful results, and then stop using it for removing your facial hair.
  • Always you must use pure and best turmeric for a home remedy, Kasturi manjal turmeric is good to use.
  • You should go for the steam bath for best and quick results before applying this turmeric remedies.
  • While smearing turmeric to avoid stains wear old clothes and wash your face with a cleanser to remove the yellowness or stain of turmeric on the skin.
  • You can easily and quickly remove the turmeric stains by simply dip a cotton ball in milk or almond oil or also you can use coconut oil for clearing the stains of the turmeric.

turmeric for hair facial


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