10 Diseases Caused Due To Nutritional Deficiency

As we already know that, our body needs essential number of proteins, minerals and nutrition’s that will help our body to be healthy. Any deficiency in our body results in experiencing certain diseases linked with them, either it be vitamins, proteins or nutrients.

We are here to tell you about 10 diseases caused by deficiency of nutrients in our body.

10 Diseases Caused Due To Nutritional Deficiency:

  1. Beri Beri:


(Image source: factdr.com)

Beri Beri is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin B1 or thiamine in our body. The most common symptoms of this disease are, red spots,  nerve degeneration, altered muscle coordination and other cardiovascular diseases.

Meat, beans, eggs, whole grains are rich source of thiamine which should be included in your regular diet to reduce the illness caused by it.

  1. Pellagra:


(Image source: escholarship.org)

Pellagra is a disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin B3 or niacin in the body. The deficiency of niacin also happens due to the short supply of amino acids or excessive presence of lysine in your body.

Whole grains, peanuts and mushrooms are rich sources of niacin that must be consumed regularly to improve the levels of vitamin B3.

  1. Xerophthalmia Or Night Blindness:

night blindness

(Image source: www.pixabay.com)

Night blindness is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin A in our body. Night blindness is also characterized with poor growth, dryness and keratinisation of epithelial tissue.

Sometimes, night blindness also leads to cause of complete loss of vision. The safest ways to avoid this condition by including vitamin A rich foods such as carrots, green and leafy vegetables etc.

  1. Iron Deficiency Anemia:

iron deficiency anemia

(Image source: www.flicker.com)

Iron deficiency anemia is caused by the deficiency of iron in your body. It is characterized by decrease amount of hemoglobin in the body, which results in fatigue, weakness and paleness of the body.

This condition can be easily treated by following healthy diet and consuming iron supplements on regular basis.

  1. Goitre:


(Image source: www.flicker.com)

Deficiency of iodine in your body lead to a condition called goitre. This is a condition of enlarged thyroid glands causing hypothyroidism, poor growth and developments of infants in childhood.

Iodine salt and salt fish are rich sources of iodine that will help to get rid out of this condition easily.

  1. Depression:


(Image source: www.quora.com)

Not only work and relationships, even deficiency of vitamin B7 will also lead to experience depression. Depression also leads to rashes, mental health issues and even hair loss.

Consumption of peanut, nuts and poultry products regularly will help to decrease this condition and prevent this illness.

  1. Osteoporosis:


(Image source: www.asianscientist.com)

Deficiency of calcium, vitamin D will affect the health of bones and spine in your body. It also leads to soft and brittle bones that are prone to fracture.

Spinach, green leafy vegetables, milk, soy and sunlight are natural sources of vitamin D and calcium that results in treating osteoporosis.

  1. Scurvy:


(Image source: ghr.nlm.nih.gov)

Decreased amount of vitamin C in your body results in forming scurvy. Scurvy basically inhibits the production of collagen in body which is the important protein that connects tissues of your body. Abnormal formation of teeth and bones, inability to heal wounds and bleeding are the common symptoms of scurvy.

One must ensure optimal consumption of vitamin C in their regular diet to reduce the symptoms of this condition by having oranges, strawberries and broccoli regularly.

  1. Rickets:

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(Image source: www.sciencesource.com)

Rickets caused due to the deficiency of vitamin D along with calcium and potassium in the body. Weak bones and bowed legs are the symptoms associated with this condition in your body.

Dairy products, liver, oil and sunlight are rich sources of vitamin D which should be included in your regular diet.

  1. Kwashiorkor:


(Image source: www.sciencesource.com)

Lack of protein and energy in the body leads to a condition often called as disease kwashiorkor. It is characterized with enlarged liver, irritability and ulcerating dermatoses.

Kwashiorkor is generally caused by malnutrition, a healthy diet loaded with number of carbohydrates and proteins will help to prevent this condition.

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