10 Reasons Why You are Unable to Lose Weight

It’s hard to hit the floor in the morning ,maintain regular routine for your diet, exercises and still you are unable to see any change in your body.

You may not realize the things you do, unintentionally that leads to increase in your weight instead of decreasing your calories.

It’s a bit of frustrating moment. But here are 10 reasons which will show you why you are unable to lose your weight even after following many things.

10 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight:

  1. Skipping breakfast:

Many people think that avoiding breakfast or skipping meals would help them to lose weight. But, if your body is not receiving adequate food, then the metabolism rate will slow down and results in slowing down of calorie burning process when you do eat.

Skipping breakfast can make hungrier for lunch and you may overeat. This also results in weight gain of our body.

  1. Not Drinking Enough Water:

As we know water is very essential for our body to keep ourself hydrated. Water helps to metabolize body fat into energy. Drinking required amount of water before meals will suppress the appetite and decreases the calorie intake.

Drinking more water makes you feel full and even sometimes, if your body is thirsty it can masquerade as hunger. Drink more water to be healthy, it also helps in flushing out the toxins from your body.

  1. Not Getting Enough Sleep:

Several studies have shown that not getting enough sleep increases appetite and stimulate hunger hormones, resulting in weight gain over time.Sleep problems may also mess with your body’s weight, so it’s better to maintain 7-8 hours of sleep everyday to avoid the feeling of hunger every time.

  1. Not Exercising Regularly:

If you don’t work out consistently, then it’s hard to lose weight for sure. However it is not possible to lose weight with your diet alone, exercise even help you more in an easy way.

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You don’t need to spend hours in gym. Just maintain a regular schedule for workout which will help you to lose your weight easier than before.

  1. Too stressed:

Stress and weight gain are linked to each other. You might not be aware of it, being too stressed may increase production of hormone in cortisol that leads to increase of appetite as well as extra fat storage in your abdominal region.

It is very simple to deal with stress, you just need to meditate for few minutes or you can do yoga or a walk with your loved  that will also makes you stress free. The last things are cutting down your work hours and increase your play time.

  1. Juicing Fruits and Vegetables:

Most of the people think that, drinking juices is an effective way to lose weight. But fruits and sugars have high content of sugar and lack in fiber, proteins and healthy fats that keep satiate longer.This will increase calories in your body and result in weight gain. Several studies  have concluded that excessive amount of fruit juices results in weight gain.

  1. Not cutting carbohydrates:

10 Reasons Why You are Unable to Lose Weight

Carbohydrates in your diet will increase the weight gain. Decrease carbohydrates in your diet, even many studies have proven that low carb diet may result in reducing appetite and increases weight loss.This doesn’t mean, you need to completely avoid the intake of carbohydrates in your diet, but try to consume less than what you have.

  1. You have Been Starving Yourself:

It is not a good idea to starve yourself in the name of dieting. You may lose your weight after certain days but your body slowdowns its metabolism and starts conserving energy in the form of fat.This is the reason you will not see any changes in your body, if you are starving in the name of dieting. Try to eat something in short periods that may help you to lose weight.

  1. Not Including Protein In Your Diet:

Adequate amount of protein intake may help you in weight loss. Consumption of protein will fasten your metabolism rate.Try to intake more protein in your breakfast, which will also keeps you away from the hunger all day long.

  1. Not Keeping Track Of What You Are Eating:

Many people don’t have any clue how much they are eating. Well it is not a good option to lose your weight.Make sure to maintain a dairy to track your diet and calorie consumption during a day. It certainly helps to lose your weight and keeps you healthy.

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