7 Easy Food Swap for Good Health

Are you trying to stay fit and eat healthy, but eating healthy is a tough part, Right ? Avoiding habituated foods like fried foods, sugars, sweets, pizzas and many more would be difficult.

But sometimes a small change in your regular diet will help you in all the ways you want to be. As we have tons of unhealthy foods out there, today we can even have more healthy choices than even before which tastes good.

However, it is a common belief that changing to new health diet doesn’t need to be about calorie restriction or hunger. Rather, it’s about deciding smart switches of your existing diet.

Just one smart swap may pave the way to be healthier and happier. Implement the below 7 food swaps and get ready to watch number of benefits through it.

7 Easy Food Swaps for a Healthier Diet:

  1. Swap Butter for Alternative Oils:

Butter contains saturated fats, which increases the levels of bad cholesterol in our body. So, it’s better to swap butter for alternative oils because it contains unsaturated fats and maintains your health.If you are swapping butter with alternative oils like sunflower oil and olive oil, you’re also swapping saturated to unsaturated fats.

  1. Swap Salt for Herbs and Spices:

If intake of salt exceeds more than 6 grams in a day it means it increases blood pressure levels and lead to life threatening heart problems.

Swap salt for herbs and spices, we have many spices and herbs which helps us in protecting our health. Like garlic helps in boosting our immune system, coriander helps to maintain healthy and strong bones, mint helps to get rid of bowel and digestive problems, ginger will calm the symptoms of joint pains and arthritis.

  1. Swap potato for Sweet Potato:

Compared to potato, sweet potato has many benefits. Consumption of potato may lead to increase in blood sugar levels, even though they are high in fiber only when the skin is left on potato. Once it is roasted or baked it doesn’t have any fibers in it.

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Sweet potato is rich in Vitamin A, B6 and C as well as calcium. These have the capability to reduce spikes in your blood sugar levels. It doesn’t lose it fibers and nutrients even when it is baked or cooked.

  1. Swap Refined Grains For Whole Grains:

Consuming only refined grains don’t help you in any way. So it’s better to swap with whole grains, whole grains are a rich source of magnesium and selenium which helps in supporting your bone health and immune system. Half of the grains you eat should be 100 percent whole grains only.

  1. Swap Red Meat for Sea Food:

Swapping red meat for sea food means you are decreasing the level of bad cholesterol in your body and protecting yourself from number of heart diseases.Additionally adding sea food like salmon, trout which contains omega 3 fatty acids to your diet may lower the risk of heart diseases.

  1. Swap Ice-cream for Frozen Banana:

7 Easy Food Swap for Good Health

Frozen bananas are rich in potassium, which helps to maintain healthy blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke. We are not recommending to quitting ice-cream, but replace it with these bananas which will give you more health benefits compared to ice cream.

  1. Swap Sandwiches for Avocado:

Sandwiches are made up of lot of butter and margarine which contains lots of saturated fats in it. We all need some fats to absorb the nutrients in our body for functioning of all parts, but it is better to take sources of unsaturated fats.

Avocado are rich in unsaturated fats which doesn’t raise your cholesterol level. Simply spread this on your sandwich for tasty nutritious way to bind the whole thing together.

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