10 Tricks with Aspirin That Every Woman Has To Know. It Changes Your Life Completely.

Aspirin is a medicine that is used to reduce pain or any disease in our body like, toothaches, common cold, muscle ache & headaches.

Aspirin is known as a salicylate and a nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drug.

Aspirin is also one of the most dangerous pain killer pills in the world. Most of us takes this medicine on daily basis for other health problems. But most of them don’t know that this pill is great for many other things as well.

Here are 10 Tricks with Aspirin That Every Woman Has To Know

1 Insect Bites

Aspirin is one of the easy ways to treat insect bite.If you are facing problems like irritation on skin, redness, rash after bitten by insect then do not worry. Aspirin not only treats the problem but also prevents from infection.

All you need to do is,take a tablespoon of water and dissolve aspirin in it and rub it on the affected area.Leave it for few minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

2 Lightens your Armpit Skin

Most of the people have their skin dark at armpit. To resolve this aesthetic problem, you need to take 2 aspirins in  ½ cup of warm water and mix it thoroughly and apply it on the armpit and let it dry until 50-60 mints, and then rinse with water . Repeat the same process until you get the best result.

3 Eliminates Dandruff

Having dandruff is very irritating, sometimes embarassing as well. In order to deal with it take 2 aspirins and crush it, mix it in your shampoo and then wash your hair to eliminate dandruff quickly.

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4 Eliminates Pimples

If you are having pimples, aspirin is a great medicine that can solve this problem. Mix aspirin with some water and apply it on your pimples or acne, leave it overnight. Next day morning rinse your face with cold water. Repeat the same process every day before going to bed. By doing this process you can dry your pimples early.

5 Removes Sweat Stains from your Shirt

To remove sweat strains from your shirt, aspirin is only one best treatment that can remove it. Take 2 crushed aspirins and mix it in hot water. Apply the paste on the sweat area on your shirt and make it dry for 1 night. Next morning wash it as usual you do every day.

6 Softens and Removes Calluses from Feet

Calluses on the feet are toughening area of the skin; this is caused due to the high pressure [or] friction on your feet. To solve this problem, the best medicine is to use aspirin, it can remove it and make your skin smooth on your feet.

Take 6-7 crushed aspirins and mix it in ½ teaspoon of lemon juice, if necessary add some water. Apply this mixed paste around the calluses and wrap your feet in warm cloth or cover with a plastic bag. Remove the wrapping after 10-15 mints, and then rub the calluses with a pumice stone. Repeat the same process until you feel that calluses fall off.

7 Aspirin Facial Mask

To keep your skin soft and healthy apply aspirin on your face. Take 5 crushed aspirins and mix it in 2 teaspoon of natural curd, then apply the paste on your face and make it to dry for 20 mints. Wash with plenty of water and then apply some moisturizing cream on your face. Repeat the same process for 2-3 weeks you will get the good result on your face.

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8 Removes Soap Scum

Mostly this soap scum will be seen at our bathtubs and walls. To remove this soap scum we need to use 5 crushed aspirin to the liquid cleaner. Then sprinkle it on the affected area and leave it to work for 1 hour. Then clean with a soft cloth to remove the soap scum.

9 Gives back Shine to your Hair

As we know that many  people loose their hair with the age, but this aspirin can give you back your hair by using some steps, let’s see what are they;

  • Take 7-8 crushed aspirin; add it to the warm water.
  • Apply this liquid to your hair and leave it for 10 -15 mints to dry up.
  • Wash with water at the end, it will be thicker & shinier than before.

10 Extends the Longevity of your Flower

Most of the people like to grow the flowers at their houses, by keeping the flowers in the vases in their homes, it may be dried up. By using or adding this crushed aspirin to the base of the plant it will keep the  plant healthy for a longtime.

Most of the people won’t do this because they don’t know. If they do this you will really love this result.

The 10 Tricks with Aspirin That Every Woman Has


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