5 Natural Ways that Can Help Reduce and Remove Unwanted Body Hair

Unwanted hair always causes embarrassment for everyone, especially for women. There are many ways to get rid of this hair but those are very expensive and all of us can’t afford.

Unwanted hair growth happens due to the imbalance of hormones in our body, irregular menstrual cycle and also due to medications of pregnancy.

There are many techniques to remove hair on your body like shaving, waxing, laser hair removal but these are short lasting resolutions.

But, thankfully we have many natural remedies for removing the unwanted hair on the body permanently.

As these remedies are natural and have no side effects and are much cheaper compared to the money spent in beauty clinics.

5 Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Hair on the Body

The methods shows below are very effective to remove your unwanted hair and easy to follow, try these remedies and get rid of unwanted hair on your body.

Papaya and Turmeric Paste

Papaya helps in removing dead skin cells and it contains enzyme called papain which helps in restricting the hair growth and break down of hair follicles from where the hair grows.

It also nourishes your skin and it can be applied even for the sensitive skin and it’s a beautiful exfoliating substance that will get rid from hair growth.

Required ingredients

  • 2 table spoons of papaya paste
  • 2 table spoons of turmeric


Mix the ingredients well to form a paste. Apply it on the skin and leave it for 20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

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Repeat it regularly for more than two weeks to get rid from the unwanted hair growth.

Egg and Cornstarch

Egg is not only used for nourishing your skin but it can also make easy to rip out hair clinging . Cornstarch helps in removing even the stubborn hairs on the skin.

Required Ingredients

  • One egg white
  • ½ table spoon of sugar
  • 1 table spoon of cornstarch


Take a bowl and mix one egg white and sugar then add a table spoon of corn starch and form it a paste. Apply it on your skin and let it dry. Peel it off after drying.

Sugar and Lemon

5 Natural Ways that Can Help Reduce and Remove Unwanted Body Hair

Lemon contains bleaching properties that helps in concealing the growth to an extent. It also helps in lighten the color of facial hair.

Required ingredients

  • 10 table spoon of water
  • 2 table spoon of sugar
  • 2 table spoon of lemon juice


Mix two table of sugar in water until it completely dissolves in water then add lemon to this water if it is like a liquid then add a table spoon of cornstarch to form a paste.

Then apply it on the skin and leave it for 15 or 20 minutes and rinse it off with warm water.

Repeat this process for twice in a week and find the vast reduction of hair on your skin.

 Lentil and Potatoes

Potatoes have natural bleaching properties and the mix of lentil and potatoes will help you in effective removal of unwanted hair.

Required ingredients

  • One potato
  • A bowl of yellow lentil
  • Fore table spoons of lemon juice
  • One table spoon of honey
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First you need to Place the lentils in water overnight then remove it from the water next morning and make it a paste.

On other side peel the potato and crush it and extract the water from it and add this water to the paste of lentils.

Then add some fresh lime juice and honey and mix it well, apply this paste on the skin for 20-30 minutes and let it dry.

Remove the paste by rubbing over it, while removing you can see the hair removing from your skin with the paste.

Repeat it regularly for twice in a week.

Alum with Rosewater

This is another home remedy for removing unwanted hair on your skin; this is commonly used by women in Pakistan and India.

Alum powder can be found in many food stores, or if you find rock alum grind it off.

Required Ingredients

  • 1/2table spoon of Alum powder
  • 3 table spoon of rose water


Mix the ingredients well in a bowl to form a paste and apply it on the skin and leave it for 20 – 30 minutes and let it dry.

Remove it after drying and apply olive oil to get rid of irritation


If you feel any irritation after applying any of the above mentioned mask, don’t apply.

You should not apply the paste on sensitive areas of the body.

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